Chapter 12

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Hello readers! Sorry if it's bad, but I have created another chapter for you. I hope you enjoy.
As always please vote/comment and tell me what you think! :)

Levi's pov

I'm quite surprised at myself really. I actually did that, without any hesitation. I had never actually had sexual interaction with another male, until Eren. Not that I had a problem with it, I was just surprised by how well I performed The actions that I have just carried out.

I could tell just by looking at Erwin and Hanji, that they were surprised at my actions. It really has been a while. I was teasing, and smiling, towards someone. But I couldn't help my out of character-ness. Just seeing Eren's embarrassed face, was enough to completely change my attitude.

Oh, and I was still shirtless. Not that Eren minded. I saw him keep darting his eyes back and forth between the talking guests, and myself.

Not that I minded, it's not like they care really, even though we both probably look like sex. I did clean his release off of my stomach, and I wiped the blood off of my neck, from Eren's fucking teeth. I'm sure there was still bite marks and hickeys all down my neck. Not that I minded that either, I rather enjoyed that experiment. I never knew I liked biting. You learn something new every day.

Not to mention I gave Eren sex hair. I'm not even sorry. To be honest, it was pretty damn hot. But unlike a certain brat, I had some self control. I patiently waited, for what felt like forever, hoping that Hanji and Erwin were planning on leaving soon.

"Oh, I left some booze in the car! I'll be right back!" Hanji suddenly shouted, making a break for the exit of the house. God damn her. I could just get drunk and fuck him. And tell him how I feel of course. I mean come on, who wouldn't? And if they're planning on staying, they can deal with it. Right?

Hanji returned a few minutes later, with an assortment of bottles, and a pack of beer. I spotted my favorite wine amongst the bottles, waiting for her to put it down. She knew me so well. Once she put out the assortment, I padded over to my kitchen, grabbing some glasses.

"Eren, you are not drinking." I looked to him, with the sternest look I could give. He leaned over, whispering in my ear. "I didn't take my medication, I think I'll be fine. Please?" I was very reluctant. I mean, if I was planning on having sex with him, I would rather him not forget it.

"I promise I won't get hammered." He gave me the cutest, meant to be serious face in existence. "Tch. Fine. I probably will though. I'm going to need some liquid courage if I'm going to.." I trailed off. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Going to what?" Eren asked. He might not believe me if I confess to him drunk. So maybe just a little? I decide to pour myself a drink, and I pour one for Eren as well. "Nothing! You'll find out later." I tried to put on my stoic face, even though I was quite flustered. "Fuck yeah! Let's get shit-faced!" Hanji yelled, chugging her first bottle of beer.


Eren's pov

We all sort of bumped glasses after Hanji's incredibly poetic toast to getting 'shit-faced'. I decided that I wouldn't do such a thing tonight. I really wanted to ask Levi about this afternoon, but I would much rather him be sober when I do. He's already had three glasses, and was working on his fourth.

I however, was only drinking my second glass. I would only have four, tops. I'm not sure what exactly Levi has planned, but he still looks a little nervous, even with the number of drinks he's already had. I was sat in a chair, that sat nearby the couch, where everyone else was.

After Levi finished his fourth glass of wine, he stood up from his place on the couch, although with slight difficulty. He walked towards me, leaning in to my ear. "Can we talk? In my room?" He grinned, stumbling over when I got up from the chair. Hesitantly I replied with a small 'sure' and followed the slightly unsteadied little man to his room.

He closed the door behind us, pushing the lock button, just like the one on mine. Then he swiftly turned around to face me. "I-I like you Eren. You're so handsome, and sexy, and perfect, and I just really, really like you!" that was the first time I had ever heard him stutter, or even seem the slightest bit unsure of himself.

"You're drunk Levi, you don't mean that." I gave a small smile. "Yes I do! I'm not drunk! I'm a little unsteady, but I'm sure of what I want! and I want you! I want to be with you, and cuddle with you, and fuck you, and tell you just how amazing you are! Please?" He took a step toward me, looking directly in my eyes.

He couldn't mean it, could he? There's no way a guy as perfect as him could even like a guy like me. I'm gross, in every way. The only thing I like about myself is my eyes. They're the only good thing I have.

"Why? why me? You don't even know me Levi! What if you get to know me, and you hate me? I'm whiny, annoying, and I just have so many problems! Both physical, and mental problems! For Christ's sake I Threw up on you when I met you! I went unconscious for like 30 minutes! That isn't good? why would you want such a burden in your life?" I questioned. Really though? I don't even want myself, how could some other person want me?

"Eren. I've already told you more than once. I mean what I say. You are not burdening me in any way that I can't handle, okay? I like you, and I want you to accept that. Please, just get it through your head." He looked directly into my eyes. He was being honest. He was showing so much emotion.

I don't understand how, or why, but maybe I should just accept it. Even if it's just for the night. I take the one necessary step between us, and I join our lips in a gentle kiss. "Thank you." I mumbled through the kiss. It was tender, and sweet.

But I wanted more. I wanted to feel Levi, to show him how grateful I was, that someone so beautiful, could love such a monster. Tonight, I would care for Levi. Because he cares for me.



If you read this, please let me know if you would like me to write about the little interaction between them (And from who's perspective?) or if I should just do a time skip, and hint at the events. Please COMMENT and let ME KNOW! Thanks for reading!

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