Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV

I am on set with Shay, Troian and Ashley, who's giving Shay the third degree about her meeting with Marlene. She asked what happened and if they got in trouble at all. Shay plays it off and it didn't seem as if there were any issues... all was good. I asked if Sasha had found her before or after the meeting and she said she hadn't seen her this morning yet. I am wondering to myself if something happened because Sasha was determined to talk to Shay as soon as she could. Just then I see Sasha walk onto set and she looks like she is about to lose it, so I walk over and grab her arm, making up and excuse to get her out of there before she breaks down.

Sasha's POV

Lucy drags me to the brew set because it's close by... immediately after entering, she pulls me into a big hug. I guess she knows me pretty well because I really needed that right now. She pulls back and has me sit next to her before asking what happened. I look at her with tears falling in a steady stream and with a continuous sob, I manage to say. "Sss... She doesn't like me the way I like her." Lucy hugs me again and pats my back she says "How do you know, she told me she hadn't seen you yet today?" I manage to stob sobbing to tell her that I overheard her talking to Marlene and how she said we were "JUST FRIENDS and would NEVER be more than that." Lucy says "Oh sweety, I am so sorry, I know this hurts and I will be here for you anytime you need to talk, I will help you get thru this anyway I can." I tell her thank you and then I chuckle a little and say "At least I found out how she feels about me before I could make a fool out of myself... All I can think is thank God I didn't tell her how I feel, I could have destroyed our friendship, she would have been so different around me knowing I have feelings for her. I don't think I could take it if I lost her completely. I would rather have her as a friend then not have her in my life at all. Thank you Lucy." "For what?" She asks. "For being my friend, for knowing I needed you without having to say it out loud, you are a great friend and I am so thankful to have you in my life." She hugs me again and says "Anytime sweety, I will always be here for you, I love you, you are my little sister after all." She then helps me fix my makeup and we head back to set... now a few mins late.

Shay's POV

I am wondering what happened to Lucy and Sasha, they should have been back by now. They are ready to shoot and they were just about to send someone to get them when they walk back in and Lucy is apologising saying she had a problem with her outfit and Sasha helped her to fix it. Sasha looks like she had been crying, I wonder what is wrong... I don't like seeing her upset, I wonder if it had something to do with her meeting with Marlene. I ask her if she is alright and she smile big at me and says "Absolutely." We start filming and 3 hours later, we are done, Sasha seems a little distant with me and that is the last thing I wanted to happen. I need to talk to her and clear the air, I need to make sure she is alright and make sure things are good between us.

Sasha's POV

Shay has been asking if I was OK , she must have noticed I was upset, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable around me so I guess I will have to take a deep breath talk to her... I will have to put on another award winning performance and tell her know everything is alright. After we are done filming, Shays comes over and says "Hey Sash, is everything alright, you didn't get in any trouble with Marlene did you?" I smile big and say "Of course not, everything is all good" she smiles back and says "Are you sure, I could tell that you were crying earlier." I quickly thought up a lie and said "Oh that... yeah, I had an argument with Hudson, and I was just a little upset, that's all." She smiled and me then reaches in for a hug and said "You know that I am your friend and if you ever need to talk, I am here for you right?" God it felt good to be in her arms again, even if it will only ever be as friends... When I backed out of her hug, I smiled and said "Thank you Shay, I don't know what I would ever do if I lost you as a friend" She hugs me again and says "Good thing you will never have to find out." This time when she release from the hug, I said "Good... now, I have to run, I am needed on another set, I will see you later" She says "Yeah me too, I have to do some scenes with Lindsey" I noticed she made a funny face when she said that. I guess she doesn't like doing romantic scenes with Lindsey... I wonder if she ever makes those faces when she is talking about doing the same kind of scenes with me? Anyway... it doesn't matter, when can only be friends.

