ch 31: Unexpected

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ch 31

Kiran spent all her time with Digvijay now, her focus on his upbringing. May be it was her wistful thinking but She thought his smile was like her father and some of his habits too. Although he was only year and half, too young for anything to be permanent. Children changed so much as they grew.

He was very attached to her. If he heard her voice, he would turn his head immediately in the direction and he would stretch out his tiny arms and would start crying. Impatient like his father, never waiting. She would pick him up and he would smile.

Ever since he had learned walking, it was hard to keep him in one place, he loved exploring and Adiraj loved hiding new toys for him. The look on his little face when he would find a new toy was worth all the damage he did when he was searching for them.

Sometime she tried to be strict with Digvijay if he did something wrong because everyone else pampered him from nannies to Adiraj. It worried her, she wanted him to be a little more disciplined.

Adiraj never stopped her because he knew she did for Digvijay but he himself never stopped him and gave in to all his demands. May be her baby was too young for her to be worried but being a mother she just knew it that She need to stop him.

Adiraj had been very tense the weeks following the china project fight but slowly he relaxed as he realized that she was not really going to pursue it.


Time was flying past, soon it was going to be Digvijay's second birthday. She prepared hard like last time. A day before the party she was exhausted.

Adiraj had angrily admonished the staff seeing her state. She had assured him that She was just tired. Still he was worried.

After the party, she had gone straight to bed having no energy for anything. In the morning, she found he had booked an appointment with doctor. She went for the tests and found out that she was low on iron levels.

When she told Adiraj his face had fallen a bit because he had been hoping that she was pregnant again. She had listened to his wish and then, thought about it. Was she ready for another baby? She thought if she had a boy again She will name him Narayan. Suddenly excited after ages, she had asked Adiraj to take her out that night. So, he had come home early and they had left for famous night club.

She was never interested in night clubs, her dad didn't approve of them but after becoming Adiraj's girlfriend she had gone out with him couple of times.

As usual it was crowded and time seemed to stop. Everyone was relaxed and in the mood to enjoy. This always cheered her up, happy people, their smiles. Happy She wrapped an arm around Adiraj's waist as She pulled him on dance floor. He had been surprised but laughed seeing her so excited. She was jumping up and down with music like other people. Soon he matched steps with her not caring what others were doing.

They were oblivious to anything, sweat poured out of their pores. Adiraj went and got their favourite drinks. Today in the mood for mischief, She challenged him to take shots with her. They went upstairs into the private area and Adiraj ordered the shots, both sat down on table and waited for the waiter to arrange them on the table. Waiter stood on side, ready to serve more.

Both looked at each other and counted together 1,2,3.

They started together, Kiran drank 6 after which She stopped counting, She just knew She had to beat him, the waiter kept refilling for them.

They stopped when She started vomiting unable to take anymore. Adiraj too far gone hooted with laughter watching her condition.

She shoot him an anguiShed glare, or so She thought, the room was slightly blurry. Someone took her to washroom and She cleaned her teeth, her clothes were fine. She thanked the person and came back on unsteady steps. Adiraj was sitting in chair, his head on table, he was still laughing.

She came over and hit him on head with her hand,'' stoppp stop laughing.'' She said drunk.

He moved his face to side, one silky hair lock falling over his eye as he looked at her,'' You look funny.'' He laughed again.

Kiran was miffed with him, She went toward door,'' laughing at me, I am angry.''

He straightened with difficulty and watched her nearly bang in the door, this made him laugh harder. He told her,'' You are drunk.''

She put her head against the wall and said,'' stop yelling.''

Adiraj,'' I am not.''

Kiran,'' you are drunk, your coat is drunk, your shirt is drunk, I am not drunk.''

Adiraj got up from chair on unsteady steps,'' No, my shirt is not drunk.'' His feet were steady. He came to her and picked her in his arms and carried her down the stairs.

She put her head against his shirt,'' I am not drunk, dad will be angry if I got drunk. Don't tell him I am drunk.''

He laughed,'' You are drunk.''

Kiran felt suddenly like crying,'' You are a liar, I am not drunk.''

They reached the main door and the driver came over with car. Adiraj put Kiran on front seat and belted her. he closed the door and held his hand out for the car keys.

Driver looked into his eyes, ''Sir, you are drunk.''

Adiraj shouted,'' She is drunk, I am not. Give me keys.''

He snatched them from his hand. The driver watched him worried, he tried again to stop him,'' Sir, please you are very drunk.''

Adiraj pushed him away angrily as he shouted,'' I am not drunk. She is drunk''

Kiran shouted from inside,'' Don't tell dad I am drunk.''

Adiraj got into the car and closed the door. The driver watched them go worried.

Adiraj put the car on the road and put the music on as he shouted with the singer. Kiran put her fingers in ear,'' stop shouting''. She yelled.

He turned his face to her,'' I am not shouting.'' He looked away from the road and at her, her eyes were closed as She muttered something about her dad. He reached over and touched her face , he did not see the speed breaker and as the car hit it at full speed he couldn't control the car and it banged into the tree


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