The Truth About Mufasa's Death

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(1 week later) Mione's POV

Turns out I was right to worry about Zira's plans, she had Tama and Kula killed. Now she is the primary care giver of both Vitani and Kovu. I tried to convince father to allow me or Anita to raise the cubs. But he wouldn't hear any of it. Especially after he discovered Nala's disappearance. All the herds are gone and no one has been able to find food or water in three days. Clouds have appeared, but they're not rain clouds.

Papa has called a meeting with the hyenas. While having sent me and the lionesses to his old cave. Zira is out hunting with all her girls. Speaking of, those other three lionesses. They all had female cubs. They along with Nuka, Kovu and Vitani have been placed somewhere none of us can find. "Sarabi!" Papa shouts.

"Be-careful Auntie, he sounds furious" I tell her.

"I'll be fine" she assures me and rubs against my head fondly. "Take care of the others" she tells me. I nod my head and she heads towards the entrance. Just after she left Nala appears looking ecstatic.

"Nala" we cheer hugging her.

"Guys, you won't believe who I found" she states pulling away.

"Who?" we ask.

"Simba, he's been alive all this time and is ready to reclaim his crown" she announces.

"Then we must help him" says a voice I haven't heard in months.

"Mother" I say and run to her.

"No time for that, time to get rid of those hyenas and Zira along with her pride" she tells me.

"Of course, stay hidden until we strike first" I tell her. Then lead the girls up to pride rock when Simba appears. And Papa strikes Aunt Sarabi. "No!" I shout running to her with Simba.

"Mufasa? Nooo!! It can't be! You're dead" Papa states. Simba nudges Aunt Sarabi and she wakes up. Thank the great kings. She to mistakes him for his father.

"No, it's me" he tells her.

"Simba, you're alive" she says joyful. "How can that be?" she asks confused.

"It doesn't matter" I tell her.

"I'm home now" Simba tells her rubbing his head to her's.

"Simba...? Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you, alive" Papa says glaring at the hyenas.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart" Simba snarls as he advances on my papa. The pride appear and Dwala helps me get Aunt Sarabi back onto her feet.

"Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom..." Papa tries to say backing away.

"Are no longer yours" Simba tells him. "Step down, Scar" he orders.

"Oh, oh, ye... Well, I would, heh, naturally, heh... however, there is one little problem. You see them? " Papa asks pointing to the hyenas. "They think I'm king" he states.

"Well we don't" Nala announces.

"Simba is the rightful king papa and it's time he rules" I tell him.

"The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight" Simba states.

"Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Simba?" Papa asks him as he walks around Simba.

"That's not going to work Scar, I put it behind me" Simba tells him.

"Eh, but what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?" Papa asks looking at us.

"Simba, what is he talking about?" Nala asks him.

"Yes father, what are you talking about?" I ask.

Papa looks delighted as he paces. "Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death" he instructs.

"I am" Simba says stepping forward and Aunt Sarabi approaches him.

"Tell me it's not true, tell me it's not true" she begs him.

"It's true" he tells her ashamed.

"You see! He admits it! Murderer" Papa states. He then stalks towards Simba who backs away. As thunder is heard and lighting appears.

"No, it was an accident!" Simba exclaims.

"If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead; do you deny it?" Papa demands.

"No" Simba says.

"Then you're guilty" Papa announces.

"No, I'm not a murderer!" Simba exclaims. As the hyenas begin to flank my father as he edges Simba closer to the cliff.

"Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again. But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone... knows... why!!" Papa shouts. Simba slips over the edge and is clinging to the ledge by his fore paws. Lightning strikes again, starting a fire below him.

"Simba!" Nala and I shout in concern. Papa becomes thoughtful before sticking his claws into Simba's fore paws. He whispers something in Simba's ear and he pounces back onto pride rock furious pining my father down.

"Murderer!" he shouts.

"No, Simba, please" Papa begs.

"Tell them the truth" Simba demands. Papa whispers something, but Simba glares at him. "So they can hear you" he tells him.

"I killed Mufasa!" Papa announces and we strike. Just as the hyenas do. Mother and her pride join in the attack pulling the hyenas away from Simba.


Gif above of Simba's appearance now and video above of Scar striking Sarabi. Photo on the external link of Sarabi's pride (minus Mione).

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