Chapter 22

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I'm terribly sorry it's been like a month since I have updated! I'm horrible I know. I have so many excuses I could give you about how busy I am with school, and life and such, but I won't, because that won't make it any better.

But moving on, thank you so much for 7k+ reads! :) (my current goal in life I think would be to get 10k+ reads and 1k+ votes, but I know that's pretty unrealistic!)

Sorry this Author's note has been so long, but as always, if you enjoy this chapter, please vote/comment and let me know what you think!


Eren's pov

I've been out of the hospital for going on two weeks now. I already got two call-backs from the jobs I applied for. I really think I'm going to take the job as a barista in the coffee shop on the corner.

The employees had seemed very nice, it always smells good, and they make amazing hot cocoa. Things have been progressively getting better in my life.

I mean, there's no way in hell that my life is anywhere near perfect, but it's definitely been worth living. I feel like that's really saying something for me.

"Do you want ham in your omelet?" Levi shouted from the kitchen. That sounds amazing actually. "Yes please!" I yell back to him delightedly. I've been getting a little healthier too.

I go on walks in the evenings, and I've been trying to eat more, when Levi makes the food at least. I get up from the couch, deciding that I should get forks and plates for us to eat off of.

I set them on the coffee table, just in time. Levi plops some food on both of our plates, before heading back to the kitchen, presumably to put the frying pan back on the stove. He returns a minute later with two glasses of orange juice.

"Hey Levi?" I question softly, "Do you still want me to find an apartment?" I question, causing him to choke on a bite of his omelet. He takes a few large gulps of his orange juice, before replying, "what the hell brought this on?"

I didn't think it would be that surprising of a question, but alright then. "I-It's just.. When you took me in, you told me a could stay here for a few days while I found another place.

It's not like just because we started dating that I should assume there's a bed for me to sleep in. That's just plain selfish, and it's unfair to you!" I said, slowly raising my voice to just below a shout.

Not that I really want to leave, but I would definitely leave if that's what Levi wants.

"What a ridiculous thing to say, Eren. Don't you think if I wanted you gone I would've said something?

Honestly I love having you here with me. Because I love you." he said with a completely straight face.

He feels the need to throw that into everything he says, and it still hits me like a freight train every damn time.

I blush crimson, mumbling my thanks, and how I love him too. It never loses meaning, no matter how we say it. After that event though, we pretty much finish the delectable breakfast my loving boyfriend made in a peaceful silence.

We're interrupted by my dumb old phone that chose now to actually ring. It only rings like 1/4 of the time that people call me. I get up to pace (that's just what I do whilst having phone conversations) an click the green accept button on the screen, without checking the caller ID first.

"Hello?" I furrow my brows, not getting a response. "Hello..? Is someone there?" I question, my anxiety building by each silently passing second. I shouldn't have answered.

I hear a small breath being taken on the other end of the line, signaling to me that someone in fact is on the other line. "I can hear you breathing. What do you want?" I snap slightly, suddenly feeling more irritation than fear.

Then I finally hear faintly on the other side, "Eren, is that you?" There's no way. "Mikasa?" I asked disbelievingly.

I hear a quiet sob on the other line. "Where are you Eren? The house is gone. There's nothing left. You're my last hope, I thought maybe you had escaped, and they burned the house down with you in it, and-" I stop her before she completely loses it.

"I burned the house down." I mumble, leaving the room to be out of Levi's earshot. "W-what? Why?" she hoarsely shouted. I can't believe this is even my sister.

She's always been so strong, the one who held me together, she was the glue that kept me from falling apart. And now she herself is Ungluing.

"Find somewhere cheap and mostly vacant to stay for a couple of days." I whisper from behind my locked door. "Why? Eren, what are you going to do?" she spoke, although she probably knew exactly what I was going to say.

"I'm coming to find you."

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