a little too late to confess

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as the night passes, the distance reduces.

jisoo is the first one to wake up. she opens her eyes and finds herself lying like a baby in taehyung's arms. she doesn't want to get up but forces herself to get up. while she was leaving the bed, taehyung holds her hand and says in a sleepy voice

"please, five more minutes" 

jisoo gets back under the blanket and closes her eyes to dive in his warmth as taehyung hugs her tight.

after 15 minutes

"we need to go to school. wake up" she says

"let's skip school today" taehyung replies as jisoo gets up from the bed 

"you better wake up when i come back" she says and heads to the bathroom while taehyung sleeps with his head under the blanket

Jin comes in 

"LET IT GO, LET IT GO!!" he sings

taehyung wakes up at his loud voice

"she didn't lock the door?" he frowns under his blanket and remains motionless

"THE SLEEP SHOULDN'T BOTHER YOU ANYWAYS" jin screams louder in his attempt to wake jisoo up..

taehyung can't bear his distorted disney songs anymore. he jumps out of the bed

"will you stop that?" he says in his sleepy voice

jin was heading towards the bed and he slips..

"wth.. what are you doing in my sister's bed?" he asks

" what do you do in beds?" he asks

jin starts thinking and all sort of thoughts comes in his brain

taehyung quickly handles the situation knowing what he was thinking

"there are a lot of things to be done in beds but i was just sleeping" he said

at that moment jisoo comes out of the bathroom..

she sees jin and stands still 

"jjiinn.. what are you doing here?" she asks being dazed

"waking you up. i mean waking this creature up thinking that it was you. what is taehyung doing in your bed?" he asks

jisoo stammers. taehyung takes chance of the situation

"jin, your sister was amazing yesterday, let me tell you," taehyung grabs his phone, kissess jisoo's cheeks in front of jin "see you soon baby" and he climbs down the windows

jisoo and jin are looking at each other, both are red.

"jin, he was just pulling some old tricks. nothing happened. trust me" jisoo says being the victim of taehyung's stupid antic

"he was kidding? i am not going to spare him for such jokes. and you.. what happened to you? the first day you almost let him eat a soup with chilly flakes and now you guys are sharing the same bed?" he asks

"umm.. things have changed" jisoo says

"clearly. things change when you are in love" jin says while leaving the room..

"love?." jisoo smiles knowing what it is when her phone vibrates

ex: should i pick you up today?

"ex? who is this?" jisoo thinks to herself and ignores the message

she gets ready for school and today she wears a full length jeans with tucked in shirt. she no longer wants to wear exposing cloths especially after taehyung warned her.

jisoo heads for school.. as she enters the physics class when jungkook comes in 

''why aren't you responding to my messages?"

"messages? when did you message me?" jisoo says  and looks at her phone. 

"ex?" she enters the chat again and sees the messages from last night

"shinning armour? wth.who did this?"" she asks to herself already knowing the answer

"who was the person you were talking about last night?" he asks

"taehyung" she says straight forward. "he was my knight in shining armour yesterday. " she says proudly.. jungkook closes in "are you okay?" he asks

"yes, just fine. let's focus on the class" jisoo says

during break, jisoo looks for taehyung everywhere but he is no where to be see.

she tries calling him but couldn't find his number. who deleted his number. as she was searching through her contacts she foundd "boyfriend"

"taehyung a.. what have you done yesterday?" jisoo smiles

she dials in. no response.. "i have so many things i need to tell him but where is he?" jisoo wonders about the campus

she wants to tells him about her feelingss, about the fact that she no longer wants to be with jungkook but with him.. the break ends and jisoo needs to head back to the chemistry class.  she keeps searching for taehyung and finally gives up. 

by the end of the class, jungkook comes to her "should i drop you off?" he says

"no. i can go by myself. tysm for asking" jisoo says and hurries outside

she walks past her house and heads towards taehyung's.

"i don't know what you feel about me but i am going to say what i feel. you can reject me after that" jisoo thinks to herself while walking

when she finally reaches the door, she can feel her heart skip a beat. she is finally doing it. she is going to confesss to her enemy that she loves him.

she was going to ring the bell when she realized that the door is open.

"excuse me?" jisoo says but after receiving  no answer, she heads in anyways.

she makes her way up the stairs and realizes that no one is home. she walks towards taehyung's room with her heart in her hands. as she opens the door, the smile in her face disappears

there is taehyung and lisa.. lisa has one of her hands in the back of taehyung's head and the other over his chest while she kisses him on his lips while taehyung was kissing her back

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