Ch 8: An alarm bell

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Rubbish. All the hype on media and everywhere about sex was nothing but rubbish. It's been three months since she started sleeping with Adiraj but there was nothing magical in it. Yes, when the desire was there, they couldn't get enough of each other but she was sure if it was someone else it would be same. She had thought it would be something special.

She was disappointed in herself because she knew he felt same. They were happy when they did other things together but when it came to sex...

She was so busy ranting in her head that she bumped into someone.

''Watch where are you going!!..'' someone angrily said.

Kiran looked at the guy. She had a distinct impression that he was very good looking guy but her mind was still on her problems. She muttered sorry and went down the corridor.

... ... ... ...

Adiraj was waiting for Kiran in cafe. A waitress came over with the coffee he had ordered. As the waitress bent down to put the cup on table, Adiraj moved to grab the cup. The fingers collided and it was like an electric spark travelled down his body. Both stared at each other, then the girl snatched her hand. She was blushing furiously as she left. Adiraj''s eyes followed her until She vanished behind the counter.

... ... ... ...

Kiran looked at her mobile again. He hadn't called her. It's been 2 weeks. She felt like crying. She was afraid to ring him. Scared that he would  tell her that he wanted to break up. She looked at the pregnancy test kit on her table. It was a cheap one she had gotten from shop. She put it in her bag and left for hospital. She was too scared to check if she was pregnant. So she had booked an appointment. She could get the lab reports at 3. She reached an hour early. Too nervous she sat on an empty bench in waiting area.

What if she was pregnant? He would never accept it. She knew and if he asked her to abort. She will do it but then she will hate herself for it.

She took her mobile out to call him but then put it back in bag. She was alone. The thought scared her. If she decided to keep the baby, She will have to leave him. Where will I go? I can't stay in India. Dad will probably never speak to her again.

Someone came and sat down beside her. The first thing she noticed was that his hands were shaking in fear. He had an envelope in his hand but he wasn't opening it. She could understand. She looked at time and went to get her own. She came back. She couldn't open hers. She was too scared. That guy was still sitting there. His envelope was still sealed. She sat beside him.

''I don't want to open mine too.'' She said to stranger,'' I am so scared and I feel so alone. This is the first time I have prayed in my life. I am praying to whoever created this world to please help me.''

'' I am scared'', the stranger said,'' I believe I am being punished. I haven't killed anyone but other than that I have committed every sin. I am afraid to die. How will I face him but I don't want to live either with my punishment. I can't tell anyone. Everyone will blame me. I feel lonely too.'' he sounded broken.

Tears fell down Kiran's cheeks, ''No, I believe the creator is merciful He loves us. We make mistakes. We don't keep our vices in check but still he loves us. I don't think he will want to punish you. You are sorry. I think that's enough.''

Stranger, ''I don't have the money to pay for medical bills. If I have got this disease then I am finished. I will die a slow painful death ''

Kiran,'' I will support you. Don't worry about money. I have enough. Just pray for me that I don't have to make a wrong decision in my life.''

Stranger looked at her with tears in his eyes. She had never seen such beautiful eyes and she had never seen a man cry like this. She felt pity for him.

Kiran,''Open it.'' he slowly opened his envelope and read. Relief passed over his feature. Tears started falling down his eyes. ''Never ever again...never'' he kept whispering to himself.

Kiran slowly opened her own test results. Tears fell down her eyes as She crumbled the report

.She didn't know why she was crying. She was not pregnant which meant she didn't have to abort the baby. That was a good thing but she still cried in sorrow.

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