we are more than friends and we know it

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"you are so not wearing that if you don't want to be killed by your bf" rose says

"I am So wearing this and I am not going with my bf. I am going with jungkook. I will introduce you to him later" jisoo says as rose seems to not hear what she said  saying "oh jimin called.  let me pick it up. I will be quick, promise."

jisoo looks at the dress. she has the perfect heels to go with it.

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jissoo buys the white dress and thinks about how taehyung will react. last time she revealed only a bit of her shoulder , he became angry.

but this time.. " I am gonna summon the satan again tomorrow" jisoo giggles.

the night passes by with nothing exciting and finally the day of the party arrives. school will be off today because it is getting a festive party look and the students will join the party by 7.

jisoo receives a text

kookie: ready for it?

jisoo: I guess. pick me up at 7?

kookie: as you command

jisoo stans in front of the mirror being all dressed up, she contradicted the white dress with a nude pink strapped heels and a nude pink and a white clutch with beach wave black hair.    

jin comes in : whoa, you really are ready for today's party.  my sister is so pretty, you have really gone after me."

jisoo nudges him when she hears a honk.

its jungkook

"who is honking in front of our house?" jin asks

"jungkook." jisoo cant lie to him

"jeon jungkok? what is he doing here? & why didn't he call me? you guys already met? does dad know?" jin storms her with questions

"will explain later.can you please handle dad if he suspects anything?" jisoo aska

"leave it to me and enjoy the night. btw the curfew starts at 11.. be sure to be back by then but if you don't then its still okay. I can pretend to be you.. he won't recognize" jisoo laughs and heads downstairs

"mom dad I am leaving with TAEHYUNG" she says

"wow honey, you look great. say hi to taehyung from me" mom says

"okay, bye.  kisses" she says

" be back by 11" dad screams from the living room

ad jisoo gets out of the house, she sees jungkook in the car looking as handsome as ever. he doesn't get out in case her parents see him. as jisoo enters the car, jungkook looks at her being amazed

"you never fail to surprise me. you are looking gorgeous. I have the best date today for sure" as he drives away.

as jisoo sits in the passenger seat, she turns on LOVE by lana del rey when jungkook places his right hand on jisoo's left.. she looks at him but he keeps driving with his other hand on the steering as if it is very casual for him to do that

"you know that we are only friends right now, right?" jisoo gracefully takes her hand away

"we are playing the role of friends, but we are more than that and we know it" jungkook says

jisoo doesn't reply. she doesn't know her own feelings...

they heads to the school from where some faint music sounds can be heard from outside. they step outside.

"urgh, heels" jisoo curses herself under the breath for wearing them

the first day when she wore them in taehyung's house, she ended up in his bedroom.. 'clearly heels are not my friend" she says to herself

"ready? let's go inside" jungkook says as they lock their hands and head towards auditorium for the party.

taehyung and lisa's is already there. lisa is wearing a beaded black dress looking gorgeous. jungkook and jisoo enter the hall and walk through the music to the drinking station

"what would you like?" jungkook asks

" orange juice please" jisoo says

jungkook places their orders when taehyung and lisa comes around

"hi jisoo. hi jungkook. omo, you too look so good together. and that dress jisoo.." lisa says

"thank you lisa. you look good in that dress too" jisoo says and looks at taehyung.  he is staring at her but she can't read his eyes if he is amazed or angry at her. jungkook places his hand on jisoo's waist and says  "shall we dance?"  taehyung's eyes immediately crosses in on his hands..

"let's go." jisoo says and they walk past taelice to the dance floor

"let's dance as well" lisa grabs taehyung to the dance floor

as they were dancing, jisoo and jungkook got too close. "do you remember our first dance?"jungkook asks.  their faces are inches away from each other..

"uh.. wasn't it in your birthday party?" jisoo replies 

"haha. no, it was jennie's birthday/. how can you forget it?" he gets closer

as jungkook and jisoo gets too intimate, jisoo steps a little back in the middle of the dance.. "umm... i need to make a call" she says

"not right now please" jungkook holds her wrist

"just excuse me for a while. i will be back" and jisoo gets out of the auditorium. as she walks through the hallway, she finds an empty class room.. "why didn't i feel anything? he was so close but yet.." she thinks to herself sitting in a bench

she doesn''t know what is going on... it's been 5 minutes... as she gets up to head back, one of the buttons from the top of her dress pops out.. "shit no.." jisoo screams

it is and off shoulder and this popped up button exposes her bare shoulder more that she wants it to. "wow, look at you sweety.." a random person enters the room

"i need to go" as jisoo walks past him, he grabs her hands and throws her against the wall and whispers "girls as hot as you shouldn't be alone in a dark room showing this much skin. i know that you want it too.." he says as his hands move through her bare upper shoulder.

"leave me alone" jisoo screams but the music from the party suppresses her voice......

his hand move to the buttons of her dress as he unbuttons the button next to the already popped one. jisoo tries her best to get rid of him but his grip is too strong around her wrist. as he approaches to unbutton one more, a hand in the darkness stops him and pushes him aside.. 

"leave while i say nicely" he said

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