Niall's POV

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"Beautiful day, huh lads?" Louis is running around the park, flapping his arms as if prepared to take flight.

"Yea, great day for flying, ain't it Louis?" Liam laughs.

"Hey, where did our little Nialler go off to now?" Harry looked around the park.

"Hey Louis, why don't you give us an aerial view and find Niall?" Zayn jokes.

"Ok, here I go!" Louis flapped his arms and jumped, pretending he was off the ground. "Well let's see boys, I'm 500 hundred feet off the ground," he says, falling back to the ground and bouncing up again," and I'm going to have move a bit north to see if I can get him into sight."

The boys laughed so hard, they were all rolling on the ground. Louis was laughing too. He breathed in some air and between laughs he yelled " Mayday, mayday, Jet-Louis is crash landing! Watch out Below!!!" and he fell to the ground, landing on top of Harry and Zayn.

"Louis, my hair!" Zayn complained, which only made them laugh harder.

"Hey, mates, I think we found our little Nialler. He's over there, talking to that pretty girl," Liam pointed towards the gates. "Well then, lads, hop on Jet-Louis and let's take off to Ireland, let's go!" Louis yelled.

Harry tried jumping on Louis's back. "I didn't mean  it literally, Harry!" The boys started to laugh all over again.


"Ssssshhhhh, don't tell anyone I'm here, please?" I begged her.

The girl was pretty. She had cascading dark brown hair. But when sunlight hit her hair, it turned to a golden brown. Her eyes had the same effect. Hazel. A dark hazel in the shadows but bright luminous hazel in the sun. Eyes that wouldn't have been noticable in the dark. She had fair skin. Full lips. Yes, a very very very, very- Wake up Niall! I yelled at myself.

"Why? Who are you?" she asks. Her voice was a clear as bells.

"You don't know who I am?" I take off my sunglasses. "Ok, do you recognize me now?" I say quietly.

"No, I have no idea who you are," she says, honestly.

"Oh, ok," I'm relieved. She was just a normal girl. She didn't want an autograph or anything. She wasn't being friendly just because I was famous.

"Can you tell me who you are?" she asked me.

"I'm Nataly Stone."

"I'm Niall Horan. You know, from One Direction." Man, why am I bragging about being a celebrity? She must think I'm a total jerk.

"What's that?" she asks. I look to see if she's kidding. And she's not.

"You don't know what One Direction is?" I smile playfully. "It's only one of the most popular boy bands in the world today," there we go again. Jerkville. Population: me. Gosh, why am I bragging? Am I trying to impress her? That was my leading suspect. This girl was very very very very very, and I mean very pretty.

I smile warmly at her, hoping that'll make up for the bragging.

"Sorry, I, umm, basically live under a rock."

That must have been an American expression. I knew she wasn't from here. She had an American accent. I knew that someone couldn't really live under a rock. What did that phrase mean again?

"Really? Is it comfortable? I'd think you're pretty big to live under a rock. A boulder, maybe, but definitely not a rock," I'd recognize Louis anywhere.

"This is one of my bandmates, Louis," I point to Louis. I lean in and whisper to her ," He's the most immature. You know, the funny one."

"Yup," Louis smiled.

Harry comes up now. "This here's Harry Styles. He's the flirty one." Harry winked at Nataly. He better not steal this one from me. I had a feeling she was a keeper.

Louis blew Harry a kiss and Harry caught it.

"Umm," Nataly points at them.

"Oh yea, they have a bro-mance. Louis is actually in relationship, so."

"Ah, ok," she nods in understanding.

Zayn walks up next. "I'm Zayn."

"Zayn is vain," Louis coughs.

Zayn gives him a look that shuts him up.

Then finally Liam. "Hey, I'm Liam

"Liam's the smart one," I point out.

"And what are you Niall?" she smiles playfully. The sunlight glints off her eyes, making them shine. I'm lost for words at that moment so I'm glad that Harry answered, until I heard his answer.

"He's the one that eats a lot," Harry laughs.

I shrug.

"Yea, sometime, if we don't stop him, he almost eats the plate!" Louis laughs along with Harry.

I tried to force the heat out of my cheeks. "Ok, ok, have your laugh. At least I'm not obssessed with carrots or cats." I lift and eyebrow and cock my head to the side to stare at them.

They stop laughing immediately and once they stop, fake hurt washes over their faces. Everyone burst out laughing.

Once we can all breathe, I ask Nataly, " Hey, can we have your number?"

"Sure, can I have your numbers, too?" she asks. She hands over her phone. I put my name as Nialler <3 ; Louis puts his name as Louis :) ; Zayn puts his name as Vas Happenin' ;) ; Liam puts Liam_hates_spoons; Harry puts Hazza. Once we're done exchanging numbers, she looks at her watch.

"Whoa, time flies when you're having fun, I gotta go boys," I knew that expression. She waves and we wave back. She turns and walks away. I don't know what possessed me, but I had to.


she turns around.

"Text me" I yell at her. I smile at her and she smiles back. She turns and walks away again.


I had to talk to her again. I pull out my phone.

To: Nataly :)

hey wats up?

From: Nataly :)

hey, nothing, just heading home with my best friend Catelyn. u?

To: Nataly :)

heading home, too, hey maybe u and ur friend can go hang out w/ us for dinner. Nandos? 8:00?

From: Nataly :)

See ya there

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