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taehyung goes to his house and reads the letter jisoo left again.. 

"how could she leave me? she loved me.. why did she quit so early?" he says to himself as he can't control his tears..

taehyung's phone rings.. JUNGKOOK

"what is it?" taehyung asks as he tries not to cry

" you are really marrying lisa? that's what i heard.. you jerk!! what about jisoo?" jungkook screams.

"did you play her like a toy? i can't believe she chose you over me.. you will regret you decision later because you also love her but too afraid to admit it. just one request.. don't hurt her" jungkook pleads

" do you know where she is? did she ask you to call me?" taehyung asks with a hope to find jisoo

"where she is? wait,, jisoo went somewhere?" he asks

taehyung hangs up knowing that jungkook doesn't know anything

jisoo sits besides the window of a cafe.. her car is parked outside..

"taehyung, if you really love me, you will look for me.. and you will miss me. and when i finally come to you, you will accept me forgetting about your stupid revenge.." jisoo thinks as she traces the edge of the coffee that is getting cold..

"lisa, you know that i love taehyung and that maybe he loves me. yet you are acting as if you don't know anything. you never tried to talk to him about it even though you saw everything clearly. yet after rejecting him, you got back with him.. i am sorry but if taehyung loves me then this marriage is unfair to both of us"

she thinks about the day they were alone in his room, "he wanted to kiss me.. why did i stop him?" jisoo regrets 

the coffee is cold already.. she drinks it anyways and leaves for her new home.. she needs to spend the next few weeks there but she already misses everyone.

"no time for that.. i need a solid plan ready before school finishes" she says to herself as she drives out of the countryside

taehyung wakes up the next day and the passing days without looking forward to the day like he used to when jisoo was here.. the last day of vacation:

lisa: what is wrong? i keep calling you but you don't pick up? you spent most of the vacation without talking to me.. we are getting married but the distance keeps increasing..

taehyung doesn't reply

lisa: is it because of jisoo? is it because she left? she left me a letter.. asking if she could be my bridesmaid.. 

taehyung: she left you one too? did she say where she was going?! 

taehyung replies immediately

lisa: oh, so it is about her? and you are finally replying to me now? sometimes you really act like a stranger

taehyung: please, did she say where she was going?

lisa: no she didn't..

no replies.. lisa signs " i don't know what you want taehyung. you proposed me at first and then when i rejected you, you kept being around me.. but then when i finally had the courage to love you back, you were not the one who used to love me anymore. i hope these things solve once we get married. i know that they will"\

taehyung lies down in his bed when suddenly he thinks of something..JIN!!

"jisoo will never go anywhere without telling him.. even when we were kids, she used to tell him everything. why didn't i think of this before"  he gets up and runs to her house

even on the last day, taehyung keeps searching for jisoo..he knocks the door and when dara opens it, he greets and heads straight to jin's room.. 

jin is playing games

"where is jisoo?"

jin looks at him.. 

"i don't know" he lies

"yah, tell me where she is"

"why do you care? you really think that i will tell you after all that you did to her?"

taehyung's eyes spark up.. "she did tell you where she is.. all you need to do is tell me." he says

"do away anna" jin jokes trying to lighten up the mood as the anger in taehyung's face is scaring him

taehyung comes to him and grabs the collar of his shirt lightly

"listen elsa, i have something very important to do with your sister.. you have no idea how i spent the past few days regretting everything. yes, i have hurt her but yet she has no right to leave me like this. now either you speak up or i bury your disney dreams here forever" and releases his collar

"you are a big jerk, you know that? even a bigger jerk than hans. you have loved her all along but just because she had jungkook instead of you, you planned that to hurt her. now you are realizing what she meant when she was around. you have no idea how much she cried the day she knew about your marriage. you still think that you are worthy of knowing where she is?"

taehyung just looks at him.. "why is this disney princess talking sense today?" 

"please tell me.. i.." he pleads

jin looks at his eyes. "jisoo taught him how to read eyes and all he sees is a gush of pain" 

"go to waterford. it is a small town.. find her if you want to. but don't tell her that i told you the place.. she will kill me" he says as he knows that he is ruining jisoo's plan but yet he believes that this is the right thing to do.

taehyung thanks him as he heads outside feeling relieved that now he knows where she is..

"i can't believe i am helping hans and anna to pair up" jin smiles

taehyung goes to his house and gets in his car and heads for waterford.

"if i find you now, i will not let you leave me again no matter what.."

jisoo is working at a cafe as a waitress .. it has been quite a lot of time since she took the job.. it keeps her busy hence she feels less lonely.. but the boss is pretty arrogant. she keeps whining if jisoo rests even a bit..

jin: what is the name of the cafe you work at?

jisoo: gwettens.. why?

jin: nothing. i am just... umm. just forgive me

jisoo: for what?

no replies. she keeps the phone inside her pocket as she cleans the table without thinking about him..

jin: gwettens. look for that cafe.. and if you mess up this time and hurt her, i swear you will meet something worse than hans did..

taehyung: tysm

he speeds up.. it will take him about half an hour or a little more if he goes in this speed..

"jisoo, you thought i will let you go away? i know i have hurt you but enough is enough. you are mine and i will make sure of it"

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