Chapter 18

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Thanks so much for 2k reads! :) I'm sorry I don't update as often as I should, but marching band season starts next week, so sorry I will probably be updating even less. (Don't worry, I promise not to abandon this fic!)

Anyway, thanks for reading, and please vote and comment, letting me know what you think. (:


Levi's pov

I peeled open my heavy eyelids, trying to figure out when I had fallen asleep. I could see the sun beaming through the curtains covering my window. They weren't doing a very good job serving their purpose.

The second thing I noticed, was that Eren was not lying next to me in bed. I reached next to me, stretching my Hand toward the nightstand, in search of my phone. When I finally found it, I was finally armed with the knowledge that it is currently 6:39 a.m.

What the actual fuck? Why am I even awake right now? I quickly stood up, (well, as fast as a person still half asleep is able) stretching my limbs and grabbing a clean pair of flannel pajama pants to put on.

I wiggled into those, on my way to the bathroom. I looked at my stupidly messy appearance for a minute, before fixing my hair, and grabbing my toothbrush.

When I had finished my duties in the bathroom, I walked into the kitchen, flipping on the light switch. Where was the little asshole? I decided on just eating cereal this morning.

I'm just too lazy to cook something just for myself, there's just no point. I set my full bowl if cereal on the counter, finally noticing that there is a small yellow sticky note on the island. I pick it up, examining the contents. 'Couldn't sleep, be back around 9' Fuck.

Why didn't he just wake me up? I contemplate best and worst case scenarios while eating the sugary Frosted Flakes from my plastic bowl.

I was still really tired, but there was no point in trying to go back to sleep now. That would be stupid. I rinsed out my now empty bowl and put it in the dishwasher.

I plopped down on my couch, turning in the television, like I always do to entertain myself. I sit there and watch a stupid news story for about twenty minutes, before being so bored I can't stand it.

I change into some gray sweat pants and a black v neck shirt, grabbing my keys, and heading out the door. Maybe I'll go to a coffee shop.


Eren's pov

I woke up early this morning, unable to fall back asleep. After tossing and turning for a while I decided to just get up, as to not wake Levi.

I could finally go look for a job, and maybe look at that apartment too, but it's still a little early. I could start by going to the little café on the corner.

When I ordered my drink, I also asked the not-so-nice waitress for an application. I didn't bother to even ask if they were hiring, as to not bring my hopes down.

Since a lot of stores don't open for a few more hours, I sat down at a table for two in the corner of the room, hoping to make some progress on this application.

After a cup and a half of coffee and two pages of questions later, my thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Fuck. I didn't think he would really care, I mean I woke up at like five. We had been up pretty late the night before, and he needed his rest.

"You need your rest. I don't have the right to take that from you." I mumble. I kept filling in questions, and he sat down across from me, just silently watching.

He grabbed my left hand, bringing it up to his lips, before saying "just wake me up next time, okay babe? I was worried about you." He was so quiet it was barely audible, but I had definitely heard that.

He kissed my knuckles, before setting my hand down on the table where it was. I sighed in defeat, "Okay." Before grabbing his hand and holding it once again.

"So what's the plan for today, Eren?" He spoke with more energy than before. Knowing that I was okay made him happy. That made me blush, so I just awkwardly tried to cover it with my hands. "Job hunting." I mumble through my fingers. "I'd be glad to help."

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