Ch 18: Meeting Father in law

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ch 18

A month later

Adiraj waited in the waiting area, he was sitting on sofa, his face patient. No one looking at his face would guess that this man was feeling irritated, he looked fresh and calm.

His eyes fell on clock on the opposite wall, he had been waiting for 8 hours.

Finally, a secretary came to call him into the office. He walked politely behind her, his eyes straight, his walk evenly paced.

He entered the opulent office, his eyes took note of everything. The secretary left him near the door. A man was sitting behind the only table in the room, he didn't get up to welcome Adiraj. Adiraj looked at the face, his eyes particularly noticed his nose and eyes which Kiran had gotten from him.

He politely smiled at the man, and greeted him.

Narayan Singhania looked at the charming young man in front of him and couldn't blame his daughter's taste, he was certainly better looking than his pictures.

He gestured Adiraj to sit in the chair.

Adiraj sat down. There was so frown on his face, no anger that he was kept waiting for so long or the fact that Naryan hadn't deigned to reply to his greeting.

Narayan came straight to the point,'' I don't want Kiran to get married. She is my heiress and I have much higher hopes from her than producing children.''

Adiraj,'' It's her choice. I am not forcing her to leave her career or to bear children.''

Narayan looked at Adiraj,'' You don't want me as your enemy Adiraj. Your dad and I are good acquaintances, we are polite and we don't get in each other's way. But you are now treading on my personal matters. Things will turn ugly.. Leave Kiran.''

Adiraj leaned back in chair,'' I tried but I can't forget her. Why don't you give me a chance to show you my capability? Set me a challenge and I will complete it. Not now but surely in future you would want her to get married and have a child because She is the only child you have got.''

Narayan,'' That's my personal matter. But I will give you a chance. He called secretary and asked her to bring a project file. He gave it to Adiraj,'' Work for me as a project manager. Complete this project within two years and you will have me convinced that you are worthy for my daughter.''

Adiraj took the file but his eyes were fixed on Narayan.

Narayan told him like he would to a normal employee,'' You can leave now. Come to reception tomorrow and someone will help you with paperwork and show you your place.''

Adiraj didn't miss the use of word 'place'' instead of 'office.'' He got up and left. Naryan watched him go with a smirk and thought you have messed with wrong person kid.


Kiran walked blindly forward as Adiraj had his hands covering her eyes,'' how far?''

Adiraj,'' just one more step.''

Then he took off his hands from her eyes and she looked around at the apartment, they had just walked in.

She looked at Adiraj and asked,'' Why are we here?''

Adiraj,'' I told you your dad has given me a job to complete, so I thought of buying a place near to the office, how is it?''

Kiran looked at the penthouse,'' good.'' She didn't know what else to say, She was little worried about this project, what if Adiraj couldn't do it?

Adiraj grabbed her hands in his and bumped his forehead lightly with hers,'' stop overthinking.''

Kiran smiled,'' I am thinking about joining the office too. There are few interesting projects, I will take one of them and then, we can be together at office.''

Adiraj smiled,'' As you wish. So, do you like the place, enough to move in with me?''

Kiran went still for a moment, living together with Adiraj would anger her dad but as she looked at his smiling face, she nodded in yes.

His smile got brighter, he kissed her on lips,'' let's start then.''

The apartment was empty, Adiraj and She choose everything from furniture to kitchen utensils. She didn't like the colour scheme so they changed that too. She felt so happy arguing over the set of bed Sheets with Adiraj that she could die of happiness. Within a week everything was set and they moved in.

Adiraj threw in a huge party inviting all his friends. They had a great time. Her head on his chest as She listened to him chatting with his friends, She started to feel like She was the luckiest person on the earth.


Next day

Adiraj was sitting on sofa in his office at singhania's main building. On sofa next to him were two other people while on the opposite sofa, there was one person, Khanna, the right hand man of Narayan singhania. He was angrily shouting at the supervisor Adiraj had hired,'' stupid, illogical decision you have taken yesterday. You are fired, we don't need a person like you on this project.''

Adiraj listened quietly knowing it was not the fault of supervisor, he had done what Adiraj had told him but Khanna was tearing into the other person instead of confronting Adiraj.

Adiraj watched the supervisor go quietly, knowing deep down that singhania was going to ue this project to prove that Adiraj was inept, stupid and useless.


Days passed slowly one after another, each day Adiraj faced a new humiliation, no one said anything to his face but the people working under him on the project became the sacrificial lambs.

Adiraj could finish all this game but he let singhania play it after all, he was playing with him too.


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