Chapter 13

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Sorry this chapter took so long! There are split opinions on how this should've been written... So I'm just going to kind of do it..? We'll see how this goes.
Please vote/comment and tell me what you think! :)


Levi's pov

I groaned internally, flipping onto my stomach, and open my eyes. I look to my left and see Eren laying next to me, still wearing his black thermal shirt and boxers. My ass kind of hurt, but not as much as it probably could have.

Eren made sure to be very gentle, considering it was my first time bottoming. Well, first time with a male in general. My head was pounding, and I was really starting to wish I hadn't had that bottle of wine.

I take my time in getting up, covering Eren in the tangled blanket that previously only covered me. When i reach the door however, I remember that Hanji and Erwin are probably passed out in my living room. So I step into a pair of clean boxers, and head back to the door, trying to get the lock to click as quietly as possible, to not wake the man still sleeping peacefully in my bed.

When I reach my living room, I find only Hanji, passed out on the floor, right next to the couch. "Tch. And you were so close too. What a shame." I smirked. She had almost made it to the couch. And Erwin must have went to work early this morning.

The clock on my microwave tells me the time is 1:24 p.m. Christ, I really slept in. Maybe I should make some pancakes, if I have the required ingredients. I move quickly, ignoring the slightly irritating pains in my body.

Less than a half an hour later, I have an old plastic plate full of perfectly golden-brown pancakes ready for the three of us, and another plate covered in perfectly crispy bacon. As expected, Hanji stumbles into the kitchen shortly after, probably smelling the delicious aroma emanating from my beautiful culinary creation.

"Good afternoon, four-eyes. I put a glass of water and the bottle of Advil on the table, so you can just sit down and relax. As long as you don't puke, because so help me if you do-" My threat is cut off by Eren entering the kitchen, with tired eyes.

I knew he wasn't hung over though. He barely drank anything. "Hey Eren, I made breakfast." I smiled. And yes, it was a real smile. "You guys were pretty loud last night, you know that? No one could sleep over that noise!" Hanji laughed, tossing some Advil back.

"E-Eh? Really? Um, I'm-" Eren stumbled on his words, before I interrupt him. "Is that a problem, glasses? You did show up uninvited, and you allowed yourself to stay the night, without my permission. So if you don't have a valid argument, I don't see why you even decided to bring it up. Am I not allowed to be fucked in my own house? I-" "No way! You bottomed?! Levi, I can't believe this! Oh my god, I have to tell Erwin!" she cackled.

"You don't have to tell anyone anything." I growled, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. Whether I have the desire to fuck, or be fucked is my business, between me and the partner in the situation.

"Alright, alright, geez! I just never pegged you as a bottom-type of guy. But I guess that's justified, because I didn't even know you were into dudes! That's totally unfair! You should've told me!" She changed her surprised demeanor to a slightly offended one in a matter of seconds, causing me to release my tight grip on her collar.

"Dammit Hanji. I didn't even figure that out myself until I met this brat, alright? How was I supposed to tell you, if I didn't even know myself? Fuck. Well, now you know!" I sigh, defeated. It's not like I care if she knows, but really, I had planned on being how the homosexual crowd would say, closeted, for a little longer.

"Besides, you practically walked in on me giving him a hand-job like, just a few days ago! If that didn't tip you off, I don't see why you're offended! I can't help that you're a complete idiot! That doesn't even make any sense!" I end my little realization/rant type-thing when I hear Eren laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing Eren?" I frowned. Everything I said was true. "Be-because! You're just so cute when irritated! But really Hanji, you didn't get the hint? I mean, most guys don't just go around sexually pleasing each other just for fun. Plus, I am one hundred percent positive the bite marks I left on his neck were rather obvious. Is it just because he didn't directly tell you that you didn't figure it out?" He looked genuinely confused. It's not like it really mattered that much.

"Um.. Not trying to be rude or anything, but how old are you Eren? You look really young when well rested and well, not sick." She smiled sympathetically, with a dash of curiosity in her eyes. That is true. He looks like a kid, when he doesn't have bags under his eyes. Although she did change the subject rather suddenly.

"Shit.. Well, if I'm honest, will you promise not to be mad at me, Levi?" he asked, looking to me. Fuck. "That depends... How old are you? Please tell me you're not like fifteen.." I sighed, plopping down in the empty chair next to him.

"No.. But I don't feel like you would be happy if I told you." He mumbled into his shirt sleeve, avoiding my eyes. "Just spit it out already!" I didn't mean to snap at him, but it was hard not to be irritated! If he's under eighteen, I could get arrested for rape, albeit consensual.

"I'm seventeen. But I'll be eighteen in eight months! I'm really sorry I didn't tell you, but.. I'm sorry." He sighed, with eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears. "Dammit Eren! Don't you dare cry, but do you realize if ever brought to court, I would be arrested for this? Consensual or not, having sex with a minor is a crime! Shit.." I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"Well as long as you guys never have any complications with the law before Eren turns eighteen, you don't really have a problem! Besides, if anything, you should at least be glad that he's less than a year away! Because if he was fifteen, as previously stated, then you would really be screwed!" Four-eyes even added a little laugh at the end, trying to emphasize that it was no big deal.

I groaned somewhat dramatically, before tipping my head back and yelling "Fuck!" I'm really not that worried about being arrested, considering it's never been a major problem for me, but I really just wish he would have told me.

I know I sound like a teenage girl saying that, but I really can't help it. I like this kid, but he's got a lot that he hasn't told me. And I intend to find out every last detail that makes up Eren Jaeger.



Woohoo! Sorry that took so long, I was having a strong debate about whether or not to put smut in this chapter, and I got mixed feedback, so I left it out temporarily. But fear not children! This is not the end of the beautiful thing that is Ereri smut! I feel like there will be more in the future! We'll see though! Thanks for reading!

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