{ Announcment }

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Yeah, yeah! I know. "Why haven't I updated in like 10 thousand years?"

It's because I haven't had a single idea of what to write. I know that sounds like an excuse but I promise you it's not, I just don't know.

With the show being over and Shiro coming out as fully gay and getting married, which I have absolutely no problem with because he's amazing and he deserves the best and gay people are the best, I just don't want to disrespect that y'know? Call me crazy because it's a show and he's a character but to me it just doesn't feel right. I started this book the idea of him being straight as many people have but with all the new information being given to us I'd like to respect what we've been given. But like I said that's not the only thing that's holding me back, I literally have no idea what to put down into words for a chapter. Like it's completely slipped my mind. Usually I'd go off of the show but that'll take forever and I really don't see myself doing that for much longer.

I've considered making this a oneshot/request book. If that's what people would like then I'd totally be on board with it. It at least gives me a reason to update this book and it gives you guys something to read. And honestly, I'd love to hear some of your ideas. So if you guys would want something like that then please give me some feedback!

I'll keep what I've got here so there's no need to worry about that. I'll just add on to what I've got. I really hope that'll be okay with you guys. I just feel bad for not updating and I want to give you all something. And if you can be apart of the making then awesome! I'd love to interact with more of you!

If it turns out to people wanting a oneshot/request book I will put up a request page so if you want to request something you can do so there. But I'll wait for some feedback first before deciding. Thank you all so much for sticking with me! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. And I'm also sorry  for leaving go sooooooo damn long haha

Thanks guys!

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