Ch 5: A sudden kindness

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Adiraj couldn't remember the last time he got so angry. If She was not a girl he would have slapped her. He needed to control himself. He went to gym to vent out his frustration and anger.

... ... ...

Kiran was feeling bit guilty. She shouldn't have kissed him. But he was not giving her any chance. She looked into mirror and murmured,''I am beautiful, rich, good family background and most important madly in love with him. why wouldn't he give me chance?''

She sighed and thought should I give up? wait until this term ends? no, She couldn't give up. At least he was noticing her now.

She touched her lip absently and then remembered the kiss. it was just flesh to flesh contact. She hadn't felt any emotion,any tingling or whatever crap filled the romance novels. Nothing was special about this kiss. She had said he turned her on but not in ''that'' way. She wanted to spend time with him, She wanted to make him laugh, She wanted to know his liked dislikes. She wanted to see his smiling face. And She wanted to be someone special to him.

She hadn't thought about him in intimate way but then She already knew She was different from most girls in this way. May be it will be different with him. if they ever got that close. But the way he had reacted to the kiss. She doubted it.

... ... ...

Kiran bought some pizzas and drink and left them outside his flat door with a sorry note on top. She went down the stairs and was going toward the hostel gate when She him coming with his friends. They all ignored her and went upstairs. One of them bend to pick up the pizzas and after reading the note passed it onto Adiraj. Adiraj read it. He glanced down at her. Then he grabbed the pizzas and came down the stairs. he threw them in bin and went back up into his flat.

She stood there quietly. Then sighed down and sat down under a tree opposite to his flat. She felt a drop of water on her face and looked up toward sky. it was raining. She should have gotten up and gone back to her flat but for some reason She did not do it. She sat there slowly getting drenched.


Adiraj looked out of the window. She was sitting there in rain. Rahul saw him standing near the window and came over.

Rahul,''She is mad.''

Adiraj,'' no doubt.''

Rahul,'' what to do about her. We have tried everything.''

Adiraj kept staring at her and then said,'' Not everything. This time I will sort her out.''

Adiraj tured and looked at Rahul. Both looked at each other for few seconds. Rahul relaxed and smiled,''hmm. If you need my help just ask me''

Adiraj smirked, ''oh I will need your help.'' He winked at him.

... ... ...

2 hour and 30 minutes. That's how long She had been sitting here like a mad woman. 5 more minute. I will just 5 more minute. may be he will come out. She had been thinking that for past one hour.

Suddenly She felt some cover her with umbrella. She looked up. It was Adiraj. He gave her a towel which he had brought with him.

Adiraj,'' dry yourself. I will walk you back to your hostel.''

Kiran was unable to say anything. he actually came ! She thought happily. She dried herself with towel and then walked with Adiraj toward girl's hostel. He didn't say anything and Kiran stayed quiet too. He walked with her all the way up to the stairs leading to her flat.

Kiran,''Thanks. I wanted to apologize for what happened in library. I shouldn't have touched you without your permission.''

Adiraj,'' So you stayed in rain for hours just to say that. you know other people were watching from their windows? right? anyway here is my number, call me if you want to say something to me.''

Kiran looked at his face surprised.

Adiraj,''Don't want it?'' he started to put it back the card in his pocket but Kiran grabbed it.

Kiran,''!no. ...I mean yes I ..I. .want it. I will call you.''

Adiraj,'' I have got some time free tomorrow,want to go out for coffee.''

Kiran blurted out,'' but why?'' She was confused at his changed behaviour.

Adiraj smiled and said,'' See you at 3 at xyz cafe.''

He left Kiran standing there.

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