Pride and Fire

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Mione's POV

I'm due to give birth any day now and it appears I'm having twins. As I'm bigger then Nala when she was pregnant with Kiara. But not that much bigger. Also a new lioness joined the pride last week with her two cubs. Their names are Tiifu and Zuri, while their mother is called Pali. All three of them will be joining Draco and my pride.

We've finally found a den in the mountains near the Gorilla Jungle. Simba and I have split the territory. Him getting the bigger part as he has the bigger pride and was here first. Speaking of Prides Mimi just took over the Greenland's with Mheetu. While he brother is the main protector of their future heirs. Taka is completely fine with that as he doesn't want to be king. Never did. But he'd be in-charge while Mheetu and Mimi were away on their honeymoon. Then again while they had their cub/s.

Anyway on with the story. Today Pali and her cubs are meeting the three huntresses. Luna, Kerry and Courtz would help train the cubs. Courtz would be in-charge of hunting when I'm not around. As I'll need to nurse my cubs constantly after they're born. But once they get down to only needing milk every four-six hours, I'd lead the hunting party again.

Kiara has just gone for her first hunt heading south. So I've gone to the meeting spot where I'd be introducing the pride. "Mione, you should be resting" Draco tells me when he finds me at the shade rocks resting. Kopa is beside him as usual.

"I am resting" I tell him smiling innocently.

"In the den" he adds and I roll my eyes. "Why are you out here anyway?" he asks me.

"I'm introducing Pali, Tiifu and Zuri to the three huntresses" I tell him. "After all they will be apart of the same pride soon. Especially since we now have a den" I remind him. "I'm glad you and Kopa are here, that way the whole pride can meet" I add smiling. Just then Pali arrives with her two cubs.

"Queen Mione" the cubs cheer running over to me while their mum smiles contently. "Are the cubs coming?" they asks and I chuckle.

"Not yet young ones, but any day now" I tell them smiling. Pali lays down beside me and Zuri lays in between her front paws. While Tiifu laid in between mine as the three huntresses appear. "Glad you girls could make it" I say smiling.

"You summoned us and we came" Courtz states as they all lay down.

"Everyone this is our future pride, please introduce yourselves. I'll go first. My name is Mione and I will be your queen along with my handsome mate beside me" I say smiling.

"I think your beautiful Mione" Draco says licking my forehead tenderly. Before facing the others. "My name is Draco and I will be your king" he states.

"I'm Kopa and will be head fighter" Kopa says shrugging.

"My name is Tiifu and I'm nine weeks old" Tiifu states.

"I am her twin sister Zuri" Zuri adds smiling.

"I am their mother Pali" Pali announces.

"My name is Courtz and I'll lead the hunts while Mione nurses" Courtz states.

"Hi, I'm Luna" Luna says in her usual dreamy voice.

"My name is Kerry and I volunteer to babysit first" Kerry states.

"Great, now you know each others names. You can get to know each other better" I say smiling. Tiifu and Zuri go to chat with Kerry. While Pali and Kopa talk to Luna & Courtz about hunting. "I think this is going rather well" I say leaning into Draco. But he doesn't say anything only takes a deep breath looking out towards the south where our future den is. "What is it?" I ask him.

"Somethings wrong" he states standing up and pounces onto a higher rock for a better view. Now everyone has stopped talking as we look up at him. "Oh no, there's a fire in the south" he announces.

"That's where Kiara is and our future den" I state standing up. Only to feel my stomach tighten in pain.

"Courtz, take your sisters and go help find Kiara. Then return to Pride Rock, we'll asses the damage tomorrow. The rest of us are returning to pride rock now" Draco instructs. Kopa picks up Tiifu while Pali picks up Zuri. Draco walks beside me back to pride rock and the pain continues. We reach the pass of pride rock when my water breaks.

Draco immediately guides me to Papa's old den while Kopa put Tiifu down. As Pali does the same with Zuri. "My king this is a lioness affair, please take my cubs to the den. You may see Mione and the cubs later" Pali tells him. But he looks reluctant to leave as Kopa leads the cubs away.

"I'll be fine Draco, she'll come get you as soon as I start to nurse our cubs. Then we can decide names" I tell him smiling. He nods his head and rubs his head against mine before leaving. Pali has me lay down on my side as another contraction happens.

"You need to push for five seconds every contraction and then rest. Then repeat" she tells me and I nod my head. Another contraction happens and I push while she counts. Then rest and repeat with the next contraction.

(Several hours later) Third Person POV

Mione gave birth to two cubs, a boy and a girl. The boy is a very pale grey, almost white. The girl is a dark brown darker then her mother, but lighter then Coco. Pali placed the two new borns by there mother and they each latch onto a tit each. And begin suckling while Mione sleeps exhausted from giving birth.

Pali leaves the cave and paces Kovu as she enters the main den. "How is she?" Draco asks.

"Very tired, she's sleeping while your son and daughter drink. You can go see them" she tells him. Draco smiles brightly and runs to the cave to see his beautiful mate partly curled around their newborn cubs. He smiles as he spoons her from behind and lays a head over her side to look at their cubs. He falls asleep not knowing Kovu had come to see what was going on. Kovu was shocked to see newborn cubs, but left the family alone. They were not his mission, he just prays his mother would show the cubs misery once he killed Simba.


Picture above of Mione and Draco's pride/territory.

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