"be careful of taehyung"

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jisoo walks out of the living rooms and heads towards the balcony.. jungkook isn't there anymore.. she looks for him but he is gone.. he has never done that..

" hey lisa.. did you see jungkook?" she asks

"yes, he said that he was going home.. i thought you were leaving with him as well" lisa says

suddenly the feeling sinks in on jisoo.. jungkook may have hurt her with his words but she did what he wanted her to. she pushed taehyung away before they would do something terribly wrong.

"do you want my driver to drop you?" lisa asks

"umm. yes i would love that" jisoo says as she doesn't see a way out

"wait sometime. let me call him" lisa adds

jisoo sits in the living room when she fainlt hears a doorbell. she walks towards the main door and opens it.. it is lisa's mothet. jisoo saw her pictures in lisa's room

"hi aunty" jisoo says in a warmly tone

"hi, um i haven't seen you before.." she says as she walks in

"jisoo, kim jisoo"

"jisoo? the girl who was supposed to marry taehyung?" she walks in the living room and sees the party

"uhh. the party.. young people. i should have stayed in office longer" she frowns

"yes. i am that jisoo. but we aren't getting married anymore." she clears things up

jisoo thinks to herself "she seems like a warm person. why do hyejin aunty hate her?"

lisa comes down.. "mom, where is the driver? he isn't picking my call. jisoo need to go home but doesn't have a ride"

"umm. i will drop her. i need to get away from all this music and stuff" she smiles

"i would love that" jisoo replies

jisoo and lisa's mother walks through the parking area and sits in the car.

"so jisoo, tell me.. what happened between you and taehyung? and what made my daughter ending up with him?" she asks

"nothing. we just didn't agree to the marriage and he loves lisa. so we thought it would be better to end it" jisoo replies as she drives the car after getting the address

"you are the one who was his childhood friend.. aren't you?" she asks

"yes i am"

"haha..hyejin must hate me.. to be honest, i am a very straight forward person.. that's why most of the people don't like me. i know that you already know this but let me you, taehyung is destroying lisa's dancing career. she stays up late night to talk to him, he visits us all the time. lisa's isn't even properly attending her classes. as a mother, i am worried about her. like i was worried when he first proposed her" she says

"i have heard of that story" jisoo says

"it is not a story. it is the truth.. i did put those choices for her to make. and she made hers. but yet she kept talking to taehyung as if they were still friends. let me tell you, you can never be friends with a boy who just proposed you. it always leaves the boy with a hope.. lisa did that and see the result, they are in a relationship" she adds

"but to be honest, i am proud of lisa.. that she is true to her feelings and didn't let anything else influence her from getting what she loved" she smiles

jisoo just listens to her silently.. if only i had called back then, would it be me by taehyung's side and not lisa? she thinks about it the entire time

as they reach her house, jisoo thanks her and leaves..

"be careful of taehyung. he may not be what he looks like" lisa's mom says in a very low voice but jisoo hears it

"why does everyone think that taehyung is some sort of grim reaper when he has been so kind to me lately?" she asks to herself as she walks away

jisoo enters her house and goes to her room..

she calls jennie after a while and updates her with every thing and asks for advice..

"jungkook has never done that.. leave you alone in a party? he must either be extremely sad or extremely angry" jennie says

"i think so too. but he has been really protective about me the last couple of days"

"that's normal jisoo. for every boyfriend.. although he may have over done it but you also have to give him the benefit of doubt.. he never dated anyone since you left and now that he has you, he doesn't want to let you go" jennie makes jisoo understand

as jisoo is sleeping, she keeps thinking about taehyung.. "we would've kissed today.. i can't kiss him till i talk to jungkook and sort things out"

"uh why am i thinking about taehyung again?"

"jisoo control yourself"

"i don't know. as much as i try to control my emotions, i feel weak after i see him"

"i need to come out about my feelings to him"

"but didn't lisa's mother say that he visits them all the time? maybe she was talking about the past. idk,, all i know is that this thing is stretching too far.. i loved taehyung and when i saw them kissing i said to myself that i will stop my feelings. but i couldn't.. this is unfair for jungkook as well..."

"i need to sort this out tomorrow"

the next day comes quicker than anticipated. winter break is gonna come soon. it is going to be a long vacation this time. jisoo needs to sort things out soon as she wants to spend this winter break with the one she wants to without feeling guilty of anything. she has had enough..

jisoo gets ready for school and stands in front of the mirror.

"i need to talk to HIM" she says

jisoo walks through the main gate of the school looking for HIM and she finally finds HIM.

"can i talk to you?" she says

"i am busy now" he replies

"please. i need to talk to you right now.." jisoo pleads

"okay" he smiles as he feels happy that jisoo is the one who approached him..

they walk out of the main building and heads to the back garden. the area is nice. there is a small pond and at its one side, there is rows of cherry blossom and the other side had green grasses where jisoo and he is now standing with no one around..

jisoo knows what she is about to do as she clenches her fist..

"i can't betray him anymore. i need to tell the truth about my feelings before it is too late and i lose what i have" she says to herself as if she is giving her the courage to do this..

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