We Are One

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Mione's POV

I'm fighting three outsiders at once. Usually it wouldn't be a problem. But due to giving birth a couple weeks ago. I am still not at full strength. I'm sent into a boulder and Draco appears tackling two of the lionesses. I get up and shake myself. I rejoin the fight.

I notice Nala fighting Vitani and jump in between them snarling. "Stop it!" I snap.

"Mione, she's" Nala tries to say.

"Is our best friends cub, before they were murdered. She does not know better, don't you see Tama in her?" I ask her. "What of Kovu, did you not see Kula in him?" I demand. Just then Mufasa and Zira start to circle each other. Both prides form a circle around them.

Just as they are about to land the first blows. Kiara and Kovu leap into the scene, and stand between the two enemies. "Kiara?" Simba says shocked.

"Kovu!" Zira snaps. "Move" she sneers narrowing her eyes at him.

"Step aside" Simba tells Kiara.

"Daddy, this has to stop" Kiara tells him firmly.

"You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!" Zira roars at Kovu.

"You'll never hurt Kiara... or Simba. Not while I'm here" Kovu tells her. I smile, just like his mother.

"Stay out of this" Simba stresses.

"A wise King once told me, 'We are one.' I didn't understand what he meant then... but now I do" Kiara tells him smiling.

"But they..." Simba tries to say.

"Them? Us?" Kiara asks.

"Look at them Simba, they are us" I tell him. "What differences do you see? Between these lionesses and our own? Aren't we all part of the Circle of Life?" I ask him.

Simba pauses; the battle has stopped. As Simba and Kiara look at one another, the clouds part and the rain stops. Finally, Simba and his daughter nuzzle. "You both are right" he tells us.

"Vitani... now!" Zira shouts.

"No!" she shouts. "You lied to Kovu and I, you said our mother died in a stampede while we were cubs. Mione told me they were murdered, she's right and so is Kovu" she states. She walks over and stands beside her half brother. "Enough" she says. Zira's other lionesses look shocked.

"If you will not fight... then you will die as well" Zira states. Some of Zira's lionesses begin to move over onto Simba's side, lead by Vitani's best friend. Zira's eyes begin to panic as her whole pride leaves her. "Wh-wha... Where are you going? Get back here!" she snaps.

"Let it go, Zira" I tell her as I stand beside Simba.

"It's time to put the past behind us" Simba adds.

"I'll never let it go!" Zira roars. I notice some logs in the dam move. "You shameless fool first you betrayed your pride then you betrayed Scar and now you're fighting your own mother" she snaps at Kovu. "This is for you, Scar!" she shouts. 

Zira leaps at Simba, but Kiara catches her in mid-flight and rolls over with her. The two lionesses tumble down the embankment. "Kiara!" Simba and Kovu shouts together. I rush over to the edge and look over. As Simba jumps down the slope, trying desperately to reach Kiara.

But she and Zira have already fallen too far for him to catch up. Kiara manages to catch a hold on the ledge, slowing her descent enough for her to jump onto a small ledge. Zira clings to the rocks some distance below Kiara, hanging by her front paws. "Hold on, Kiara!" Nala shouts. The dam of logs breaks; the river suddenly begins to create a flood on the stream.

"Simba, the river!" I shout and he looks at it. The river is rapidly rushing to fill the canyon. Simba leaps from rock face to rock face, trying to reach Kiara. Below, Zira hangs precariously from the rock face. Kiara is above on the ledge and I notice her trying to save Zira. Who refused to be saved.

She slides further down the rock wall, scrabbling for traction on the rock, but is unable to climb up. Zira falls back-first into the churning water below. The water and logs carry her under, and the flow in the canyon gradually subsides. Kovu looks down where his mother fell, closes his eyes, and lets out a sigh. Vitani and I go over, I nuzzle him gently.

"She may of raised you, but she was never your mother. I'll tell you both about your real mothers" I assure them. "But right now, there's someone else who needs you more" I say looking over at the cliff edge. As Simba and Kiara reappear.

Kovu rushes over to Kiara and they nuzzle each other affectionately. Draco approaches me and I lean into him sighing contently. "Kovu... I was wrong. You belong here. Welcome to our Pride" Simba tells him. Kiara smiles and leans into Kovu.

"Now let's go home... all of us" I tell everyone and Simba nods his head in agreement. Both prides slowly walk back to Pride Rock. We arrive to see Mheetu with my pride, cubs and his pride. Along with Rafiki.

I rush over to my cubs with Draco and we lick them affectionately. I lay down and they begin to feed. Rafiki blesses the union of Kiara and Kovu with a gesture of his staff. Uniting both prides with them as future king and queen.

Simba and Nala lead the procession through the rest of the pride, flanking them with bowed heads; Kiara and Kovu follow. Both couples make their way to the tip of the Promontory; first Simba roars, and then Kovu does. Finally all four roar together. All the prides roar in answer. "It's over now" Draco says as he lays beside me.

"Yeah, we are all one" I tell him smiling. I look at Storm and Coco Jr as they sleep peacefully. Now they'll have the best childhood possible. Better then mine, Simba's, Kovu and Vitani's. Better then all of ours. Especially with the pride reunited as one again.

The End


Video above of my favourite song with both prides fighting and ending the feud. Gif above of Kiara and Zira going over the cliff together.

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