Chapter 86

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Shay's POV

Sasha's mom and dad just went back to the hotel, and I climbed back into bed with Sasha just as Marlene knocked and said "You girls decent?" I couldn't help but laugh. I said "Come on in Mar... I think Sasha needs a little more rest before we start with all that." Sasha says "Speak for yourself my love, I feel pretty good right now." She gives me a wink, and I instantly blush. Marlene laughs and says "Well I'm glad you're feeling better, you gave us all quite the scare little one... but Shay is right, I think you should at least wait until you get home from the hospital." She gives us both a wink and again I feel my cheeks heat up. Mar says "Sasha, I'm not entirely sure what was going on or what exactly happened, but if you are feeling up to it, could you please tell me?" Sasha took a deep breath and I know it was really hard to tell me and her parents, so I knew this was going to be tough on her as well, so I said "Sasha baby? Would you like me to tell her for you? I know how hard this is for you to talk about..." She smiles and gives me a little kiss before saying "Thank you my love, but I am going to have to get over it, because I am sure I am going to have to explain to the press what happened as well... so I'll just look at it as practice for the vultures." Marlene giggles and says "That a girl, you never let them get the upper hand, and never show them any weakness, they will take it a run with it... just be strong and confident and you will be fine. As Ashley would say, channel your inner Ali."

Sasha smiles and again takes a deep breath before saying "It all started with my recent weight gain, I have tried and tried my best to lose the weight naturally with diet and exercise... Shay was even helping me, but nothing I did seemed to matter... I just kept gaining weight. Well, I had just been over at wardrobe and they were having to make more alterations to Alison's clothing. That's where I met a man that said he could help me. He said that a lot of people around the lot struggled with their weight and got pills from him. I am just so stupid, I didn't think they were actual drugs, I thought he was selling diet pills. Anyway, I started taking them and like magic, I had crazy energy, no cravings and I lost 6 lbs in two days. I couldn't believe how fast and how great these diet pills worked. What I couldn't see was that they were keeping me up round the clock, and I had so much energy. I was non stop exercising... along with not eating. I'm guessing my body couldn't handle it and just shut down. Anyway, I am done taking any kind of pills that are not prescribed for me and I promise, it will never happen again."

Marlene took Sasha's hand and said "I am so sorry this happened to you Sash. I know that there is a lot of pressure in the industry to look a certain way, and fans can be very cruel at times... but you have to know that you are beautiful, no matter what size you are... And the people who know and love you, will never see you as anything but the beautiful person you are." She leans down and gives her a big hug, and now all of us are in tears. Sasha says "Thank you so much Mar, that means a lot to me, and I promise I'll never do anything like this again..." Mar says "Good, but Sash... I need to know who sold you the pills? I can't have someone running around the lot selling pills. It's not only illegal, it's dangerous... I mean look what happened to you. This could have been much worse, and I am sorry... but I can not allow this to go on." Sash nodded her head in agreement and she told her who was selling the pills. Before she left, she said "Don't worry Sash, he won't know you told us anything. I will set him up and he will go down without involving you." She smiled and said "Thank you again Mar." Marlene reached for the door and said "You're welcome sweetheart... you just rest and get better. I expect to see you both on set in a few days. I have the girls filming everything they can without you, so we don't fall behind... but we will have a couple of full days of filming for both of you when you get better."

Sasha's POV

Marlene just left and I have to say, that went better than I thought it would. I just hate to disappoint anyone and especially Marlene, she has always done so much for me and I see her as being like my second mom. I guess I was lost in thought because I didn't hear a word Shay was saying to me... Finally she leans in and kisses me to get my attention. I say "Hey... what was that for?" She says "Well because I was talking to you and you seemed like you were a million miles away, so I figured I'd kiss you to get your attention... are you complaining?" She gives me a sly grin, so I kiss her back and said "Never my love... you can kiss me anytime you feel the urge." We are interrupted by my doctor coming in and he says "Oh... sorry to interrupt, but I have some news for you Miss Pieterse concerning your tests results." Shay hops off the bed, and we both look at him anxiously awaiting his news. I say "Really? That was fast, tell me... what is wrong with me?" The doctor giggled a little because of my excitement and said "Well, you have something called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS for short." I think Shay and I had the same confused looks on our faces, because he says "I'm guessing that neither of you have ever heard of it?" Shay shakes her head no, and I say "No, I haven't... what is it and how do I cure it?" The doctor gets a more serious look and his face, and the mood in the room suddenly changes, and my body starts to tense up...

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