Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've been having writer's block. (doesn't everybody at some point?) so anyways, sorry about this. Please vote and comment, and let me know how this went. :) Thanks for reading!

WARNING; Smut? Kind of? Not a lot though. Just a tiny bit ^.^ sorry.

Levi's pov

Eren decided to come back out shortly after I heard the shower turn off. When he returned, he was wearing flannel pajama pants, and one of those black, skin tight thermal shirts. He had his arms crossed, but at an awkwardly low position, like he was trying to cover his midsection.

He was drying his hair with a small, striped towel, leaving it a damp mess atop his head. "Feeling better Eren?" I question, trying not to smirk toward him. I wanted him to know that he is most certainly not sneaky. Nor should he try to sneak around, because I would figure it out eventually, no matter what it is.

"E-eh?! What do.. You mean?" he questioned, feigning innocence. Cute little asshole. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say you are not that ignorant. You know what I mean, Eren." I ended with the final sip of my second glass. I poured another glass, only about halfway this time.

"Oh. That.. Yeah, I'm definitely better now." He smirked. I sat there, shocked. He recovered well, turning the tables on me. Whilst I sat shocked, the brat swiped my wine glass out of my hand, drinking it in two gulps. "I'm sorry, would you like some wine, you asshole?" I scowled.

"I would love some actually!" he grinned like a child. "Tch. Are you even old enough to drink, brat?" Eren's grin didn't falter. "I've had my fair share of drinks, Levi. I'll be fine!" he smiled once again. Fine. "You can keep that glass, I'll go get myself a clean one."

When I returned, he was finishing his hopefully first, glass of the rich alcohol. I also brought back another bottle of wine. I was still pretty sober, even fixing my third glass. The lukewarm liquid smoothly glided down my throat like silk, in a liquid form.

"This is really good wine. I remember I used to drink mostly rough drinks like vodka and whiskey. Sometimes even cheap beer from the bar, but that's pretty much it." He poured himself another glass, finishing off the first bottle.

We held small talk for awhile, both of us pouring another drink every once in a while. My head felt pretty fuzzy, but it wasn't so bad. It was odd really, the man sitting next to me looked even more attractive, like he was the only clear thing in my hazy mind.

"Hey Eren!" I pressed. "Mhmm? what is it?" he turned to face me, meeting my gaze. "I have a question for you.." I leaned closer to him, close enough that our breath mingled, waiting for a reaction. I wanted to get a rise out of him.

"U-um. Yes Levi?" He stuttered. I let out a laugh, before chiding "why so nervous, Eren?" his cheeks held a very slight pink, his eyes breaking our little staring contest, to look at my lips. He wants to kiss me. I leaned closer, gently touching my lips to his, making him gasp, before hesitantly continuing to let our lips mingle.


Eren's pov

He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. Just how drunk was he, to want to kiss me? I gasped, before hesitantly continuing the kiss we previously shared. He climbed onto my lap, his inner thighs pressed against the outer parts of mine, straddling me.

I was unsure of this. I may be drunk, but I knew damn well that I wanted this little exchange. But did he? I'd seen him pour quite a few glasses just when I had been in here, let alone before I got here.

He adjusted his place on my lap, causing me to take a sudden intake of breath.
Shit. He took the opportunity of my momentarily open mouth, to gently explore the inside. I hesitated, before using my tongue to explore his mouth.

We stayed that way for a while, kissing slowly, with the occasional grinding of his hips into mine. My hands found their way to the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head, and I took a moment to admire that beautiful body of his.

When I felt his hands move to the top of my flannel pants, I knew where this was headed. But this time, it was real. This wasn't a dream. It was obvious that we were both eager, both desperately needing release. He scooted back, his backside closer to my knees, before he slipped a small, pale hand into the waistband of my black boxers.

But then, with no warning, the front door opened, revealing a very surprised Hanji, standing in the threshold. We all three were frozen in place. Fucking cock block. Levi slowly removed his hand from my pants, both of our breathing ragged, and our faces pink.

"Sorry! Did I interrupt?" Hanji grinned like crazy at the two of us. "Damn it Hanji, can't you see we were kind of busy here?" Levi practically growled at her. He remained on my lap, still shirtless, for the time being. I definitely didn't mind.

"Well, Erwin is working tonight, so I was bored. I didn't know I was going to walk in on a hand job. You really should lock your front door, man! That could've been anybody walking through that door! if anything, you should be glad that it was just me!" she laughed, like it was no big deal.

"Whatever. You already ruined the mood Hanji, you might as well stay." He sighed, watching her kick her shoes off sloppily on the floor. "No no, you can continue If you'd like!" she laughed.

"If you insist." Levi spoke before pressing his lips to mine. "Le-vi!" I turned my head to the side, embarrassed. He started leaving feathery, light kisses down my neck, occasionally sucking, leaving a mark on my tan skin.

"Levi! you're drunk as hell! You're going to regret this in the morning!" Eren laughed lightly, even though it was true. I'm not sure if he gets more confident when drunk, or just flat out horny, but I don't think I mind a tipsy Levi. Not at all. I wonder if he'll remember this, in the morning. I know I will.

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