voldemort VS harry potter

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"jisoo, wake up, wake up. the sky is awake, so you have to be awake"
jin screams being proud of his frozen reference

jisoo is dead asleep...

"brother knows best, you should listen to your brother" this time directly in jisoo's ears.

jisoo wakes up from all the mess that her brother is creating.

"you missed all my awesome disney liners" jin frowns

"disney? I missed them? okay, I have done one good thing today then" jisoo says while rubbing her eyes

"get your ass off of that bed and get ready for school" jin says loudly

"okay disney princess. sometimes i really wonder who is the sister and who is the brother among us" she throws a pillow at him

WOODSVILLE, jisoo's family has just shifted here..

"you should speak with jisoo first before taking such huge decision about her life" mom says as jisoo comes down the stairs after being ready for school.

"I have already given my..." mom nudges dad to stop speaking as soon as she sees jisoo

"I know what you guys are talking about.. isn't it about that boy and that family?" jisoo asks as jin also comes down

"honey we.." mom tries to explain

"mom, I've had enough. I left all my friends behind just because you guys told me to and shifted here. isn't that enough? I can't marry a person I don't know" she replies

"you don't know? you guys were childhood friends..moreover you are not marrying now. you are too young for that. we will give you both some time to know each other. and I am sure you will like him by then." dad says

"what if I don't dad? and my childhood friend? I last saw him in grade 2 and we haven't talked since. I don't even know his face. I haven't left so many loved ones' behind to marry a complete stranger." she replies

"don't argue with me. I said what I said. you are 17 and I don't care about the "love" you are talking about. at least we are giving you guys a chance to interact with each other before you reach the age to get married. your mom and I didn't love each other when we married..." dad replies

"I can clearly see that" jisoo argues and takes her bag to go to school

"let me drop you" jin follows giving a glare to his dad

"you don't understand. my baby has already sacrificed enough to be in this situation" mom almost screams.

"if by sacrifice you mean that boy she had fallen for last year then trust me it was all for her own good." dad says

"I still like jungkook better" mom whispers

"Did you say anything?" dad asks

"Nothing" mom replies as she goes back to cleaning the kitchen

"I just want her happiness. I know it sounds wrong right now but trust me, they are nice people. I have known his dad since childhood. we know what is good for our kids. why can't you see that?" he says

"jisoo will agree and you know it. that's why you made this promise on the first place. we raised her way too well. I am regretting that right now. she is paying for that silly promise you made with your friend years ago" mom throws the napkin and heads upstairs

"you will thank me afterwards." dad says quietly to himself

"don't waste your mood on your first day. I can't believe dad did that" jin consoles jisoo while driving

"I won't waste my mood, disney princess. I have plans to ruin the so called dinner with that family tonight" jisoo gives a smirk
" I will not marry that boy and I know how to do it"" she says

"okay sis. save your tricks because we have arrived. good bye. have a blast" jin drops jisoo off and leaves
Woodville National High School..

"okay jisoo calm down and find room number 208. you are already 5 minutes late on your first day" jisoo looks at her clock and shit.. "it's 15 min late already"

she starts to run without knowing which room it is. as she runs down the hallway, she looks up her phone to confirm the room number when suddenly she feels as if a brick has been smashed against her face and falls down.

okay, not a brick but a person. " do you walk with your eyes closed?" jisoo screams clearly being annoyed

"I can say the same" the other person replies

crowd starts to gather around them. "this new girl is fighting with taehyung? what is she thinking?"

"attention seeker" someone screams

jisoo reaches her limits. she stands up and says "have the minimum courtesy and apologize"

"what about *I don't give a damn about courtesy*? he replies with a glare

"oh, now I know what you. you are the voldemort of this school aren't you? but guess what? this potter doesn't need a wand to cast a death spell" jisoo says and the crowd starts laughing.. Someone from the back screams
"team potter is hot"

"actually I am insulting voldemort because at least he was smart and not a di*ckhead like you who lacks manners" jisoo continues and immediately regrets all these harry potter references

"voldemort? what? do you read in class 3?" taehyung laughs at her stupid attack

jisoo gets furious "I never wanna see that fishface of yours.. learn how to talk to people and how to apologize. I got late for my first day because of a jerk like you"

"you are going to regret it miss newbie" taehyung replies

"will I? well guess what? I have dealt with people like you before. it's your lucky day that I am not in my best mood. else I don't spare people like you"

jisoo side tracked him to run for room 208 without even giving taehyung a chance to reply..

" the teacher is going to kill me." she thinks to herself

during tiffin period jisoo was sitting in the canteen alone. she couldn't make any friend.. apparently the girls are too into taehyung to befriend a girl he hates and boys are too scared to go against him

"such a goon" jisoo thinks to herself as she eats her food

she looks up and sees taehyung entering the cafe and girls staring at him as if they have seen the god.

"what are they even staring at? I wouldn't even spare that jerk a look" jisoo says to herself while looking at him

"oh, someone is alone and has no Ron and Hermione to accompany her" taehyung whispers as he walks past jisoo loud enough for her to hear.

however, school passes by and jisoo makes zero friends. people aren't even talking to her. man! she messed up with the wrong person..

"get ready honey. we are invited to the Kim's, I mean my friend's place tonight." dad says to her

jisoo makes a face and heads to her room knowing that it is useless to argue. she has had enough arguing for the day.

"the drama is yet to happen and the night is far from being over" jisoo says to herself as she puts on the red dress mom has brought out

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