did you want to kiss him?

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jisoo takes taehyung to his house... she could've taken him to her house but then she would be bombarded with questions as to why he fainted and everything.. moreover taehyung's house will probably be easier because his parents aren't here. so she can quietly rest him up..

jisoo knocks the door.. a maid opens up

"jisoo sshi,.. oh taehyung.. what happened to him?" she asks

"umm.. i should take him to his room first. help me please" jisoo says

"yes sure" they both take him to his room.

"can you please quickly make some porridge while i make a call?" she says

"and btw, where is hyejing aunty and mingyu uncle?" she asks

"they have gone for a foreign business trip" the maid says as she leaves to make porridge

jisoo uses the land line of taehyung's house to call dad

"dad, its jisoo" 

"yes honey, what is it?"

"i am going to be a little late tonight."

"why?" dad again inquires but this time less intensely because after all she called from taehyung's house  which means she is safe and sound

"hyejin aunty actually wants me to stay over but i said that you wouldn't allow me. so she told me to go a little late" jisoo says praying that dad knows nothing about their trip

"haha, hyejin though. okay honey. you can stay over if you want.. let me talk to hyejin" he says

"umm. she is in the bathroom right now" jisoo stammers

"okay.. i am so happy that you are making an effort to know that family" dad replies 

"yes dad. gtg. bye" she says

"yes bye"

jisoo heads up to taehyung's room. he is still lying in the bed in the position she left him. she checks his forehead. it is burning. she gets a towel out from his cupboards and wets it to put it over his head.. she repeats t some time and sees that he is sweating..

"he need to change his cloths" jisoo says as she heads to his cupboard

she picks up a t shirt and come towards taehyung lifting him up gently and slowly unbuttoning his shirt while keeping her eyes closed. she opens her eyes as she is done buttoning his shirt to see how t pout on his new shirt. her eyes meets his body and she looks at his abs..

she immediately closes her eyes as if she is guilty of looking at them without his permission and puts on his new shirt. she heads to his cupboard to find another towel and as she searches for it, a diary falls from inside

she picks it up and looks at it with a curious  eyes. 

she keeps it outside and giving up on finding a towel, she looks back at taehyung who is sleeping peacefully. she checks her forehead and his fever is slowly reducing

she takes the diary and a blanket and sits on a sofa near his bed and starts reading it

it is the diary taehyung started writing after jisoo left him to cope up with the loneliness.. it has everything described in it. how lonely he was feeling and everything and suddenly she sees his writing of how he met lisa. it's when taehyung grew up 

"i believe in first love.." jisoo finishes reading and looks at taaehyung

"they really had history together. there is no way i can beat his first love. he loves her so much how did i even fall for this jerk." jisoo says

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