Chapter 9

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Sorry If this is total garbage, I haven't slept in over 24 hours, so this may be Re-edited at a later Time. But if you see any major errors, feel free to let me know. We'll see how it goes. Please vote/comment, and tell me what you think!

(P.s. Would anyone be interested if I started writing another story? If so, who should the ship be? Let me know please!)


Eren's pov

I awkwardly ran/waddled to my room, slamming the door, and smashing my thumb into the lock button. Shit. This guy was going to have to start helping me out if he was going to keep causing me to get boners.

The dessert was good. I mean, it was fantastic! It did taste amazing, but the warm melted sugar was quite messy. I had looked up from my last cinnamon stick, first making eye contact with the beautiful man sitting across from me.

And then I looked a little lower. The sticky, clearish-white substance was all over Levi's mouth, and hands. Dirty thoughts of what that looked like sprang into my mind almost instantly.

The dream came back too. I remembered how his small hand felt against my body, applying pressure to all the right places. I could feel the blood rushing straight to my dick. It came on so quickly that it hurt a little.

I'm sure my face was probably red as well. "Um.. thanks for the date! I had a really great time! But now I'm a sticky mess, and- EH! T-that came out wrong! Um! What I mean is-" I just couldn't find the right words. Everything was coming out so wrong.

"You know you don't have to ask permission to leave my presence. I'm not that big of a deal, you know." he smirked at me. Dammit. "B-but! That's not what I meant! Y-you asshole!" and to top it off, my voice cracked at the end.

I was making a fool of myself. I could recover though. It wasn't too late. "You might want to clean up a little. You may be giving me the wrong idea!" I smirked, speaking in a teasing manner. He got up from his seat, and looked in the nearest mirror, his face going pink.

I took that as my opportunity to waddle away, unnoticed. And that's how I got into my current predicament. I checked once more, to make sure the bedroom door was locked, before heading to the bathroom.

Once I was safely in the bathroom, I closed the door, much more gently than the last, and locked the door, also more gently than the last time.

Why did I have to think with my dick? Do all guys do that? Either way, I needed to take care of this as quickly, and as quietly as humanly possible. He was in the next room after all.


Levi's pov

I tried to keep my composure, as I wiped off my hands, and then my face, with a clean, damp rag. Give him the wrong impression? It's not like I did it on purpose!

Besides, does that mean he thinks like that towards me? I mean, there were a few obvious hints. He thinks he's sneaky too, running away after embarrassing me like that. Tch.

I know that walk. I used to do that when I was what, fourteen? Maybe fifteen years old? I don't know, it was back when I had those damned teen hormones.

Just how old was this kid? He gets hard like a twelve year old boy would.

Well, at least I know for sure that he's not twelve. But even then, he really needs some self control. I mean, if everyone went to jack-off every time they got horny.. Well, we won't go there. Because that's just straight up weird.

But what should I do to pass the time? it's only like, 8:06 in the evening, so it's entirely too early to go to sleep. I guess I could tidy up around the house. That's always a good option. I threw away the empty containers, and plates from dinner, and grab another clean rag from a drawer under the kitchen sink.

I wipe down the dining room table, and the coffee table, resetting the coasters where they should be, and straighten up the remotes on the corner of the said table. I also opt to fold the blanket that Eren and I slept under earlier, replacing it on the couch's back.

I vacuum the entire house, except for the guest area, due to the door being locked. I hear the shower turn on, while I'm pouring myself a glass of red wine, in a spotless crystal glass.

He's probably not even old enough to drink. But I guess if he asks.. I could let him have just one glass? No, probably not. He would likely spill the damn drink, and wine's not exactly cheap. Oh well. We'll cross that bridge when we get there I guess.

I decide to take the bottle with me to the couch, along with my glass, for the sake of not having to get up later. I easily down the first glass of the perfectly aged drink, and pour myself another. I wouldn't allow myself to get drunk. Because if I did, all Hell would break loose.

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