Chapter 5: So Much In A Day

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Frigate 4A…

The girls were nettled because rumors were flying around that Mdm. Rudas will be handling their section. Just then, the cute male teacher got inside the room, and the students stood up in a jiffy to impress him.

“Good morning, Sir,” the female students greeted him sweetly.

The teacher got to his table, and placed his books on top of the desk.

“Good morning, Ladies,” he greeted them back warmly. “Let’s start the day with a prayer.”

He had Linda lead the prayer, and the student complied. After prayer, the teacher had the students sit down as he grabbed a piece of chalk from the blackboard tray. He started to write, and the students read the name written on the board.


“I'm Eiji Udagawa, and I will be your Homeroom adviser and Filipino teacher for this school year,” the teacher said.

“Filipino?” Lorraine echoed.

“Awwww,” the rest of the girls crooned.

Mr. Udagawa let out a warm smile which melted the hearts of the students. He could be mistaken for an actor or a model. And his height... his height is that of an ideal boyfriend!

“Sir, are you really Japanese, or are you half?” one student from the back asked.

“I am pure Japanese,” Mr. Udagawa said. “You see, my parents stayed here for a long time, but they had mastered neither Cebuano nor Filipino. At least, they are good in English.”

“How come you are teaching Filipino?” another student asked.

“You see, I stayed for ten years in SIDL, where Filipino, Chinese, and English subjects are taught. I was good with English because of my parents, and as for Chinese, the Chinese characters were quite easy for me—at that time. Because I was poor in Filipino, I had to take remedial classes almost every day in primary grade. I vowed to myself that I will make good with it. That is why, I started to improve during high school, and I took up Filipino as my major in college as token of gratitude to my patient teachers.”

“Do you still remember your Chinese, Sir?”

“After I graduated college, I forgot my Chinese already,” he sheepishly remarked, making the hearts of the girls flutter. “I mean, I should have remembered it still, right?”

“Awww, he is just so cute!” Nadine heard her classmate from the back.

“I am twenty-one years old, and still single, and I passed the LET in one take,” he told his students. “Any more personal questions for me?”

(“LET” is the Licensure Examination for Teachers.)

His smile was so captivating that the students crooned for the umpteenth time.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Nadine asked, batting her eyelashes sweetly.

“I used to have one, but we broke up already,” Mr. Udagawa said.

Nadine noted the sad tone of his voice. His breakup must have been that serious.

“What happened to Mdm. Rudas?” another asked.

“She declined to handle a section this school year, but she will still be your corps commandant for Citizen's Army Training,” Mr. Udagawa said.

The students groaned. They were sure that Mdm. Rudas will lead their life to Hell. But it did not matter to them anymore, just as long as Mr. Udagawa is all that they see every day.

She's Older Than MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon