"get some clothes on"

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                           11 years ago

"we are moving to the states. I got a job there & it has good salary." jaejin says to mingu

"but.. you have a job here. why are you transferring?" he asks

"we have been living here since birth. I want jisoo and jin to study in the states. don't worry mingu ya.. we will come back soon" he says

"and what about our promise? I don't know how I will say this to heyjin. she will be disappointed" mingu replies

"I know but dara wants this. we have made that promise and we will definitely fulfill it." jaejin adds

                    present days

the parents join vsoo at the living room. "so what have you decided?" jaejin asks

"I have already agreed to it" jisoo says and looks at taehyung as if pleading him to reject her

taehyung looks at her coldly and says "I don't have a problem either" he says and again looks at jisoo

jisoo gives him a deadly glare.   "what a jerk. I can't believe that I have to pretend to be with him.. god, please kill me"

"welcome to the family" hyejin looks at jisoo

"umm. we are not married yet so... uhh.. I feel a little" jisoo replies

"haha, don't worry jisoo ya. you two are not marrying anytime soon.. you guys are too young for that now." mingu says

" now that I think about it, jisooo will be taehyung's first gifrlfriend. urhh.. this is what I've wanted always" hyejin says

tarhyung looks down at his phone while jisoo smirks.

"first girlfriend? that jerk never dated anyone? I can see why" jisoo thinks to herself

"taehyung is your first boyfriend, right  jisoo? I want to know more about you" hyejin asks her with a motherly smile

jisoo all of a sudden gets taken  aback with the question
"taehyung? oh.. umm.." she says

jisoo looks at jin and he nods at her

"yes, he is" she lies

"okay, enough with the question. you have all the time to talk to her hyejin. let's get dinner. it is late already." mingu leads them to the diner table. he sits at the main chair with hyejin at his right. jisoo and taehyung are right besides hyejin while the other 3 are in their opposite side..

"chicken?" jisoo gives a satisfied look

"haha, I knew it." hyejin says

while the parents are talking among themselves, taehyung asks jisoo to pass the curry..

"it is too heavy. give me your plate" jisoo says as her eyes light up

jin looks at jisoo and knows whar she is about to do. he has been the victim of such antics of jisoo before.

taehyung gives jisoo his plate without questioning and as he drinks water, jisoo serves the curry with a huge spoon of chilly flakes in it and pretends to stir it up as she mixes the chilly flakes

"here, take it" she says

taehyung takes the plate and says "mom, can I ask for one thing?" hw says


"I want to feed jisoo this curry myself" taehyung says with a smirk and leans in to whisper only for her to listen "you think that I wouldn't know?"

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