Shay's POV

I just finished a long 3 hour shoot with Lindsey, I really hate doing those love scenes with her. I wish I only got to do them with Sasha. No... stop doing this Shannon, you can't go there again. Things are just now getting normal between you and Sasha and you heard her, she can't lose you as a friend. I am knocked out of my thoughts by Sammy walking up to me and saying "Hey Shan, you about ready to go? We need to stop by the store on the way home if you want to eat tonight, you have no food in your house." Sammy has been staying with me for the past few days because her apartment got flooded when a pipe bust above hers. "OK Sammy, we can go, I just have to go by the dressing room and grab my stuff." Ten minutes later, we were in the car and headed to the store, where she proceeded to buy everything in sight... with my card of course. An hour later, we were home eating pizza we picked up after we left the store. After dinner and too much wine for Sammy, she headed to the guest room, I'm sure to pass out... I am bet she won't be up early tomorrow ha ha ha. I decided to stay up and watch some Netflix, thankfully the entire cast doesn't have call times until mid afternoon for the next two nights, we are starting some night shoots. I was 2 hours into a Law and Order SVU marathon when I heard a light knock at my door...

Sasha's POV

I finally finished shooting for the day and headed home to face Hudson. Even though I couldn't be with Shay, I couldn't be with Hudson either... I just don't love him like that, I never will. It's just not fair to either of us to continue on like this... I arrived home and Hudson was on the couch drinking beer and watching some kind of sports game on TV. I walk into the living room where he was and said "Hey, I'm home, can we talk?" he says "Yeah, sure after the game is over please" so I went into the kitchen and made me a little dinner because I can see by the dishes in the sink that he already ate his. I knew this was going to be hard, but I also knew I had to do it... tonight. After an hour, he finally came into the kitchen and said "Hey, what did you want to talk about?" I swallowed hard because I could tell that he was drunk and this was not going to go well... I started to say "Hudson, you know I love you..." He came over and cut me off by trying to kiss me. What the hell is going on, why is he just now trying to kiss me after all the time we have been together? I pushed him off and he said "What the hell Sasha, I thought this is what you have been wanting" I just stared at him and tears started to fall, I said "No Hudson, I don't want this any more, I love you, I do, but I'm not in love with you and I don't think it's fair..." He cut me off again, but this time it was a slap across my face. I stumbled back and grabbed my face in total shock. He has never been violent before, is this who he really is? He started to talk as he walked towards me. "Sasha, you don't mean that, we are going to get married. You can't just end it like this" He continues to walk towards me and I continue to back up until I am up against the wall. I say "Hudson, stop!!! We are done, I want you out of hear now!!!" He has me pinned up against the wall and he starts to kiss my neck hard... I am crying and telling him NO, over and over but he is not stopping. He is saying "You want this, you little bitch... you are not leaving me." He started to loosen his grip and he went for my shirt and I saw my chance, I kneed him right in the balls and he fell to his knees. I turned to run and he ripped my shirt as I was getting away from him. I ran for the front door, I grabbed my keys from the little table and ran as fast as I could to my car. It is pouring down rain and I slipped and fell right next to my car and tore a hole in my pants and skinned my knee pretty good. I looked up and saw Hudson coming out of the house towards me, so I pulled myself up and jumped in my car. I threw it in reverse and hit the gas, as I put it in drive I looked up and saw Hudson in front of my car screaming at me. I hit the gas not caring if I hit him or not. He jumped out of the way and I just drove away not looking back... Tears were falling in a steady stream down my face and I was shaking uncontrollably. I don't know how long I was driving, the rain continued to fall and I just kept going until my car started to shake and slow down... I pulled over and looked at the dash only to realize I was out of gas. I reached down for my phone to call for help and it hit me. I didn't grab my phone or my purse, just my keys... This is just great, I am stranded and I have no idea where I am at the moment. I decide to take advantage of the break in the rain and start walking, hoping to see something that looks familiar to me. I have been walking now for 20 minutes and the raid has come back with a vengeance. I am soaked but I don't care, I just keep walking... an hour or so later, I was knocking on a door that looked familiar to me.


Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been super busy. I hope you are still enjoying the story, please remember to vote and comment... let me know what you think so far. 

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