Ch 29: Regret

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All the relations in life are important. Some of these relations we make, some are god gifted to us. One of these god gifted is the relationship which a parent have with his or her child. No one can understand how a father feels or a mother feels until they become a parent themselves.

Kiran was a daughter and now a mother. She knew that she wanted the best for her child in the whole world. If she had her way he would only have success and happiness in his life. Similarly, that's what her father had wanted for her.

They had clashed because his definition of success and happiness had been different from her.

Kiran had never seen her mother but her father had been always emotionally aloof. So, she had wanted to be with someone who would love her. She never wanted more, just someone who would only look for her in crowd, the one whose eyes would stop on her and never move and she had found all these things in Adiraj.

In a party full of famous beauties of Bollywood and Hollywood, he never looked away from her. Every night he was home, in his bed, holding her in his arms. She never had to ask for anything. Everything was already there even before she realised that she needed it.

Adiraj was thorough, he noticed things about her, she was not even aware herself. He had known she was pregnant even before she suspected. If she didn't call him during day, he would leave his meetings and come home straightway. He never ate any other person's cooking except her. His clothes he wanted her to pick. She had one day commented generally at an actor's hairstyle that she liked it. Next day Adiraj had changed his hairstyle. It was really hard to be sad when your life was fill with that kind of devotion and love.

However, sometime she stayed awake at night looking into the dark remembering her father's face. She could never be what he wanted but if she completed that China hotel project, may be then she could feel a bit more restful.

She was not sure so she hadn't discussed it with Adiraj. It was now a year since her dad died and she still could not get pass his death. One would think given their history, she would be easily able to move on but on the contrary, she kept thinking what she would have done if she knew he would be forever gone from her life. If only she knew that he would never scowl at her again , never tell one of his sarcastic jokes, never would he lit a cigar and never would she hear his laugh. May be she would have handled things differently.

Sometime, she would be doing something and she would remember some old memory and then she would be lost for whole day. One day she called her dad's secretary and she spoke to him for ages, talking about her dad. For he was one of the few person who actually knew her dad. When they were both ready to finish the conversation, she asked him about the Chinese language tutor her father had selected for her. He promised to send her details. Later on she called that person and hired her on a five digit salary.

Adiraj frowned when he saw the tutor. She told him that she wanted to learn Chinese. He nodded and didn't say anything further but from that day, the woman was there with her morning till night. She progressed quickly through the basics surprising the tutor but it was one of her talent to quickly pick up languages.

Mandarin was one of the hardest language to learn but Kiran worked hard. Among planning for the first birthday party of digvijay, taking care of Adiraj she managed to converse in broken mandarin to her tutor.

Digvijay's party was grand enough to feed several middle class families for a whole year but Adiraj had wanted only best for his little boy. His eyes had been full of happiness and a touch arrogance as he had met people.

World has started to recognise the influence the Raizada heir, Adiraj Singh Raizada, carried. He was more ambitious and colder than his father. He didn't forgive as easily and people were wary of crossing him off. He was young, intelligent, beautiful and very rich. Everyone was amazed.

Among so many adoring gazes no one really noticed the beautiful wife which stood beside him. She smiled and played the role of society wife perfectly having no desire to prove anyone anything.

However, the Singhanias who attended the party were not of same mind. Many of them had voted against Kiran's father to make Adiraj the chairman of Singhania group but today they realised the mistake, the thing which Kiran's father had tried to warn them. The individuality of Singhania group was lost.

Kiran noticed their sulking but ignored it. Deep inside she felt a vindictive happiness; these were the people who had back stabbed her father and her. It was another thing that she loved Adiraj but they had made him the chairman without her consent and she could enjoy the envy and bitterness they were now feeling.

Adiraj tapped her lightly on shoulder, she looked up at his beautiful face and smiled. He pulled her in his arms not caring who was watching them and kissed her on forehead,'' Thank you for loving me, and thank you for giving me Digvijay.'' He lightly kissed her on lips.

Her petite figure clad in a figure hugging golden sheath, she reminded him of a nymph from a fairy land, her eyes held laughter, he wanted to know the reason but she laughed harder and shook his head,'' nothing, just thinking life is really good.''

He smiled,'' Really?''

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, her high heels making it easier for her,'' You are the best thing which happened to me Mr Raizada. ''

A satisfied smile lit his face,'' It's been a similar pleasure having you in my life Mrs Raizada.''

Kiran laughed,'' You charmer.''

He pulled her face closer,'' Never doubt it Mrs Raizda.''

She looked at him,'' You are getting bit arrogant.''

He said shamelessly,'' Why shouldn't I be? I feel world is at my feet.''

For a moment she paused and then nodded,'' True, you are blessed.''

Adiraj looked over his shoulder as an acquaintance called his name. Both Adiraj and Kiran turned toward the man, ready to be good host and hostess again.


Adiraj entered the room and frowned when he saw the Chinese news channel on screen, Kiran was sitting watching it.

Adiraj moved his fingers through the wet hair. He had just come out from the shower. Outside, the night was ablaze with lights. He went and sat down on sofa next to her. Kiran turned off the channel and turned toward him.

Adiraj asked her puzzled,'' How can you watch a channel without understanding the language? I would be frustrated.''

Kiran smiled,'' It was initially but since I can understand it now, so problem solved.''

Adiraj looked at her face,'' You are joking right?''

Kiran put her head on his shoulder,'' why would I joke?''

Adiraj looked at her face and decided to let the topic go, it's been just few months since she started learning mandrain, she couldn't be possibly understand it so soon.


So, it was least to say that he was shocked that when during a business dinner next week, Kiran spoke fluently to a Chinese businessman. The man was really excited to find someone who could speak his native language. He ignored everyone and conversed with Kiran.

This irritated Adiraj to no end but since Kiran was not seated next to him but was seated near that man, he couldn't rudely separate them.

Also, his father was here and Abhinav had thrown warning looks at Adiraj when he had noticed his son's mood.

When the dinner finished, the Chinese man specially came over to meet the 'husband of amazing woman''. Adiraj had smiled and answered politely in English but his arm had moved possessively over Kiran's thin waist as he had pulled her closer to him.


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