knight in shining armour

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"go away while I ask nicely" he says

"who are you? go enjoy the party while I enjoy with her"

"taehyung?" jisoo asks

taehyung isn't listening anymore. he grabs his collar and beats him to pulp..

jisoo comes forward to stop him

"that's enough. let's leave" she says while he was about to throw another punch in his face...

as taehyung doesn't stop, jisoo comes in front him and looks directly at his eyes. her eyes are filled with tears.

"let's leave PLEASE" she says

the molester runs for his life out of the room. taehyung tries to follow him when jisoo holds him back.

"please don't.  he is not worth it" she says

jisoo uses her hands to cover up her chest which was barely covered. had he removed one more button....

taehyung looks over at her and closes the door of the classroom. he removes his coat and wraps her in it and buttons it up.

"are you okay?" he says it in a voice that jisoo has never heard

jisoo throws herself at him for a tight hug and cries.  "thank you" she holds him tight

taehyung doesn't say anything. he also hugs her back and for a brief moment, the room remains silent. they enjoy each others warmth for sometime. jisoo is the one who steps back

"we should go back to the party" she says

"we can go back home" taehyung says

"no, it's okay. I will be okay. jungkook is waiting" she says

taehyung all of a sudden gets angry..

"you are not going inside and I am taking you home." he grabs her hand and drags her outside of the school

"but what about lisa?" she asks

"tell jungkook to drop her off. they leave in the same area" taehyung says while walking

"I can't.  lisa is waiting for you. you should go. I will be fine" she says as they reach the empty hall

taehyung now vents his suppressed anger " why did you wear this dress?" he says

"what do you mean?" jisoo asks

"I told you not to wear anything like that in school." he says

"why did you wear it? do you know what could've happened today? he screams

jisoo is taken aback.

"why did you wear it? couldn't you wear something less revealing?" he says

jisoo also erupts..

"why are you blaming me? do you think I asked for it to happen?  look at other girls. I am the one wearing the most covered up dress. why are you screaming  at me?" she fires back

"everyone is not you.. I warned you not to wear such things and this is my last warning" taehyung replies

"well just so you know, I am thankful that you saved me but you are hurting me just as much with your words right now" tears start dropping from her face as she runs back inside the party

taehyung stands still "did I tell her too much? she just met an unfortunate situation. I shouldn't have done that." he thinks immediately regreting his words.

as jisoo enters the party, jungkook sees her. " are you okay? where have you been?"

"jisoo, what happened?" he becomes worried

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