ch 23: Betrayal

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Kiran ate yogurt as she wandered around the apartment. There wasn't anything left to do. She worriedly glanced at her mobile phone. No one had tried to call her today, not even her secretary.

Putting yogurt back in fridge, she crossed over to sitting area and turned on the television. Her eyes fell on Adiraj's ipad, it had low power.

She connected it to charger and her glance fell on an email. It was from her secretary. She clicked on it, ipad was unlocked, the email opened. She sat down and looked through the email history between the two of them.

She read his instructions where he had told her secretary to sabotage the projects on which Kiran was working.

Shocked she read the emails again, why did he do this? Why?

Then, suddenly the name of her father caught her attention. She looked up at television, her father was being arrested! She stood up quickly and turned up the volume.


Kiran walked out of the apartment. She wanted to sit and mourn over Adiraj but her dad was in jail right now and her priority. She opened her car and slid in. Quickly she put on bluetooth and tried to contact the family lawyer.

Her call was picked.

Lawyer,'' hello''

Kiran,'' Kiran singhania speaking. Where are you? They took dad to police station.'' Her voice vibrated with anger.

Lawyer,'' I have arrived at police station with my team. We have got the bail papers.''

Kiran,''Alright, this is my private number, save it and keep me updated.''

She cut the call and dialled dad's secretary number; when he picked the call, she angrily tore into him,'' why didn't you contact me immediately when this started? How did things escalated so badly? Where is the PR team?''

Secretary,'' Sorry ma'am, things happened very fast, in fact things are still happening.. I am trying to solve the situation but...I think we are facing takeover attempt.''

For a moment, Kiran was speechless, takeover attempt? but that implied that someone knew this was going to happen,'' Who?''

Secretary,'' We don't know. The shares prices fell so quickly and when we were looking into that, there was bulk purchasing by individuals, although with the amount of shares your family and other board members hold, it should be impossible unless it is one of the board member trying to take over.'

Kiran didn't say anything, her brain trying to think of possible culprit. She told the secretary to keep her informed and cut the call.

Kiran parked her car at the back of singhania building where parking spots were always reserved for family and employees.

Her eyes paused on certain cars which she knew belonged to board members. There was a full meeting going on, without her, without her dad! Hands balled into fists she marched inside the building.


Adiraj watched other board members leave, only then he permitted himself to smile. Using the shares he had bought over time and new ones today, he had enough to sit in this meeting and board members had elected him as next chair person.

He happily dialled dad's number and told him the latest update. Abinav listened to Adiraj's happy chatter,'' I told you dad, I can do it.''

Abinav smirked,'' You have really out done me.. Such big competitor and you...very well done my boy, very well done.''

Adiraj,'' I guess he got his answer about my capabilities. Anyways, Kiran agreed to meet you. So, I will bring her over for dinner.''

Abhinav,'' Will she be okay after everything?''

Adiraj,''Don't worry dad, both father and daughter are totally under my control now. She will do what I ask her to do.''

Kiran who was listening at door turned and left. She didn't need to hear anymore. All the fighting spirit gone, she went downstairs.


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