Chapter Sixteen - { Myzax }

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Hey guys! Just another small apology. I'm sorry I didn't update on my regular day, things got busy and I really didn't have the time. So I'm sorry. But it's up and here now so I hope you guys enjoy!! I'll also be posting the next two chapters as soon as I finish them to get back on track, I promise! I hate being behind so you'll have to forgive me. I may just have to start posting chapters when I finish them instead of having a scheduled day but I'll try my hardest to post once a week and if not then I'm sorry but I've been busy and I haven't had much time to write. I also haven't really wanted to write. Mentally I've not been okay and I don't know how to fix myself but I hope my writing will still be great even if I'm not feeling it. I love you all so much 💚🖤👑


Your POV

After a long night of thinking and theorizing with Shiro and Keith about why your mother kept White a secret, you finally had fallen asleep sprawled out on your bed. Shiro and Keith had bundled themselves up on the floor in their blankets and passed out after you had. Your legs hung off the bed and were tangled up within the warm white blankets, your hair was a birds nest, pyjama shirt hanging off your shoulder and the tiniest bit of drool could be seen dripping down the corner of your mouth.

The sun was now rising and it was time for you to get up. But you woke with a start, awakening from a terrible nightmare. Slightly groaning as you sat up, you rubbed your eyes free from sleep and sat staring at the wall in front of you as your bed was made in a little outcrop in the wall. You blinked a couple times before turning your head to look at the floor.

Keith was sprawled out in his blankets. His arm was stretched over and in the middle of Shiro's chest. His legs got all tangled up in his blankets as he moved to reposition himself. You laughed softly at the sight. Your eyes hen drifted to Shiro. He was as straight as a wooden plank when you laid your eyes on him. His hands were clasped together over his chest as his head fell to the side slightly. You smiled softly at his calm expression.

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" You whispered laughing quietly to yourself as you didn't want to wake them. You shook your head and slowly began to get yourself out of bed. You pulled your legs free from the white blankets that trapped them and swung them over the side of your bed, your feet making a very soft padding noise as the gently touched floor.

"Whew, that's cold!," You looked down at your bare feet and wiggled your toes. "I gotta get a rug or something for here." You said quickly but quietly. You moved your feet around warming them up against the ice cold floor before standing up.

"Time to get breakfast." You said crossing your arms over your chest after you had shrugged on your fluffy white rope.

As you began to walk out the door you heard the boys start to stir behind you. You turned your head around to look over your ships at the boys and your gaze met Shiro's sleepy one.

"(Y/N)...?" His mumbled as he rubbed his eyes free of sleep.

"Hm...?" His eye opened and stared into yours.

"Everything okay?" He asked softly as to not wake Keith, who was now fast asleep once again.

"Oh, yeah..I-I was just going to go get breakfast. Do you want anything?" You questioned halfway out the door, your body turned to face toward him slightly.

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