are you using an excuse to see me?

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jisoo woke up the next day early. it's sunday
what a relieve.. she washes up decides to go out for jogging. she puts on her jogging outfit, pops the headphones in her ears, ties the hair on a ponytail and heads outside without waking anyone else up.

"it's you, it's you, it's all for you" she sings while running

she runs past taehyung's house when suddenly she stops. "is hyejin aunty awake? I should meet her. it has been long since I last met her" jisoo rings the door bell

no one is opening. again!!

finally someone opens up the door and it is taehyung half awake, half asleep.

he struggles to open his eyes but still looks at jisoo

"what is it? " he asks

"I wanted to meet aunty. is she awake?"

"at 6 am? on a Sunday? who wakes up so early on a holiday?" he says looking annoyed

"well I do" jisoo looks disappointed. as she was about to go, taehyung stops her

"come inside. you already broken my sleep" he says

jisoo is tired of running. she gets inside & heads to the kitchen. she is too hungry . this house is like her own. she opens the fridge and finds what she wanted. "food!!"

"what? didn't your mom feed you?" taehyung says remembering what jisoo said the first time he went to her house

"damn, you have to argue with me even when you are half asleep?" jisoo asks as she churns the food down her stomach

taehyung heads upstairs and comes down after washing his face. much better

he sees jisoo eating a cupcake in the kitchen, grabs an apple and sits on the kitchen counter next to where she is standing

"I have never seen a girl eating cupcakes wearing gym clothes" he says taking a bite of the apple

jisoo comes back to reality. she was supposed to jog "urgh. my lust for cupcakes" she hits her own hand and put it down.

"I feel full. now, I don't want to jog after eating all these. I came in just to have water but look at me eating all these foods" jisoo says to herself

taehyung  brings her close to the counter he is sitting on by lightly pulling her hands. jisoo looks at him being surprised when he climbs down the counter and comes closer. "did you really want to jog or are you using that as an excuse to come here?"

"huh? Umm nn..oo." jisoo stammers as taehyung further comes closer

"it's 6 In the morning. how can you imagine my mom to be awake?" he keeps staring ay her

as jisoo feels that their gap is now non existent she says "I should go" but taehyung doesn't let her. he holds her both hands and says "why is your heart beating so fast jisoo?" he asks

as jisoo becomes barely able to move fearing that if she moves, their lips might touch, someone rings the bell..

"I will see that" she manages to get herself out of his grip and runs for the door. she knows that she is blushing. she opens the door and

"oh, hi lisa" jisoo says being surprised

"what are you doing here?" lisa asks

"did you stay here last night?"  she interrogates

" no, I just came. wby?" jisoo asks

"who is it?" taehtung comes from behind and stands still.

"hi, v. i hope i didn't interrupt you two" she says

taehyung is about to say something when jisoo says

"of course not lisa. i was about to go anyways" she looks behind at taehyung 

"jisoo?" hyejin says

"when did you come?" as she comes forward, she sees lisa.

"uh, hi lisa. how have you been doing? i haven't seen you for such  a long time" jisoo could sense the awkwardness with which hyejin spoke

"i am doing fine aunty"

"so what brings you here?" she asks

"it's sunday. as you know, me and taehyung always used to go fishing at the riverside on this day of the week and we haven't done that in a while. so i thought maybe we should today. but it seems as if he is busy. it's okay. i will come late" lisa says and is about to leave

"no, wait. he isn't busy at all. in fact, he told me about your sunday trips. i was leaving anyways" taehyung watches jisoo as lies

"leave? you aren't going anywhere.. come in jisoo" hyejin says

"lisa you too.. taehyung go get ready" she says

"jisoo will come with you guys." she adds

lisa looks at her and then taehyung

"okay. i was.." taehyung..

jisoo says "i can't go. let the two friends have their time, will you aunty?" before he can finish.

"taehyung, what are you doing here still? go get ready.. and jisoo, if you don't go with them then you have to stay with me till noon" she says

"deal done."jisoo laughs as they head inside with lisa

lisa feels relieved that jisoo wasn't accompanying them, not because she didn't like her but because she wanted some alone time with taehyung which she hasn't had for a long time.

taehyung comes down getting all ready and he walks towards the living room "let's go" he says to lisa and then looks at jisoo

jisoo is pretending as if she didn't see him.

"aunty, i will be leaving." she says and leaves being followed by taehyung

jisoo just watches them go.

jisoo spends the entire morning talking to hyejin and seeing old photobooks and stuffs..

hyejin feels the need to inform her something "how well do you know lisa?" she asks

"umm. i have talked to her once. she seems nice" jisoo replies

"do you know about taehyung and her?" she asks as jisoo pretends that she doesn't

hyejin tells her exactly what taehyung told jisoo

"when you leaved, he was devastated and that's when he found the warmth in lisa. she replaced you in his life and my little boy fell for her.. his first love.. but it remained incomplete. lisa's mother is not a person you would want to be around with. i feel bad for her. you see, taehyung really believes in first love. maybe that's why he is still holding onto lisa" she says

"jisoo, i know about you and taehyung and what you guys are doing. i was peeking aroung the entire time the first day you came here and talked to him alone. i just couldn't resist" she laughs

"i know you are pretending to be with him but i really hope taehyung realizes what is in front of him instead of running after something that he has lost.." she says

"aunty,.. i.. want to say something" jisoo says

"i am helping taehyung get along with lisa so that we don't get married" she adds

hyejin looks at her " i knew you would. but jisoo let me tell you, i have seen a lot of relationships and sooner or later both of you will realize what is right for you. I don't know why lisa is coming back now after rejecting him" hyejin adds

jisoo is heading back home with a nice feeling that she now has one less person to lie to.. but she also keeps wondering about what taehyung is doing. he still didn't return when jisoo was there till noon. he must be enjoying lisa's company right now. she lets out a sign without knowing and heads home..

****who is ready for some kooksoo next episode?****

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