Chapter 13

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Shay's POV

The rest of the day seemed to fly by, the cops came and spoke to both me and Sasha. They said they have yet to locate Hudson, so we should keep our eyes open and our doors locked. After the cops left, Marlene called all five of us girls to her office. When we got there, she asked us to sit and then said to us... "OK girls, I was going to tell you this tomorrow but with all that is going on with our little Sasha, I decided to move up the trip." We all stared at her confused... she continued "I was planning a trip for all of us to New York for the day after tomorrow but now I want to leave in the morning if that's good with you all." Troian spoke up and said "Yeah, OK but why are we going to New York?" she said "Oh, right... with all that has been going on, I forgot to tell you. I have interviews scheduled for you all to promote the start of the final season. You have appearances on GMA, The View, Rachel Ray, and Ellen. We will be in New York for 7 days... well now eight, but anyways... surprise!!!" Ashley said "Hell to the yeah, look out New York, here we come." and we all laughed and decided we better get going so we could pack. Marlene said our private jet leaves at 8 am.

Sasha's POV

After Shay and I left Marlene's office we stopped by the dressing rooms to grab our stuff, then said goodbye to the rest of the girls. On the ride home to Shay's house, I was really quiet... I guess she notice because she asked if I was alright. I said "Yeah, I'm OK, I just don't have anything to pack because all my luggage and clothes are at my house and I can't go there and what about my dogs? Hudson usually takes care of them while I'm away wh..." Shay cut me off "Sasha, don't worry, I got this" and then she winked at me. Just then we pulled into her driveway and Sammy came out to meet us. Shay asked her if she did what she asked her to and Sammy smiled and said "Yep all done." We walked into the house and I am met by Lady, Levi and Angel, Shay's dog. I drop to my knees and start hugging them all, I turn around and look up and Shay before saying "I can't believe you brought them here, thank you, thank you, thank you." She smiled back and said "Of course... we couldn't have them staying at home alone now could we?" I stood up and hugged her and then turned to hug Sammy "Thank you Sammy" she says, "Your welcome, but that's not all" she grabbed my hand and said "Follow me." I followed her up the stairs to Shay's room where she had 3 suitcases filled with my clothes in front of the bed. I sat on the bed in shock. I finally found my voice and said "I can't believe you guys did all this for me." Sammy smiled and said "It was no problem at all Sasha, anything for you." She walked past me and went downstairs leaving me and Shay alone in her bedroom. Shay says "Make yourself at home, but don't unpack because we are leaving in the morning remember?" I laughed and said "Wow, this is the first time I am taking a trip and I didn't even have to pack my own clothes." All of a sudden I thought to myself... what about tonight? Where is everyone sleeping? Shay must have noticed my nervousness because she spoke up and said "You can stay in here and I will stay downstairs on the couch." Before I could even think, I said "Shay you can sleep with me." I started to blush a little and said "Well, you know what I mean." Shay laughed and said "Yeah, I know what you meant." She started to decline but I wouldn't put her out like that, so I said "Shay, either you sleep in here with me, or I will take the couch... after all, this is your bed." She finally agreed and said I should get some rest while she goes downstairs to see what Sammy has in mind for dinner.

Shay's POV

I just left Sasha in my bedroom to rest before we have dinner, I am nervous about sharing a bed with her again. This time will be different, last time she was all upset and needed me to be there, this time she wants me to be there. I just wish she really wanted me the way I want her... I hope I can control myself being that close to her.

As I walk into the kitchen, Sammy is preparing dinner and I say "Oh wow, that smells wonderful, what is it?" She turns and smiles before saying "Lasagna" I said, "I didn't know you knew how to make Lasagna" she laughs and says "Yeah right!!! I don't know how to make it but I do know how to heat it up after I pick it up from that Italian place a few blocks over." We both start laughing and Sammy says "We both better marry someone who can cook or we will both be living off of take out." I am practically rolling on the ground laughing when Sasha walks in the kitchen. "Hey, whats so funny? And who's making Lasagna?" We both laugh again and Sammy says "Oh, Shay thought I was making the Lasagna and I told her Yeah right, I can't cook but I know how to order from the Italian restaurant down the street." Sasha laughs with us and then says "I would be happy to teach you how to cook a few things if you like, I love to cook, I'm really good at it if I do say so myself... I mean it's the least I can do for all you guys are doing for me." Both Sammy and I look at each other and I know exactly what Sammy is thinking and before I could stop her she says it... "Well that would be great, Shay can't cook either and I just told her she better marry someone who can cook or they would have to live off of take out." I gulp loudly and I am sure I am as red as the Lasagna sauce by now... Sasha tuns to me and says "Shay, I will teach you how to cook, no arguments... when we get home from New York, I am going to teach you and that's that." I smile and say "S...Sure when we get home, thanks Sasha." I can't believe she just said when we get home, my heart is beating out of my chest, I am happy she thinks of this as her home too... I would be in heaven if she lived with me...

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