Chapter 17

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Sorry I'm super late on this update, I've been at camp for a week, and I just got home! I will try to update fast for the next couple of days to make up for it. :)

As always please feel free to vote/comment and let me know what you think! :)

(P.S. I'm writing this in the hospital waiting for a family member to birth a child, so you're welcome, it has been sufficiently awkward.)


Eren's pov

As we sat and watched television, our bodies entwined, I thought about what Levi asked. He let it go pretty easily, thank god. But I didn't know I had been that obvious, I needed to work on that. We were once again watching Adventure Time, (probably only because my inner child loves it) although I really wanted to go out.

It's not like I was legitimately sick, at least I don't think so. I do this frequently, so it's not really anything new. Levi shouldn't have to put up with me. Plus I stopped taking my medicine for the most part, so I've been having a lot of anxiety, along with night terrors.

I worry the shit out of Levi with all of my baggage, and I hate that. It feels amazing to have someone in my life who cares about me, but all I really do is hurt him in return. I'm nothing more than a burden.

Can we order sushi? That sounds amazing right now." I groaned practically in Levi's ear. "Are you sure you can keep that down? Sushi is pretty heavy on the stomach."

He turned around to make sure his frown would be seen. "Of course I'm sure! It's on me! It was my idea after all." I grinned. I hope that was reassuring, because sushi sounds magnificent right about now.

"Tch. Whatever you say, brat." Levi sighed at me, before handling the call in. He came back shortly later, snuggling into my body once again. "They said it'll be here in about forty-five minutes to an hour." Levi stated simply, letting his eyes close instead of focusing on the vibrant colors on the television.

I didn't feel a reply was really necessary, so I just kissed him on the forehead to symbolize that I understood. His cheeks tinged with pink, covering his face with the blanket that was previously abandoned. "Why are you embarrassed?" I chuckle.

He doesn't reply, staying hidden under the blanket. "Whatever babe, you're so cute when you blush, I really wish you wouldn't hide it." I grinned at him, kissing what felt like his lips through the soft, thin blanket.

"Stop it! I'm embarrassed because I don't like attention!" he whisper yelled in frustration, finally uncovering his still pink face. "No, I don't think that's it at all! You're just not used to it, so you get easily flustered by me!" I wore a real smile. That has got to be the cutest thing in the world.

"Whatever, asshole. You get flustered even more easily than I." He scoffed, and even though he was facing away from me, I could practically see his steel-grey eyes rolling. "Mhmm. sure." I laughed at him. "Wanna bet?" Levi all but growled, rolling on top of me, and straddling my waist.


Levi's pov

Let's just say I won that bet, although I'm sure we both felt like winners right now. Eren re-entered the room with a container of sushi, otherwise known as 'Heaven In A Box'.

I don't actually know the name of the restaurant, but that's definitely what it should be. I mean, who wouldn't buy food from that restaurant?

I already set the coffee table for us to eat on, so he just had to bust it open, and we went hog wild. An entire family order of California-style sushi rolls was finished between the two of us. I feel rather accomplished.

"That was great, thanks babe." I express my thanks by kissing Eren's nose. His face instantly got red, before he stuttered "N-No problem," I told him that he flustered easily, but he didn't believe me. I wonder why.

The way he said my same was so hot though. "Say my name again, Eren." I smirked, climbing on top of his lap, now straddling him. "" he managed, cheeks tinged with pink. "I like when you say my name like that." I whispered.

I can't believe this little shit got me horny again. I literally just got off before the food arrived. I guess he's not feeling that bad, because either way he's got to have crazy stamina to go like this.

I just sat in this position with him for a while, wanting to take it slow. I kissed him slowly, as a symbol of my affection toward the boy. He started to get a little impatient, allowing his own tongue to get sloppy in its work.

"Take it slowly babe, we have all night." I huskily whisper, gently rolling my hips against his, causing a sinful friction between our bodies. "Don't tease me then! So help me, I will take you right now!" he threatened, beginning the process of unbuttoning my pants.

"Bedroom?" I gasped, breathless.

"Bedroom." He agreed, hopping up from the couch, and practically dragging me by the hand to the nearest bed.


Woah, that turned quickly. I'm not really sure what happened there to be honest! XD Sorry if this is awful, I was in a rush, because I know this is really late!

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