Chapter 7

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So I kind of changed my mind about putting my notes at the end, because I will always forget! I'm sorry, and I hope it doesn't bother y'all too much. (: Like always, please vote and/or comment and let me know what you think! enjoy! :)


Levi's pov

I managed to get through breakfast with very few awkward moments after that. Eren stayed true to his word, much to my dismay, and only ate some toast.

In a way, I wanted to spend the day alone with him. I know that's not really like me, but I'm curious about this dude. He's sparked my interest.

But also, it was getting terribly awkward just sitting on the couch, alone. I debated for a minute whether or not to call Hanji and Erwin. I better not. They might make it ten times worse.

I decided to turn on the television across the room, pushing the red button on the corner of the remote. The device instantly came to life, spewing some half-assed news story that probably wasn't true, before I switched the channel.

Some brightly colored cartoon came on next. I watched for a few minutes, confused as to why there was a tiny cat in the yellow dog's nose. "What the hell is happening here?" I question, raising a brow toward Eren.

"Oh I've seen this one before! I used to watch adventure time all the time! Anyways, the tiny cat is an assassin, out to kill the Wildberry Princess, but Jake found him out, so he's forcing him to kill her instead!"

The way he animatedly spoke about the show made me not want to change the channel.

I make myself comfortable, bringing my knees up to my chest, while still having a view of the cartoon on my tv. It didn't really make much sense to me, but it wasn't the worst show I had ever seen. Eren certainly enjoyed it.

I guess I wouldn't mind spending my day off work like this, watching cartoons on the couch with Eren. I think I would rather have a discussion with him though. I have good intentions. Kind of.

I've never been very good with holding a conversation. In fact, I can hold a wet bar of soap better than I can hold a conversation. Yeah, it's that bad. Unless its Erwin or Hanji, people tend to stay away from me because I look irritable and tired.

But I can't really help that. Maybe if they didn't judge a book by its cover, they would realize I'm not actually that mean. Don't get me wrong, I can be if I want to, but naturally I'm not that rude.

I don't talk much, and I'm sarcastic, which apparently makes me antisocial.

But hey, if you're an asshole to me, I'm probably going to return the favor. After kind of zoning back into the show, I decide I don't really feel like watching this anymore.

I rest my forehead on my knees, allowing myself for a quick rest. I will still have plenty of the day left when I wake up. I close my eyes and allow myself to drift off for a few minutes.

Eren's pov

I remember a few years ago when this show came out, I used to watch every episode. But that was when I was like 13? Maybe 14? I don't know, but it was easy to get back into. I used to spend almost all of my time watching cartoons with my adopted sister Mikasa.

She never really got into it like I did, but I think she watched it just because I loved it. She was too good for me. I really hope that she's okay.

I am broken out of my thoughts my a small snore to my left. I look over at a curled up, sleeping Levi. I just gazed at him for a while. That really doesn't look very comfortable. What if he gets cold?

I pull a mysterious blanket that went unnoticed by me until just now off of the back of the couch. I cover his sleeping figure with the warm, fuzzy blanket, keeping a small corner to myself to cover my feet with.

I'm so tired, I stretch my legs out and contemplate trying to sleep. I don't want to chance having the nightmares, because right now, I'm rather peaceful.

My attention flickers between Levi, and Adventure Time, at a constant rate. For the most part though, I have my eyes on Levi. I know, that sounds really creepy, but he just looks so adorable! Almost like a sleeping kitten at my feet.

He catches my attention once again, by stretching out his legs, between my already relaxed ones. He doesn't seem like he would do this consciously, so maybe I should just enjoy it while it lasts.

He mumbles something incoherent in his sleep, and moves one of his legs on top of mine. I reach for the remote next to him, to turn the volume down, but my reach only goes far enough to hit the mute button, so I click it.

The lumpy purple princess's oddly deep voice is instantly hushed by the click of that magical button. I silently tilt my head upward, thanking whatever god my be listening before stretching my arms and leaning into the armrest of the couch.

Maybe I could close my eyes, even if it was only for a minute. I know I need the rest, but I'm worried about the outcome of this little sleeping session. I try my best to push all my worries and fears away, and just let the comfort of Levi's unknowing touch sooth me into a deep sleep.


A/N sorry I'll try to start making shorter notes! I'm sorry these chapters are so incredibly short! maybe they'll get better? I don't know. I'm going to try to update every day to every other day starting from now on. (P.s as soon as I figure out this tagging business, i'll get that done)

Until next time! :)

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