Chapter 3

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Marlene's POV

I am waiting in my office for Sasha and Shay, man I hope they don't freak out when I tell them what I have planned for their first shoot tomorrow morning. I am 100% behind the Emison is Endgame movement going on throughout the fandom #Emison. I was dreaming about Emison when there was a knock at my door... I yell "come in" and Shay and Sasha come walking in. I tell them to take a seat, and I notice a strange vibe between them but I shrug it off and begin to tell them about their special shoot for tomorrow morning. "Hey guys, big things are going to be happening between Emison over the last part of this final season. I have a special photoshoot set up for you tomorrow morning followed by a special reshoot of Emison's bedroom scene from the 100th episode. We are planning on adding a flashback in episode 1 of this last season, it was something I felt we needed to add and seeing as it will be airing soon, I want to get in there and shoot the extended scene so I can get it added in and ready for the season premiere in two weeks." they both kinda just looked at me like I was crazy, so I went on to explain that it would be the same lines they had in the 100th episode but we wanted to extend the make out scene for the premiere and the promo reel that will start airing early next week. The girls both said "sure whatever you need" and smiled. I told them to head on out and I would see them in a hour for the table read.

Shay's POV

As Sasha and I leave the office, she says she has to run an errand and that she would see me later, I say goodbye to her and I head to crafty to grab a bite to eat before our table read, I can't help but think... Wow, has Marlene lost her mind or what? That is all I could think while she explained what we would be doing tomorrow morning. It is going to be a crazy long day and I am sure the fans are going to love it, hell I am going to love it... I ship Emison but nobody needs to know that. I just hope whatever this weird feeling between Sasha and I is, works itself out soon. I love Sasha and I love working with her, I just wish I knew what was going on between us. I mean we are nice to each other and all but there is definitely something going on there.

Sasha's POV

I tell Shay that I had to run an errand before the table read and quickly head back to my dressing room to wrap my head around what was going to be happening tomorrow morning... I think to myself, this is going to be interesting for sure. I am totally into this whole Emison thing and I know the fans are going to love it. Don't tell anyone, but I totally ship Emison. I love working with Shay, she is so easy to get along with and I feel like we have good chemistry on screen, but there is something going on between us and I just don't understand what it is. Butterflies swarm my stomach while I think about the "Special Emison Photoshoot" and then our reshoot of our 100th episode, why am I feeling like this? I have never been nervous shooting scenes with Shay, even our 100th episode... why am I having these strange feeling about it now? Geez Sash, shake it off, what's wrong with you, it's only Shay, you can do this... stop thinking about it.

Ashley's POV

At the table read, I kept a close eye on Shay and started to notice that she was acting nervous around Sasha, but why? Every time they had lines, Shay would stutter and she wasn't the only one, Sasha was doing it too. They wouldn't look each other in the eyes and just seemed to rush through their lines. The more I watched them, the clearer it started to become... well to me anyway. As soon as the table read was over, both Sasha and Shay took off as fast as possible. I hurry to Shays dressing room to confront her before she could leave the lot. As soon and I got there, I didn't even knock... I just opened her door and before I could filter my big mouth, I yelled "Oh My God" apparently I said it just a little too loud and I nearly caused her to have a heart attack.

Shay' POV

As soon as the table read was over, I got the hell out of there. I had already embarrassed myself enough for one day, I mean I couldn't even read lines with Sasha, without stuttering my way through them. I got back to my dressing room preparing to sit there and sulk, when all of a sudden someone yells "Oh My God." I nearly jumped out of my skin, and when I turned around, I saw Ashley standing there with a big smile on her face. "Geez Ashley, what the hell?" she continued to stare at me with this creepy smile on her face so I said "What?" "What the hell are you smiling about and why are you yelling at me?" She says, "I can't believe I didn't see it before" and again I said "What?" She then says, "You... You like her don't you?" Still a little confused, I said "What are you talking about? Who do I like?" She smiles at me and says "Shannon Ashley Mitchell, don't play dumb and don't you lie to me either" to which I reply "I have no idea who or what you are talking about" again she smiles and walks closer to me, almost too close, and then looks me in the eyes and says "Sasha!!!" I immediately yell, "What? No... you're, you're crazy, what are you talking about?" She grabs my arm and pulls me down on the couch and said "Shay, I am your best friend and you can tell me anything, I love you and would never judge you, tell me the truth, you like Sasha as more than a friend right?" Again I started to protest, but it was no use "No!!! Yes!!! Maybe... I, I, I don't know Ash... I'm mean, I'm not gay... am I? Oh God, what's wrong with me Ash?" She says "Well, you haven't really dated anyone seriously in well... never" My eyes got big and I started to tear up wondering if this is why I was still single after all these years. Ashley sensing my fear says, "Honey, there is nothing wrong with you... you can't help who you fall in love with, Love is Love and when it hits, it might not make sense but there is not much you can do about it other than ignore it or go for it" I began to cry and Ashley held me and kept telling me that everything would be OK, but I was far from sure of that. We stayed in my dressing room for most of the night talking and I told her about our special photoshoot and reshoot we had to do in the morning. she assured me that it would all work out and not to worry about it, just go with it, don't force anything and just see where it leads me. I tell her, "I can't act on my feelings, she's not gay, and she has a boyfriend... and besides I can't loose her friendship" After a long talk, a lot of her saying "It will be OK" and a lot of crying, I started to feel better so she told me to go home and get some rest, that tomorrow was going to be a "Big day" and then she winked at me. All I can say is "Geez Ashley... really?" Then I gave her a big hug and said "Thank you Ash, you always have my back" she smiles back at me and says "Always". I left the lot for home feeling much better, but still nervous and unsure of my feelings for Sasha. I knew I loved her but was I in love with her?


I have a lot of this story floating around in my head already, so all I have to do is type it all out.
I hope you are liking what I have so far, don't forget to vote and comment
Thank you ❤

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