make a choice!!

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jisoo gets out of the car and holds jungkook's arms as they enter lisa's house.

lisa didn't invite a lot of people actually. just her close friends.

as they enter and find a sofa to sit, lisa comes out...

"jisoo ya.. you guys are here.." lisa hugs jisoo when taehyung walks from behind

"wifey, you are here with that brat" he comes in and imitates lisa to hug jisoo in front of everyone..

jungkooks grabs jisoo's arms and holds her back..

"why don't you do that with your girlfriend?" he says

"good idea" taehyung says as he gives lisa a tight hug and looks at jisoo

jisoo smiles back at him without showing how jealous she is...

"treat yourself guys" lisa says after redeeming herself from taehyung's public affection

jisoo and jungkook walks towards the balcony

"I thought you said that he wouldn't touch you without your permission" jungkook says in an angry voice as they enter the quiet balcony

" he did it to make you angry and I guess he succeeded" jisoo replies

"why do you always defend him against me?" jungkook says but remains calm

"how is this defending him? i can't believe you are bringing this topic again after closing it" jisoo says

"closing it? it would have been closed if you had stayed in your limits jisoo. why can't you be the one i fell for back in states. who didn't talk to a lot of people but only me and jenn..." jungkook pauses

"i never knew i had my limits" jisoo says and tries to leave as jungkook holds her arms..

"please don't leave like this.. we can sort this out together.." he says

" okay. sort it out. sort it out right now because i can't bear all this protectiveness from you.. the jisoo from back in states? what about the jungkook i fell for back then? he trusted me even if i talked to the boys and never said that i had some limits" she replies

"i know but taehyung is not any other boy.." he says and leaves jisoo's arms

jisoo looks at him and says "you are right.. taehyung isn't just any other boy." jisoo leaves the balcony

she walks through the crowd to go outside.. she feels suffocated by jungkook's words... 

"something must have happened. jungkook would never  say something like this.. my limits? he wouldn't ever say that. i need to talk to jennie" 

she feels that the living room is way too crowded when it isn't. she heads upstairs, finds an empty room and sets herself in the sofa letting go of the heels

"wow. never thought that this day will end like this" jisoo sits up with a very tormented look in her face as she thinks about jungkook

"i've been looking for you" says a familiar voice

"taehyung? please leave. i don't want jungkook to find us alone in an empty room" she says

"that brat again? what did he do?" he says as he comes in

"nothing. just leave me alone"

"then please get out of my girlfriend's bedroom." he commands

jisoo doesn't want to argue as she wears her heels back and gets up to get out and taehyung gets serious

"wait.. you are really getting out? umm.. i can go out. sit alone if you want to." he says

jisoo smiles.. she knew he will do this

"you know what? for a change i can use someone to talk to me" she says

taehyung also smiles and sits in the beanbag opposite to jisoo and looks at her

"tell me" he says

"jungkook doubts me and has told me to stay away from you" she says

"he what?" 

"he told me to avoid you because he doesn't like us together" she says

"if i were your girlfriend and talked to some other guys like i talk to you, would you ever set me some limits? the ones i shouldn't cross and if i do, i would be the worst girlfriend in the history of all girlfriends?" she laughs faintly clearly explaining that she did it to light up the situation]

"he set you limits?" taehyung's eyes focuses on jisoo's

"no. i am just asking" she says clearly lying

taehyung all of a sudden gets up from his beanbag and walks towards jisoo.. he puts his hands forward as a gesture for jisoo to hold it. jisoo holds his hand and gets up from his sofa and taehyung pulls her towards him

"i say you cross the limits" he whispers

"i can't." jisoo whispers back

"do you know what the limits are?" taehyung asks

"idk but it definitely starts with touching you" she says as she looks in his eyes

"then you have already crossed it" taehyung whispers as he brings his face closer and closer

"trust me jisoo, at this moment do what your heart says and don't listen to your brain. you want this too" he says as his lips are about to touch

the music changes downstairs and jisoo pushed him back..

"taehyung!!> no matter how much we joke with each other, we still have people trusting us.. i am not going to be the girlfriend who cheats around her boyfriend's back" she says with a stern voice

"boyfriend? or the jealous little junk that he is?" taehyung gets angry

" okay, let's accept that he is a junk.. what about lisa? what has she done to deserve this? we can't just kiss when we want to" she says

" we want to? that means you want to?" he asks as if he has won something

jisoo gets mind twisted by her own words..

"i didn't.." she says

"jisoo, please tell me what you want.. and i am giving you a choice.. choose one between me or jungkook.. right now!" he says

"please don't do this" she says

"choose one"

"it doesn't work like that." jisoo runs away from the room 

"but jisoo, it works just like that. it worked like that 11 years ago.. when you made your choice. now you are gonna feel what i did for my entire childhood.. " taehyung smirks as he walks out of the room

taehyung laughs remembering the very first day his dad came to him talking about the promise he made with jaejin and taehyung encouraged him to go on with it. after all, he needs to leave jisoo the same way she left him.. waiting besides the telephone for years..

to others it was just a goodbye but to taehyung, jisoo was the only friend he had..  all of this is not because she left him but because she kept him waiting.. she kept him hanging with a hope.. and the day he stopped waiting was the day he was filled with hatred for his "best friend" jisoo.

and when he knew about the promise, he made sure to go with it.. that's why instead of having the say of refuse the marriage, he pretended to have no choice..

he started out strong but what about now?

+++++++++guys a few more chapter and "the forced couple" will offically end...++++++

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