two for one

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Jisoo can't feel her legs. she shouldn't have come here. she doesn't want to see it anymore as she runs down the stairs.  she tries to not let her tears fall as she walks to her house.

outside her house, she sees jungkook.

"jisoo, I can't....  are you crying? what happened?" he asks as he comes close

jisoo runs to him to give him a hug
"I am sorry for today. I didn't realize what you have done for me. you were always there for me. I am sorry" jisoo says as she cries

jungkook hugs her back "what happened? is it taehyung?" he asks

jisoo removed herself from his arms and says

"no, nothing. I am sorry for today. I should go now." shw runs inside

jungkook knows that it is related to taehyung..

jisoo locked her door and spent the rest of the day regretting her feelings for taehyung.

the next day, jisoo wakes up in the same dress as yesterday. she cried to sleep. she gets ready for college and stands in front of the mirror and says to herself

"you love jungkook and that's it. he is the one for you" she heads to school

she sees that there is a crowd in front of the school. as she pushes through the crowd, she sees junglook and taehyung over one another, beating each other.

jisoo runs to them. taehyung looks at jisoo while holding jungkook's collar as jungkook throws a punch at him. out of nowhere lisa comes forward to stop taehyung. 

jisoo comes forwards and holds jungkook back.

"that's enough. let's go inside" she says to jungkook

"no, let me teach him.." jungkook screams

"YOU NEED MEDIC" jisoo screams back as she traces the scars in his chin and forehead

she looks behind to see taehyung looking at her with his eyes filled in anger as lisa says looking at him

"why are you fighting with him? let it go"

jisoo takes junglook's hands. intertwines their fingers and walks past taehyung.. taehyung just stands still..

in the sickroom:

jisoo looks for a first aid box and sits in a bed with jungkook. "look at you with all these scars. what happened?"  she asks

"nothing" jungkook says

"say it" jisoo replies as she presses a cotton againat his scar

" I told him to stay away from you. and that you will never love him because you already love me." he adds

"why did you?" jisoo asks

"I had to. I can't bear him trying to be your boyfriend when you have no interest in him." he adds

"and after I said that, all of a sudden he jumps in on me." he says

"don't fight for  me like that. and don't get hurt." jisoo says as the scene of taelice kiss appears before her.

she feels suffocated..

kooksoo enters the math class and sees taelice sitting at the back. they sit in front of them as jungkook throws a gaze at taehyung..

as the class passes, jungkook whispers to jisoo

"let's  go on a date"

"what? focus on the clas" jisoo whispers back

"I will pick you up at 7."

"you two.. stop talking." the teacher points

"sorry miss" jisoo appologizes

"wear something sexy."jungkiok whispers to her ears as jisoo hits his arms lightly

out of nowhere, taehyung gets up from his seat and looks at jisoo. she turns back to look at him. he seems very angry. he takes his bag and leaves the class

jisoo heads to the cafe during lunch. she can't find jungkook or rose. so she sits alone

another person joins her. taehyung

" do you know why we fought today?" he says

"I know" jisoo replies looking elsewhere while munching her salad

"you came forward for him? I am more hurt than him. I didn't even hit him properly yet you came forward for him" he says

"you had lisa" she says

taehyung throws his spoon on the table and uses his hand to smack the table.

" so what? I didn't ask lisa to come forward. look at my hands" taehyung puts his hand forward and it has a deep cut

"how did it happen?" jisoo looks worried but she quickly calms herself

"go to sickroom and get that dressed up" she says

"come with me" taehyung asks

"I cant..ask lisa to go with you" she replies normally

"lisa lisa.. what happened to you? why are you pushing lisa everywhere? I am not going unless you come" he says and looks away while eating

"then leave it like that because i am not coming" jisoo stands up, takes her food and leaves the cafe

taehyung is dumbfounded
"why is she so cold tome? and why is she talking about lisa so much"

by the end of  school, jisoo walks down the stairs and heads to the main gate and sees taehyung.  she looks at his hands which is still undressed

"why haven't you dressed it yet? " she asks

"I asked someone for help but she didnt seem interested to I just let it be" he replies

jisoo grabs his other hand and takes him to medic. she keeps standing while watching his injury get dressed up.  after that, she doesn't wait for him and leaves alone. taehyung runs behind her

" I knew wouldn't be able to see me in pain " he says

"I would've done that for anyone" jisoo replies as she walks towards her house

"nope jisoo. even if you stepped up for jungkook in front of everyone, you only did that so that he would stop fighting with me. I get it all now. you didn't want me to get hurt further " he says

" I don't want to talk right now." jisoo replies

"why not? we couldn't talk yesterday also" he says

"because yesterday, you were too busy kissing lisa.." jisoo blabbers  immediately regretting it. she looks at taehyung who is just as shocked as she was when she found them together.

"jisoo..  I..." taehyung stammers unable to say anything

"please stop. you don't need to justify. after all you love her and you got what you always wanted. our "forced relation" is going to end soon and trust me, I will free you from me so that you can be with the one you want to be with" jisoo runs inside her house as tahyung stands outaide

she saw everything. "free me from her? what is she going to do?" taehyung says to himself as he thinks about his kiss

something that he has always thought about doing.. but now he regrets it..

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