does he plan to kill me?

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jisoo wakes up and feels very relieved. she doesn't need to lie to anyone anymore. she heads downstairs..  she doesn't know what to expect from her family

"jisoo, you are awake.. come eat breakfast. we haven't had breakfast together for such a long time" jaejin says

jisoo smiles.. jin and dara are already there. while eating jaejin says

"um.. ask jungkook to have dinner with us today. i haven't seen that brat for so long.." he smiles thinking how he used to scold jungkook for getting too close to jisoo in the past

"okay dad" jisoo says being a little shocked that he is finally understanding

"and i have invited taehyung's family already. i need to talk to them." he says

jisoo looks terrified. "then should i invite jungkook someday later?" 

"no, he needs to come today.. and btw taehyung's parents are abroad but must have arreved by now. idk who you were with last night yet.." he says

"i was in their house.. taehyung had fever and no one was there to take care of him. and i thought you wouldn't allow me if i said that we were alone.. so i lied. i am sorry..i did what a normal person would to take care of someone who isn't well" she says

"it's okay.. sometimes you take me to be a hitler of some sort who will not allow you to do anything" dad smile and continues 

"but that is also my fault. i have forced you so much that now you don't trust me"

"that's not.." jisoo was about to say some

"that's enough. stop talking and eat up" dara says

after breakfast jisoo comes back to her room. she feels guilty of not trusting her dad enough

jisoo: dad has invited you to dinner today

jungkook: what?! does he plan to kill me

jisoo: nope. he wants to meet you. i have said everything to him.

jungkook: you did what? okay, i am getting a panic attack. he has never been nice to me so i will not get my hopes up for tonight

jisoo: haha. my dad is very nice, just a little protective sometimes

jungkook: over-protective

jisoo: whatever. see you at 7 then?

jungkook: done.

jin enters the room. "wow, jisoo, tonight is going to be one hell of a night. jungkook and taehyung's family.. please cook me some popcorn beforehand.. i want to enjoy the drama that happens. "

jisoo throws a pillow. "my life is not a drama"

"of course it is.. *strong woman kim jisoo*" he says

"shut up, and leave my room" jisoo screams

jin laughs and leaves his sister alone. jisoo herself is scared of tonight..

6 pm.

jisoo get up from her bed and starts getting ready. she wears a simple knee length black dress. mom as been preparing food so she heads downstairs to help her. at 7:03 someone knocks the door

jin opens up

"yah, jungkook" he hugs him

"hi jin. long time dude" jungkook says

"dad is home" jin whispers

"pay for my coffin, will you?" jungkook jokes

"nah, i have been saving up to buy  iphone x. can't waste money now" jin jokes back

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