do you love him?

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monday, "and the torture begins." jisoo says to herself while dressing up for school. she still can't forget about taehyung and lisa. what did they do yesterday together?

anyways.. she heads for school. as she enters the hallway, rose waves at her.

"jisoo yaa.." she says

"hey pasta. what's up?"   jisoo asks

"oh no. he is coming. i will go now." rose says looking at something behind jisoo

jisoo turns around and sees taehyung walking towards her direction. she looks at rose but she isn't there anymore "scaredy cat" she thinks

she goes ahead to greet him but suddenly lisa comes in between "hi V. it was great yesterday. we should do this every week like before" she says

taehyung looks at jisoo.. jisoo walks away feeling as if she is not needed there. moreover, taehyung doesn't care whether she greets him or not.

bell rings and jisoo checks her routine "chemistry.. urgh boring"

she enters the class and looks for rose, she isn't here. as she look around, she freezes..

"is that? i mean?" she says

she comes forward to check a student sitting in the back

"jjungkook?" she becomes surprised

taehyung enters the class and sits behind jungkook walking past jisoo but jisoo doesn't notice him..  she just stands still looking at jungkook..

"how did you know?" she breaks their silence

taehyung sits just behind jungkook and looks at jisoo. "why is she looking at him like this? do they know each other?" he thinks

the teacher comes in and jisoo seems unable to even move. she has just run into someone she left behind unwillingly. "it can't be"

jungkook sees the teacher but jisoo doesn't.. jungkook holds her wrist and pushes her to sit besides him "the teacher is here jisoo. i know you have questions for me and i will answer them all later" he says

the class passes as jisoo isn't able to concentrate. she just looks down in her book. another person wasn't able to concentrate as well and just so you know it was not jungkook..

when the class ends, taehyung comes forward unable to hold the mystery anymore "let's go to cafe. i need to talk" he says to jisoo

jungkook looks at him..  jisoo stands up and says "not now. you can go with lisa. i have something else i need to figure out first" and looks at jungkook

"i need to talk to you ALONE" she says and as she leaves the room jungkook follows.. taehyung just glares at them and clenches his fist 

they head to the garden and sits down in a bench. "explain" jisoo says

"i got a scholarship here." he says

"why did you apply here in the first place?" jisoo asks

"don't you know why?" he says

"i thought you would withdraw that application" jisoo says

"  when i applied here, we were in a different situation and wanted to be close to each other when you come here. and after we broke up, i even thought that i should withdraw my application but then i thought to myself as to why do i have to step back? i know you don't like me here but jisoo..i know you and i am pretty sure you broke up with me because of your dad" he says

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