i am sorry but she is taken

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                       4 years ago

taehyung  saw lisa first time in his school. by the end of the class, he approached her
"hi, I am taehyung" he said

"hi taehyung, my name is lisa"

then it started. they became good friends over time and she started calling her by V.

lisa spent more time with taehyung and even skipped a dance class for going boat riding last year. as her mom found out, she warned lisa and lisa being the good daughter she is,  listened to her. moreover, she loves dancing and when her mom put the choice of taehyung and dancing, she chose the latter.

when taehyung proposed in that evening, she turned him down
"taehyung, you are a good friend but I can't.. we can be good friends" she said

but nothing was like before after that

                   present day

jisoo comes to school wearing an off shoulder top with a jeans shorts. rose forced her into wearing this saying that she will wear some off shoulder top as well. jisoo liked the idea. "jennie will be so jealous" she thought

she enters the hallways and sees rose wearing a red off shoulder top. "twinies" rose says
"haha, my best friend will be so jealous of you" jisoo adds

a few boys besides the locker were staring at them

"okay, 12 o clock. he is so staring at you" rose says

"what? who?" jisoo looks at where rose directs her

"okay, he is hot" jisoo says

as they continue talking all of a sudden, the boy approaches jisoo

"hi, I am jimin" ge says

"hi, I am jisoo and this is rose"

"hi" rose says

"umm. I was just.. you look gorgeous today" he says to jisoo

rose deadass gives him a glare

"I mean you both do" jimin corrects himself

"do I have any chance of getting your number?" he asks jisoo

well that escalated quickly. from hi to getting number directly. he knows how to play it..

"umm. I think.." jisoo was about to say something when she feels a hand wrapped in her waist

"I am sorry but she is taken" taehyung says and as jisoo looks above, she can see his eyes filled with anger

jimin looks at taehyung "oh, I didn't mean to, I didn't know. I just wanted to let her know that she looks amazing today. anyways.. uuh I should go"

taehyung looks at rose with the same angry eyes "'umm. I will be going" rose says looking at jisoo being too afraid to make eye contact with him

taehyung drags jisoo to a secluded class room and says

"what are you wearing?"

"can't you see? why did you bring me here?" jisoo says

" wear this over that bare shoulder ." he removes his jacket and gives it to jisoo

"no, thay will destroy my entire look" jisoo whines

she makes eye contact with taehyung and his facial expression is deadly "okay I'll wear that" jisoo shrinks like a child

jisoo wears his jacket over her top..

"don't wear such revealing clothes to school fron tomorrow. everyone is not an angel as you expect them to be here" he says while leaving

as taehyung leaves, jisoo unleashes ger anger on the chair in front of her. "urghh. angel? you are the complete opposite of an angel.  why couldn't I argue? man, these eyes. I felt as if I looked at the satan himself. ohh. my heart is gonna pop out any minute.  why was he so angry? I can wear whatever I want to you little junk.  it is my life and you cant.." jisoo was about to keep taking her anger out in that room

"you do realize that I am just standing outside waiting for you to come out while you are being too loud inside?" taegyung says from outside

jisoo feels as if her legs are shaking. she comes out and looks at taehyung. he was standing here all this time?

"satan?" he asks maintaining a poker face

jisoo covers her mouth with her hands "sorry" she says and runs away.

taehyung watches her go and smiles at whatever she did inside alone.

jisoo tries to avoid taehyung the entire day and she succeeded. didn't go to cafe, rarely came out of class and came home quickly after school.

"shit, he must be mad. urgh. I was mad as well. that's why I said all that. anyways I don't want to face him today. he might just kill me" jisoo thinks

jisoo comes home and goes to facebook to talk to jennie. they talk till afternoon. 

at night, as everyone is asleep, jisoo feels her phone vibrate. she is the only one awake

jerk: where are you? you didn't return my jacket. I am coming to get it

jisoo: in this hour?

jerk: yes. I was busy all day

jisoo: oh but I am not at home. I am in rose's house for a sleepover

"did rose's parent buy this house?" taehyung says

jisoo jumps from her bed and looks at the window to see taehyung there. "how the eff did you climb up?" she says

"none of your business" he says while entering her room through the window

"please fall, please fall" jisoo prays but to goes to vaim

"give me my jacket. it is not for yours to keep." taehyung says as he finally enters her room

"I was about to return it tomorrow" jisoo says as she gives him the jacket

"I need it NOW" taehyung replies

" voldemort in a jacket. you only need to get bald to complete you look" jisoo whispers to herself

" again with the harry potter stuff?" taehyung says after hearing her

"omg. are you blessed with supersonic ears? came all this way for a stupid jacket?"

"this is lisa's first gif to me and is very precious for me. so shut up" taehying heads towards the windows.

"good night lover boy. thanks to you, I will be having nightmares today" jisoo says

"the pleasure is mine" taehyung leaves

" is he a ninja or what?" jisoo says as she watches him climb down

"but he came all the way for just a jacket that his crush gave him? wow, he really has intense feelings for lisa" jisoo says

as taehyung was heading to his house he thought "I can't believe I went all the way  during this hour just for this jacket. I mean it's precious..."

"why did he become so angry today? why did it matter to him?" jisoo thinks while sleeping.

taehyung reaches home and heads directly to bed. for the first time, he is not looking at the phone waiting for lisa to text him but he doesn't even realize it

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