Chapter 11

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Hello wonderful people who read my story! Thanks for being amazing, voting and leaving comments for me! I feel pressure to make this good. -.- But to be honest I didn't think any of this was good (I'm Terrible at writing), but y'all tell me otherwise, so I shall continue! :) Please enjoy!

Warning: smut. More so than before, but not tons. It's a mess, and I'm truly sorry for that.

Eren's pov

My fucking head hurts. What the hell happened yesterday? After thinking as hard as I could, and getting nothing but a worse headache, decided to roll out of bed and give up. Levi has got to have some ibuprofen in his cabinets somewhere.

When I get to the kitchen, Levi Is already there, cooking something in a frying pan on the stove. "Ah, you're finally up then." He stated. "Um.. Yeah. What time is it? Do you have any Advil or something? I've got a pretty gruesome hangover." I laughed awkwardly at the end.

He steps aside, getting on his tiptoes, trying to reach something in a nearby cabinet. I don't hesitate to reach from behind him, grabbing the bottle that he appeared to be reaching for. "Thanks Levi!" I grinned, while he scowled, a blush across his cheeks.

"Dammit, don't make me feel short! I will castrate you!" He shouted, even more red than before. "Awh, but it's so cute!" I giggled. But it was definitely a manly giggle. "Dammit! You're going to make me burn breakfast again!" He whined, before I finally released him from our previous position, for the sake of not burning his house down.

"While we eat, could you tell me what happened last night?" I frowned. I know I drank. I also know that I shouldn't have, because my doctor once told me not to heavily drink alcohol whilst taking the medication.

"You.. Don't remember?" He asked, mimicking my frown, with one of his own. "N-not really.. I sort of get little pieces." I trailed off. I kind of remember him straddling my lap, and the other activities that almost ensued. But then Hanji...? Was that a dream? Or did that really happen?

"Well.. I definitely think we should wait until after breakfast to discuss that. By any chance are you taking sleep medication? Mixing that with alcohol causes all kinds of funky side effects. That could've killed you! I knew I shouldn't have let you drink." Did he blame himself for that?

He was worried about me. How cute!
But there was no way he could've known. "I'm sorry. I didn't tell you I was taking medication!" I quickly finished a piece of toast and some delicious scrambled eggs, made by Levi.

"Perhaps now you could tell me what went down last night?" I inquired. "I don't know.. I get a little... Wild when I get drunk." He scratched his head awkwardly. Sounds interesting. "Please! Jog my memory." I smirked at him.

"Tch. Fine. But this time, we won't be interrupted." He moved swiftly to the door, locking it. He gently guided me to the couch, encouraging me to sit down. After I did so, he plopped down next to me. He leaned close to my face, causing me to blush.

"I'm going to be very thorough. though I'll warn you, I'm not near as courageous when I'm sober." He pressed his lips to mine gently, and hesitantly I returned the gentle affection. "And then, I crawled onto your lap.." He mumbled, acting out his words.

His inner thighs pressed against the outer parts of mine. He was straddling me, as we kissed. He gently rocked his hips against mine, causing my to gasp at the lovely friction it caused. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue past my lips, and timidly explore my mouth with it. Hesitantly, I returned the sensual gesture.

We continued this for a short while, him occasionally rocking his hips against mine, making a delicious friction against our bodies. He broke our kiss, guiding my hands to the hem of his shirt. Getting the hint, I carefully glided the piece of fabric over his head.

He scooted his backside closer to my knees, before reaching towards the hem of my flannel pajama pants. I knew where this was headed. I gasped, feeling his small, pale hand reaching into my pants, taking hold of my hard member, gently applying pressure to it.

I let out a small noise, to my dismay. I'm sure my face was flushed a dark shade of crimson. I bury my face into Levi's neck, cursing, while taking in all of the feeling, the passion, that our bodies shared.

At a particular pump, I bite into the flawless pale section of flesh between his shoulder and his neck, just a little above his visible collar bone. He groaned at this encounter. "Do you like that? That's pretty kinky Levi!" I chuckled a little, despite the situation we were currently in.

As he worked on my lower region, I experimented on his neck, occasionally leaving a mark, and even leaving a few bite marks, when he did certain things. When I reached my end, I almost thought I tasted blood, but I couldn't focus enough to actually think about it.

Most of the mess I caused got on Levi's toned stomach, to which he made his little 'tch' sound, before going to clean it off. I however, did not move from my place on the couch. What did this mean? Did he only do this, so I would return the favor, or did it mean something?

Shortly after he returned, the doorbell rang. The person at the door pushed on the doorbell button repeatedly, waiting for one of us to get up, and open the door. "Do you want me to get that?" I looked over to him, before getting up. "It's Hanji, and probably Erwin."

"If you are decent, you can answer it." He replied, emotionless once again. "But your hair... I kind of.." He trailed off. "It'll be fine! It can't be much worse than usual!" I padded to the door, opening it to reveal exactly the accused. "We didn't interrupt this time, did we?" Hanji laughed darkly.

"No actually, you must missed the show." Levi smirked. "L-Levi! Don't discuss it with people!" I yelled, feeling like all the blood in my body rushed to my face. "Shall we reenact it for them, darling?" he spoke into my ear. I didn't think it was possible for my face to feel hotter, but it did. "You little shit! You said you weren't like this sober! You lying little asshole!" I whined accusingly. Hanji and Erwin just stood there, shocked and amused.


A/N YAY UPDATE! It's just one point of view today, so I made it long-ish. I'm terrible at smut writing, even worse than just normal writing. So I'm sorry. But please vote/comment and let me know what you thought about this mess! :) Thanks for reading!

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