Ch 32: So close yet so far

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Few months later

Kiran wrapped the shawl around her shoulders as she went downstairs, her face looked tired and worn out. The sun hadn't even arisen yet, around her there was complete silence. She quietly went down the corridor into the one of room. As she entered it, she could hear the sound of machine. She walked into the centre of room where a man was laying on bed deep in sleep. She sat down beside him.

She sat there staring at him for a long time, outside the sun arose, servants were going here and there doing the chores but in the room, there was no sun only the darkness. She called his name several times, there was no response.

She stood up and went toward the windows and opened them, the sun rays fell on him. There was no bruise on him, no indication that he had been in a severe life threatening accident months ago but he had fallen in coma and never woke up.

Kiran had a broken arm and deep wound on her side but she had woken the same day the anaesthetics were removed.

There was a knock on the door and the doctor and nurses entered, they politely said good morning. Kiran nodded and left knowing they will going about the daily routine.

Restlessly, she wandered the house.


1 year later

Kiran entered the main office of Raizada hotel's with Abhinav. Both were silent as they strode toward the meeting room. Kiran noticed with worry how pale Abhinav looked. Every day in which Adiraj stayed in coma brought new worry lines on the face of Abhinav.

She had started to come to office because Abhinav had started to forget things, doctors had diagnosed with early stages of dementia. She was trying to help him as much as she could in the situation.


Kiran carried three year old digvijay to his dad's room. She put him near Adiraj's feet and taught him to take ashirward. He did it. His eyes already on Adiraj. He was growing up day by day but he didn't had any memories of Adiraj. Being a child he couldn't relate this sleeping man to the father who used to carry him on shoulders becoming the aeroplane for him.

She spent an hour there, and then, took Digvijay back. It had become a morning routine. First thing she did after waking up was to go down to his room. After checking on him, she went and took shower, and changed clothes. Then, she went down for breakfast where the nany would bring Digvijay. They would share the meal and then, she would take him to Adiraj to spend some time.

After that she would go to office and Digvijay to his nursery. When Digvijay finished nursery, he was brought to her office where Kiran had set up an area for him to play and do other activities. After finishing work, Sse and Digvijay returned home together.

At night, she laid awake in her big bed alone thinking about Adiraj. Sometime, she went down to his room and slept on couch there but other time it was too much to bear. He was in same room with her but he wouldn't respond to her voice, her presence, her touch. This saddened her. She didn't know what he felt but she was in lot of pain.

Rahul came regularly to visit Adiraj every other day. She could understand the sadness he felt on seeing Adiraj's condition. Sometime, she felt like blaming herself, if they hadn't gone out that day then this wouldn't have happened.


Her life settled in a routine of hoping Adiraj would awake, working with her father in law and taking care of Digvijay. But then, Abhinav died of heart attack. This turned her world upside down completely.

He was a force to reckon, appearing laid back and friendly he had actually an iron control over his board members and everything which happened in the Raizada Empire.

His death brought so many business difficulties for Kiran that if she was not trained by a tyrant named Narayan she would have crumbled under the pressure. Now, she imitated the best of Narayan and what she had learn from Abhinav and Adiraj to control everything. Rahul, and her dad's secretary both became her core strengths.

The issue of lack of will was one of the biggest challenges Kiran had to face. Abhinav was dead, his heir was in coma and the next heir in line was hardly out of diapers. Kiran used her status as Adiraj's wife to get the control of his and Abhinav's shares in which she eventually succeeded. It was a long battle and by the time it settled, already another year had passed.

She went to see Adiraj that day, but her heart broke a little when she realised how thin he had become. His body had slowly started to give out. The skin had become wax like, she had been coming daily but last week she had been just too busy and now it felt like she was looking at him after years.

She sat down on his bed and held his hand, it felt so lifeless, she remembered how his handshake were always full of energy and strength. How it had felt when these hands touched her body. Tears fell down her eyes as she stared at him, ''wake up, Please wake up Adiraj. I need you. Digvijay need you. Don't be so selfish.''

Slowly she told him everything which had happened feeling like she needed to connect to this Adiraj.

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