date with the mr. perfect

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jungkook: get ready by 7

jisoo: huh? why?

jungkook: don't pretend to not know. I will pick you up from the junction. can't come outside you house because of you *awesome*dad

jisoo: haha. ik my dad is awesome. okay.. will be ready

jisoo was negligent to go on a date at first but now that she thinks about it, it will be a good way to take the control of her feelings. moreover she needs to spend more time with jungkook and care less about taehyung.

she looks at her closet. she picks up an elegant black dress. but she suddenly remembers about their last date months ago. she leaves the elegant dress and picks up a casual jeans with a maroon top and a leather jacket. she looks at her shoes.. not the heels but the sneakers.

this is the style jungkook likes. laid back and comfortable instead of elegant the ones..

it's 7. jisoo comes down the stairs.

"jisoo where are you going?" dad asks

"ummm" she is caught of guard

"to see a movie.." she says

"alone?" he asks suspecting something

"no, taehyung is coming with me. I am heading to his house" she further lies

suddenly the suspecting look vanishes to a wide smile

"okay honey.enjoy" he says

" bye dad" jisoo says giving him a kiss

"I am going to put an end to all these drama and lies soon" jisoo says to herself immediately after coming out

she walks to the junction and sees jungkook already waiting with a car. he was waiting for her leaning over his car

"there is my girl" he smiles

he opens the car door and then himself gets in

"so,what's the plan?" she asks

"at first, movies, then dinner, then a special surprise"he says as he drives away

taehyubg can't control himself. he needs to talk to jisoo to clear things up. but she isn't picking up.

he takes his jacket and runs towards her house..

knock knock

"who is it?" jaejin (jisoo's dad in case you forgot) asks


he opens the door

"ohh taehyung. where is jisoo? I thought you guys were going to movies together.." he blurts out

taehyung is surprised but he quickly understands the situation. jisoo lied to him to go somewhere

"oh, yyess. we are going to see a movie. umm. I came to......."

" take her phone. she forgot it." he lies

"haha. my jisoo never learns. you can go to her room and look for it" jaejin replies

"umm.. that will not be necessary. I will go now" taehyung says looking disappointed and walks away

jaejin is confused

"that boy is a little weird" he says as he closes the door

"where are you jisoo?" taehyung lets a scream out as he is frustrated with the situation

"the movie was great!" jisoo says

"and a little scary" she adds

"a little scary? look what you have done to my hands with your nails. each time that fake ghost appeared, you held on to me so hard" he laughs looking at her

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