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Mione's POV

"Now we've entered pride land territory, but we must becarful young ones" Anita tells us. We'd traveled for three days. "It's take a day or so to reach pride rock" she adds.

"How do you feel Mione?" Tama asks me.

"Yeah, you're about to meet your father for the first time" Kula states.

"Nervous, but also excited" I say smiling. Just then Anita tenses and we all get behind her. "What is it?" I ask her quietly.

"You aren't welcome here" someone snaps and a teenage lioness appears. (Picture of Zira now:

"That was not very nice Zira, apologize" a pale lioness scolds her.

"Sorry" Zira says insincerely. 

"I am Sarafina, what are you names and purpose here?" the lioness asks.

"I am Anita and these two are my daughters Tama and Kula" Anita states.

"I'm Mione, I am here to unite with my father" I tell her.

"We wish to join the pride" Anita adds.

"I am a personal friend of the queen, come follow me. Zira go play or something and stay out of trouble" Sarafina orders. Zira glares at her and us before running off. "You know Mione, you remind me of someone in the pride" Sarafina tells me as she leads us to pride rock.

"Who?" I ask curious.

"Our queen Sarabi, but also her brother in-law Scar" she states and I smile at the mention of my father.

"Are there any cubs we can play with?" Tama asks.

"My daughter Nala and the prince Simba" Sarafina states. "There's pride rock" she adds and we see it's solute on the horizon. It's about mid afternoon and I'm thirsty. "Today is a lazy day, so everyone's at pride rock, the water hole or on patrol like I was with Zira" Sarafina explains.

"You're back early Sarafina, where's Zira and who are your friends?" a lioness asks as she approaches with a red maned lion.

"Probably with Scar, these are Anita and her two daughters Tama & Kula. This is Mione" Sarafina says nudging me forward. "She's here looking for her father and they all wish to join the pride" she states.

"There's always room for more" the lioness states smiling at us.

"I am Mufasa and this is my mate Sarabi" the lion states. "We are the king and queen here" he adds. "You'll meet the others later" he assures us.

"Who was your mother sweety?" Sarabi asks me.

"Coco" I declare proudly.

"But that's mean" Sarabi says looking at Mufasa.

"There's no doubt, she looks just like Scar" Mufasa states smiling at me.

"That's Daddy's name, but Mama called him Taka" I tell them.

"Only she could call him that" Sarabi says smiling.

"Mufasa who are these intruders?" a dark lion with a black mane demands approaching us with Zira on his heels.

"Anita and her two cubs, along with yours & Coco's daughter" Mufasa states. Scar looks at me shocked while Zira glares at me hotly. "Where's your mother?" Mufasa asks me.

"Rogue lions took over pride, Mama sent me here. Saying Papa would protect me" I state.

"Scar there's no proof this prat is even related to you" Zira snaps.

"Hold your tongue Zira, this does not concern you. Leave" Sarabi tells her and Zira leaves sulking when Scar didn't stand up for her. He was to busy looking at me.

"I am Mione" I say sitting in front of him. Scar circles me, observing me and I see approval in his eyes. "Can I stay?" I ask him.

"You are always welcome, my daughter" he says pulling me close with a paw around me. Sarabi and Mufasa smile at us happily.

"If it wasn't for Anita and her cubs, I wouldn't of gotten here safely" I tell him.

"We thank you for all your help" Sarabi tells them.

"I Mufasa accept Anita, Mione, Kula and Tama into the pride" Mufasa announces. He calls a pride meeting and announces our arrival. We then meet Nala (Sarafina's daughter) and Prince Simba. I started to grow tired and papa notices. He picks me up and carries me to cave away from the main den.

"This is my cave and it is yours now also" he tells me as I explore. Just then Zira enters the cave happily until she notices me and scowls. "Zira, come meet my daughter" Papa tells her. "I am sure you two will be good friends, I expect you to watch over her Zira" Papa states. I then remember something Mama told me about a cub that hanged around Papa. Her name was Zira and she told me she (Zira) could never be trusted.

"She's not your daughter, just a rogue cub with a rogue mother" Zira states. Making Papa glare at her angrily and she cowers slightly. I doubt Papa had ever treated her this way before. Mama was right, Zira is a spoiled brat.

"There is no mistake, she is mine" he tells her firmly. "Go to the den, get out of my sight" he adds firmly. She looks at him shocked before glaring at me and runs away from the cave. "Don't be around her alone Mione" Papa says laying down beside me.

"Don't worry, I'll stick to cubs my age" I assure him.

"Tomorrow, I'll show you around pride rock" he tells me.

"I'd love that Papa" I say snuggling into his side.

"Know that you are a princess and destined to be a queen Mione" he tells me.

"I was to be the queen of my former pride, until it was taken over" I tell him. "The king had no heir of his own and the only lioness besides mum. Were his two sisters, mum could never mate with an other after you. He respected that, so named me his successor" I explain. "Honestly, I always thought of being a queen as boring" I add.

"Maybe, you just weren't in the right pride" he tells me gently. "How was your mother?" he asks.

"Amazing, strong, beautiful and smart, she was the queen. She saved my life" I tell him. "I miss her" I add tearing up. Papa wraps a paw around and me I hide my face in his chest sniffling.

"I do too" he tells me. We fell asleep like that and stayed like that all night. I dreamt of having both my parents and us living together happily.


Picture above of the map of the lion king world and picture on the external link of Mufasa's pride (ignore the cub on Scar and Zira's size).

Scar's Daughter: Lion King 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now