Two Rogue Lions

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Mione's POV

Mheetu is here and we're catching up. It's been a day since our run in with Zira and I am telling him about it. When I catch a foreign scent in the air. "Mione, rogues in the pride lands!" Zazu shouts as he lands in front of us.

"Where and how many?" I ask snarling.

"Two males, they came from the out lands according to the crocodiles" he states making me growl.

"Zazu alert the others, Mheetu with me" I order and take off following the scent. We soon find them not far from the watering hole. "I got the white one, you take the teenager" I tell him.

"Wait, Mione I know..." he tries to say. But I pounce tackling the white one growling madly. We start to fight. Soon we start to circle each other as Mheetu and the teenager shout at us.

"You'll pay for trespassing out lander" I snarl.

"Enough!" Simba roars and we look at him.

"But Simba, they are..." I try to say.

"Are rogues, not outsiders" Mheetu states. "Their names are Draco and Kopa, they're my friends Mione. I can vouch for them" he says. I look down ashamed of my actions as I back away from the rogue I'd been fighting.

"You'll have to forgive Mione, we recently had a run in with the leader of the outsiders. She plots against us and Mione was only trying to protect the pride" Nala states. I take off running towards the gorge. "Mione wait, come back!" Nala shouts. But I ignore her and continue to run. Until I reach the edge of the gorge and lay looking up at the sky.

(Back with the others) Draco's POV

"Mione wait, come back!" shouts the blonde lioness. But the dark one that attacked me ignored her and continued to run.

"She'll be fine Nala, she just needs to cool off" Mheetu assures her. So she's the famous sister we've heard so much about. That means the red maned lion must be Simba. The king of the pride lands.

"I am sorry if we have caused any trouble, we were merely passing through" Kopa says.

"None at all, and feel free to stay as long as you want. Any friend of Mheetu's is a friend of this pride" Simba tells us.

"Thank you, I'm Draco and this is Kopa. He's new to rogue life and I've taken him under my wing. So to speak, where did that fierce lioness go?" I ask.

"Towards the gorge, she'll return and apologize once she's cleared her head" Nala assures me.

"I think it'd be best if I went to speak to her and assure her I don't blame her. After all we did arrive here unannounced" I tell them. "Kopa stay with Mheetu" I tell him before taking off after dark lioness. I soon find her on the edge of a cliff laying down looking up at the sky.

(Third Person POV)

Mione sighs laying her head down when she hears something behind her. Snapping her head up her green eyes lock with pale blue ones. "Hey, I think we got off on the wrong paw. I'm Draco" says the handsome white lion. He really is handsome now that she takes a good look at him.

"I'm Mione and I am sorry for attacking you unprovoked" she tells him.

"No harm done, you were only protecting your pride. You have a mean pounce and swipe" he states laying down beside her. "Mheetu told me about those outsiders, they sound terrible. I'm glad we didn't run into them as we passed through their territory. But because we came that way and what has happened here recently. It's understandable for you to react the way you did" he says.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that" Mione tells him with a gentle smile.

"So your Simba's cousin right?" he asks her.

"Yeah" she says nodding her head.

"Any mate?" he asks hopeful. He's been trying to find the right lioness to settle down with, for awhile. But none of them had the fight her was looking for. He wanted someone who could look after herself, but allow herself to be looked after. Of course, she has to beautiful.

"Not yet, I'm still searching"  Mione replies. "I just want a guy to love me for me, to start a family and pride with. But would not take me away from my family and would allow us to have an alliance. Especially with Zira up to her old tricks" she states.

"How many cubs do you want?" Draco asks curious.

"Two, hopefully a boy and a girl" Mione answers. "Why do you ask? Do you have a mate?" she asks him.

"Not yet, but I have my eye on a certain dark lioness beside me" Draco says with a smirk. Mione giggles before looking back up to the sky.

"She'd be very lucky to have you" Mione teases as she gets up. "Time to return to the den. Race ye" she says and takes off. Draco runs after her laughing.

"No fair, I'm new here!" he shouts and she just laughs. When Pride rock comes into view Draco starts to catch up. In the end they tie panting heavily at the entrance.

"That was fun, we should do it again some time" Mione states sweeping her tail under his chin. "Good night Draco" she says before entering the den. She lays beside Mheetu and falls asleep as Draco enters the den. He smiles fondly at her before laying beside Kopa and he to falls asleep.


Picture above of Draco and Kopa. Picture on the external link of the pride lands gorge.

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