Ch 10: Addict

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Addict such an ugly word but it described Kiran best. She was addicted to Adiraj and there was no cure. She spent most of her time staying shut in her room,forcing herself to stay away from him. Her eyes had huge shadows giving testimony to sleepless nights. Lack of sleep and lack of food had made her loose so much weight that She looked like a zombie.

Finally when she couldn't resist, she went out to look for him. It was 8 at night but the campus was lit up with lights. where would he be at this time? it was Saturday, he played basket ball with his friends at this time. She went toward the sport building. But when She reached near the door. She could not open it. She just leaned against the door. His words rang in her head, he would believe her that she loved him if she let him go. She gave a bitter laugh. She was loser no matter what. She let let go of the door and started walking and then running, she was running like a mad person, she just wanted these emotions to stop. She wanted to live, she wanted to forget him.

In her mindless state, she collided with someone. Both fell down on ground. Kiran felt the pain from her scrapped elbow. She was about to get up when someone offered her hand. She accepted it. She was about to apologize but stopped when She saw the light falling on his face,'' you.'' it was the guy from hospital.

He seemed to have recognized her too. He gave her a little smile as he dusted the dirt off his clothes,'' Our meetings are always awkward, aren't they?''

Kiran nodded. Both stood there silent. They were total strangers but yet they were not. They slowly started walking down the path. Kiran could feel the pain in her elbow. it felt good to feel something else.

Kiran asked,'' what's your name?''

''Abhijeet patel, and I think your name is Kiran.''

Kiran,'' how do you know?''

Abhijeet,'' everyone knows you on campus. you are famous.''

Kiran smiled bitterly buy said nothing.

Abhijeet,'' why were you running like that?''

His questions were starting to irritate Kiran. She wanted to get away from him. She looked at her surrounding, the next building was computer department. She needed to walk half an hour to get back to her hostel.

Kiran,'' it was nice...''

He cut her off in the middle of sentence,'' Sorry, I just want to help you because I..I am in same well sort of same situation as you and I will never forget the helping hand you offered me back in hospital. I think of you as a friend.''

Kiran just stood there.

Abhijeet,'' I just want you to know that you are not alone. If you want to talk to someone about it. I am here.''

Kiran felt the trays running down her cheeks. She wanted no She needed to tell someone how She was feeling and unless She hired a psychiatrist, there was no one who had time to listen to her. She sat down on ground and put her head between her arms hiding her face.

He sat down next to her on ground. She slowly stared to tell him about herself and Adiraj. She told him how they broke up, how She was missing him. how each breath was a torture, how She couldn't stop thinking about him. how humiliated She felt. How heart broken. He listened to everything and then he shared his own secrets. How he had gotten into wrong crowd. how he had nearly ended up having a sexually transmitted disease and how hard it was for him to break his bad habits. how he roamed around at night on campus because he had the urge to go out with his friend and he knew it will lead him back to his old bad habits. They talked and talked until no words were left and then they both left in different directions but each night they met at same spot, sometime talking away the whole night and other times just to sit together and say nothing.


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