Chapter 16

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Wow, I can't believe this story has actually come this far! Sorry I'm always taking forever to update now, I've been pretty stressed recently.
As always please vote/comment and tell me what you think! Enjoy! :)

(P.s I'm writing this at like 6:30 a.m. Because I don't sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm not even fucking human. Sorry if this sucks...)


Levi's pov

After Eren finished the glass of ginger ale and barely even nibbled on a single cracker, I forced Hanji to leave, so Eren Could "rest". But I really just wanted to talk to him about something, that I would rather not discuss in front of Hanji, or anyone else for that matter.

"Hey Eren, can I talk to you?" I question, taking a seat next to him on the couch. "Yeah sure, what's up?" He grinned, setting the half eaten cracker on his lap.

It probably wouldn't be 'appropriate' per say, to just ask a question like that. Like, "Oh hey Eren, do you have an eating disorder or some shit?" Yeah, I don't think so.

I see no way for this to turn out well. "I've noticed that you really haven't eaten much since you've been here. I mean, I know you haven't been here that long, but you hardly eat, besides the pizza date, and you always cover yourself. You either wear baggy clothes, or just cover yourself with your arms. Is there a... Reason?" I spill out all at once, albeit unintentionally.

"Um.. Not really. I just get sick a lot, which you have obviously seen a few times, so sometimes I just don't eat, because I'm dumb, and I think I won't puke if I don't eat anything. Sorry, I guess that probably doesn't make any sense to you!" he started to raise his voice toward the end, his face flushed.

"That's it? You're sure?" I raise an eyebrow at the young man sitting in front of me. "Y-Yeah, of course!" He stuttered. "I call bullshit."might as well call it how I see it. "That's very straight forward! I prefer the term 'Blue Skittles!" He giggled. He fucking giggled.

"Yeah well that's perfectly acceptable for a little brat to say, but if you saw a grown man say 'I call Blue Skittles!', What exactly would you think about that?" I smirked. "Haha, I didn't really think about that!"

"Really though, just know that if I ask you in the future, you don't have to lie to me next time. Because I can tell you're bullshitting me. Oh and just a random little question, are we dating? Like, boyfriends? Or just like, fuck buddies?" I genuinely am concerned about this believe it or not.

"I don't remember being asked anything.." Eren says, attempting to look at me innocently. "We're both men here, so you could've asked me too, asshole!" I shout, smacking him on the shoulder playfully. Jesus Christ, I'm really not myself around this boy. Or maybe I'm only myself when I'm with him? Good luck figuring that out.

"Fine! I Really pictured you as more of the dominant one in the relationship.. Although considering you're much shorter than me and I fucked you, I'm not really sure why." Eren laughed at my expense.

"Well damn, I didn't hear you complaining during our little.. Interaction... Do you have something you'd like to say to me?" I managed, keeping a straight face the entire time.

"Well, after hearing that little statement just now, I would say that if a 'number one most awkward person on this planet' actually existed, you would definitely win it." He smirked, leaving me a bit shocked. How rude.

"Well you don't seem to mind my awkwardness that much, either that or you just like me for my fabulous dick." I say, hoping that the sass got through to him. I mean for Christ's sake, I called my manhood 'fabulous'.

"Yeah, that's definitely it!" He tilted his head back, choking, laughing to the point of tears. I didn't think I was that comical to be honest, but I guess we all surprise ourselves sometimes. Whatever.

And when he finally stopped laughing, we proceeded to have an interesting conversation concerning male reproductive organs. Wow, I really am the most awkward human being, I swear.

But, I will spare you the details, because no one deserves to hear that terrible conversation. (You're welcome.) And, while we're being awkward, even after that conversation, (which we didn't really find awkward but you probably do) we cuddled the shit out of each other, which basically means getting comfortable to lay around, watch television, and do nothing for the rest of the day.

And also, after probably at least an hour of this fluffy nonsense, I realized that, I've been cuddling with a sick person. Fuck. If I haven't made my point already, this child has quite dramatically changed me. I, Levi the clean freak, am spending an entire day with my body touching a sick person. That has to be saying something.




I never ever imagined so many people would find my story, and actually be even semi-interested in it! This will serve as my late thank you! (Wow I'm sorry, that really sucks!)

(P.s. I will go look back through this before posting because I spent my entire night watching youtubers ((that curse AlOt!)) and hopefully make it a little less terrible. I've never cussed this much in my entire life, so oops. I'm kind of sorry, hence the *hopefully* editing out. If you're still reading this, leave a comment of a random word like 'tuna', or 'tater tots' (that's two words actually) and I will love you forever! Sorry I'm a loser! :) )

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