we should produce some kids

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jisoo is walking to class when she sees lisa

"hi jisoo. I haven't seen you for such a long time. I am hosting a party in my house tonight. you should come with jungkook" she says

"oh, thanks for the invite." jisoo says and they both enter the class

jisoo sees taehyung sitting in front of jungkook.. as she walks past taehyung, he low key says

"wifey, good morning"

"good morning hubby" jisoo says out loud to respond

jungkook and lisa looks at them.. "uhm.. you guys do realize that your drama has ended?" jungkook says

taehyung looks behind and shoots a glance

" you are the guy using whom my wifey cheated on me" he says

lisa slaps his back.. "shut it.. it's not funny anymore. I am just happy that it ended" she sits beside him

"oh, so lisa and taehyung is a thing right now?" jungkook says

"yeah, she is my girlfriend right now." taehyung says as lisa blushes.. taehyung looks at jisoo who looks at him

as much as she hates it, she doesn't show it in her face.. she looks at jungkook wrapping her hand in his..

taehyung notices it and looks forward..

by the end of the class, jisoo packs her bag to leave for cafe as she has an off period..

jungkook is sitting in the cafe and jisoo joins

"umm. jisoo don't take it in the wrong way but I would like it if you could talk a little less to taehyung" he says being serious

"what's the matter?" jisoo asks

"idk but I don't want him taking advantage of you.." he says

"taehyung will never do that" jisoo replies

"you can trust no one except for me" he says being protective

" you don't need to baby me around. I know that taehyung will never even touch me without my permission" she says

"why are you defending him so much. I just asked you to stay away from him. is it too much to ask for?" he says looking at her directly

"and I am asking you to give me some space" jisoo fires back

"stay away from taehyung. I am saying this for your own good" he says with a stern voice

"you know what? lisa invited us to her house tonight but it is better if we don't go" jisoo says as she takes her bag and leaves the cafe

"jisoo!!" jungkook screams to stop her but she doesn't look back

while leaving the cafe, she sees taehyung entering but avoids eye contact..

she sits in the garden bench alone..

"I can't believe jungkook is asking me to stay away from someone. I knoe I had feelings for taehyung but it doesn't mean that....." jisoo stops talking to herself

"maybe jungkook is right, the more I talk to him and the more I get close to him, the harder it will be for me to control my emotions." jisoo says as she feels as if her heart is gonna due out from the pain of seeing taehyung with lisa

bythe end of the class, jisoo heads outside without talking to jungkook and sees taehyung standing at the main door

" avoid" jisoo says to herself

"let's go together" taehyung says in a commanding voice

jisoo doesn't reply and just walks past him.   "jungkook is my boyfriend and he cares about me" she thinks

"jisoo" taehyung says as he runs behind her to catch up.

jisoo just keeps on walking.. " so how did you like it without me today" he asks but she doesn't reply

as they reach jisoo's house, jisoo is about the enter the main door but taehyung grabs her wrist

"what is wrong? why are you avoiding me?"

no reply

"is it because of jungkook?"

still no reply

taehyung pulls her towards him too give her a tight hug right there in thehe middle of the street..

jisoo closes her eyes aa she doesn't hug back.

"why are we not honest about our feelings?" taehyung says without even realizing what he said as his hug hets tighter

"what kind of honesty  do you expect from me?" she says as he slowly leaves her from his arms

" the honest to tell me why your heart beats so fast whenever I get close to you? I wonder if your heart will pop oit if we kiss" he jokes with a faint smile

jisoo hits his arms.." stay in your limits hubby" she says laughing.. at the end of it all, he manages to make her laugh

"I was thinking very hard last night" taehyung says

"what?" jisoo asks

"that I should produce some kids with my wifey.. all married couple should have one" he jokes

jisoo blushes more intensely...

"we are divorced" she says as she opens the door and enters her house..

"bye" taehyung screams


jungkook: I am sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. I guess I was being over protective..

jisoo: you finally get it?

jungkook: whenever I see you with taehyung, I don't know what happens to me. sorry jisoo ya..

jisoo: it's okay..

jungkook: so are we still up for the party tonight?

jisoo: I really don't feel like going

jungkook: I am gonna kidnap you if you don't

jisoo: haha. pick me up at 8

jungkook: see you soon

jisoo leaves her phone as she heads downstairs for some food..


jisoo starts getting ready.. jungkook comes after a while and honks

jisoo greets her parents and gets in his car as they drive to lisa's house

"jisoo is really starting to go out with jungkook a lot" dara says with a satisfied look

"those who are not meant to be together will fall apart at the end of the day no matter how hard they try" jaejin says

"what do you mean? please don't start again" dara replies

"haha. don't worry. I will not start anything but you will see that jisoo and taehyung will end up with each other." he says

"as long as it doesn't involve you" dara replies

" it wont. I just know that taehyung loves jisoo" he says

"wait.. how do you know that?" dara asks

" did you even see him yesterday? he was looking at jisoo as if she committed a crime by telling the truth. but he should've been happy that he will be able to be with lisa.  I didn't see any happiness in his face" jaejin replies being proud of his face reading capabity

"wow, you are really delusional.. jin has got all of your genes in him" dara jokes as in the back of her mind, she firmly wishes that whatever jaejin was saying becomes true

+++++guys should I make the episodes a little longer or is this length perfect? I try to end it within 1100-1150 words which is short compared to other fanfics. but I don't want you to waste your time reading a 3000 words long fanfic as it may get boring++++

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