the game has just begun

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"you are my first love damn it" taehyung screams

jisoo looks at him dumbfounded..

"you were the one who kept me waiting beside the telephone but never called. how could you forget me just by getting new friends?" taehyung asks

"I.." jisoo tries to process what he is saying

" you said that I was using you? you what? you are worse than me. you said that jungkook was always there for you?  guess what.. lisa may have rejected me at first but now she loves me and said that she will always be with me. not like you who forgets people when she meets new ones" taehyung leaves her hands and goes downstairs

jisoo stands in her room with the napkins in her hands..

after a while, she heads downstairs...

everyone is finished with their dinner when the desert comes in....

panna cotta. jisoo can't eat it as she keeps thinking about what taehyung said.

"how am I the worse? I forgot about him? I was working so hard to adjust with the new school and then I met jennie..... and yes, I didn't call him back but I was so little and already overwhelmed with the new life" jisoo thinks

"eat up jisoo.." hyejin says

"ahh, yes " jisoo replies

taehyung looks at her and knows that she is still trying to figure out what she is thinking..

everyone gets up after finishing dinner.. jisoo gets up to clean the table.. "I will help" jungkook says to jisoo

jisoo smiles and looks at taehyung. he isn't standing up from his table..

"can I get another panna cotta?" he says to jisoo as everyone leaves the room to go to the living room

jisoo brings him more panna cotta as jungkook starts cleaning and she joins while taehyung keeps eating his desert slowly..

"thank you" jungkook says to jisoo without being bothered about taehyung's presence

"for what?" jisoo asks

"for telling the truth. now we can finally be together without hiding it" he says

"thank you for this favor jisoo" taehyung bulges in

"now I can also be with lisa without worrying about my parents" he says

jisoo looks at him.. " and you will not have to kiss me to prove that we are a couple" he adds

jungkook gets confused "you kissed him? when?" he asks

"wait, I kissed you?" jisoo asks taehyung with the same confusion

"you don't remember last night? you didn't tell jungkook? nah. it's fine. you were so good. you don't need to hide it" he says as he leaves the room with a smirk in his face

jungkook looks at jisoo " no he was just lying.."

"you were with him yesterday night?" he asks

"no, I mean yes but we didn't really kiss. I mean it may havee it wouldn't have happened and.." jisoo doesn't know how to explain

"let's just join the others" she says failing miserably

they walk to the living room when hyejin says

"you two look great together. I can't believe we forced you guys"

"thank you" jungkook says and joins in the conversation..

jisoo sits besides dara and taehyung gets up sneakily from his seat to sit besides jisoo

"wifey!" he says

jisoo jumps from his seat but no one notices. she hasn't heard that for so long

"why did you file for our divorce? we were so happily married" he says

"go back to your seat. if jungkook sees us.." she says

"who is jungkook? oh. the guy with whom you were cheating on me?" he says

"now is not the time for such role playing" jisoo whispers angrily

"well you may have thought that you will end everything by saying the truth..." taehyung comes close to her. ears

"but wifey, the game has just started. and you will soon miss me.." he gets back to his seat

jisoo looks at him with a confused look.  what game?

"it's late. we should go now.." mingyu says

after a while they get up to go..

they greet each others and hyejin hugs jisoo

"come and visit me soon?" she asks

"soon" jisoo repliess with a smile

taehyung comes close and hugs jisoo in front of everyone..

all are looking at him with a confused look..
"what? I am hugging my ex.. she is no longer my "soon to be wife".." he says

mingyu slaps his back and laughs..

jungkook doesn't think that it is funny.. as they leave, jungkook also says goodbye  and leaves

jisoo goes to her room and gets ready to change her dress. she need something comfortable..

as she unbuttons the back of her dress,  someone from the window says

" I dont think that you should undress in front of me. but if you want to, I will not mind"

jisoo gets flustered and looks behind. thank god she didn't unbutton too low

"yah, how can you just climb up the window like that?" she screams

"get out. I need to change"

"I will close my eyes" taehyung says

"you think u trust you that much?"

taehyung puts on a puppy face " you don't?" he says and adds

"if you thought that you will be able to get rid of me by telling the truth then you were wrong." he says

"listen mr. taehyung" jisoo comes close to the window without caring that her back is completely open

"if you think that I will back off by your threats then you were wrong" she holds his collars and brings his face close to hers

"you said that I am going to miss you?guess what? you will miss me.. you said that I WAS YOUR FIRST LOVE?  now see what your first love does.." she brings her face closer

" you are not the only player in this game..  you will come to me first." jisoo says and leaves his collar

taehyung tries to handle himself from falling as he is too shocked at her sudden move..

jisoo walks back to the mirror exposing her half bare back and says

"so you gonna see me undress myself? I won't mind" she says as she starts unbuttoning the next button

taehyung gets a moved and says

"I need to go right now. not because I have accepted my defeat but because it is late" he says realizing how lame the excuse is

he jumps down and jisoo quickly heads to the window closing it and throwing the curtains down

"thank god. this jetk is gone. I got flustered that he will not move after I said that" she says to herself and gets in her comfy clothes

" kim taehyung.. I will not back off. I know how to make you jealous and as far as jungkook is concerned,  I may not have the same feelings I used to have for him but he deserves better and I will make sure of that " jisoo smirks as she gets in the bed aready planning to defeat taehyung in the game he started

++++++guys there maybe some typos as I didn't recheck. sorry for that.. the next chaptters are gonna be so interesting... JELLY TAEHYUNG AND JELLY JISOO on their way++++

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