Elephant Graveyard?

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Mione's POV

Papa showed me around pride rock while Uncle Mufasa took Simba on a tour of the pride lands. Nala went with the other lionesses and two cubs to a shadey place. Apparently they'd go hunting at sunset, until then they are relaxing. Right now Papa and I lay down over looking the pride land from a ledge at pride rock. Suddenly we hear the sound of small paws waking us from our light nap.

"Hey Uncle Scar, Mione! Guess what?" Simba says.

"I despise guessing games" Papa tells him.

"What is it Simba?" I ask as I stretch.

"I'm going to be king of Pride Rock" he states proudly.

"Oh goody" Papa says.

"Of course you are Simba, you're the only cub of the king" I remind him.

"My dad just showed me the whole kingdom. And I'm gonna rule it all! Hah hah" Simba says looking at the pride lands.

"That's great" I tell him smiling.

"Yes. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know" Papa tells us. Papa falls onto his side with a "thump". Simba goes over and leans on his shoulder while I watch.

"Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm king, what will that make you?" Simba asks him.

"A monkey's uncle" Papa drawls making Simba and I laugh. Simba rolls off of Papa saying he is so weird. "You have no idea" Papa tells him and gets up.

"So Uncle Mufasa showed you the whole kingdom, did he?" I ask Simba.

"Everything" Simba says as we follow Papa.

"He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border?" Papa says.

"Well, no. He said I can't go there" Simba says sounding annoyed.

"And he's absolutely right! It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there" Papa tells him.

"Well, I'm brave" Simba declares.

"What's out there?" Simba and I ask Papa.

"No, I'm sorry, Simba, Mione, I just can't tell you" Papa tells us.

"Why not?" we demand.

"Simba, Mione, I'm only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew and daughter" Papa says ruffling Simba's fur.

"Yeah right" Simba says.

"We're your only nephew and daughter" I remind him.

"All the more reason for me to be protective. An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince or princess" Papa states. "Opps" he says covering his mouth.

"An elephant what?" I ask confused.

"Whoa" Simba says looking at the rise at the northern border.

"Oh, dear, I've said too much! Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later, you being so clever and all. Just promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place!" papa tells us.

"No problem" Simba tells him.

"There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember... its our little secret" Papa says sending Simba away. Simba runs off, no doubt to tell Nala about the elephant graveyard. "Mione, you are to never go there either. Unless I'm with you" papa tells me.

"I understand, can I go play with Tama and Kula?" I ask him.

"Sure, run along and play" he tells me bumping our heads together gently. I run off toward the shadey place. To see Nala and Simba leaving with Zazu, heading for the water hole. I tackle Kula and we start to play fight while the adults laugh.

"Where were you Mione?" Tama asks as I pin Kula.

"Papa showed me around pride rock and I slept in his cave last night" I say letting Kula up.

"Mione dear, would you like a bath?" Aunt Sarabi asks me.

"Sure" I say jumping up beside her and she places me in front of her. I always loved it when mama gave me baths. I notice Anita giving a reluctant Kula a bath too. While Tama giggles laying beside Sarafina.

"We should go to the water hole" Tama states.

"That'd be great" Kula states.

"I think we could all use a drink" Sarafina says smiling. So after Kula and I had had our baths. We all head down to the water hole and see no sign of Simba or Nala.

"Where's Nala and Simba?" I ask allowed.

"Maybe they returned to the den" Tama suggests.

"Zazu's with them" Kula states.

"Exactly, I'm sure they're both fine" Anita assures us. So all have a drink and I'm introduced to Aunt Sarabi's three sisters. Soon three other lioness appear with Zira dragging two dead antelopes. (The three lionesses: https://orig00.deviantart.net/6109/f/2012/204/2/a/the_huntresses_of_lionesses_by_dyb-d58c3ro.jpg). Us cubs eat first then Uncle Mufasa who appeared after dealing with a group of hyenas. Then the lionesses ate the rest.

Suddenly Zazu appeared and whispered something in Uncle Mufasa ear. And he runs off towards the northern border. While the rest of us return to pride rock. Papa wasn't there, so I went into the main den with the others. Aunt Sarabi said I could lay with her and I do so. I fell asleep quickly praying everything was alright.


Picture above of Scar and Simba, picture on the external link of the water hole.

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