Scar's Heir

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Young Kiara:

Mione's POV

Nala and I were leaving the den when we see Simba talking to Kiara. "Mind your father Kiara" Nala states as we sit either side of Simba.

"Yes, mom" Kiara says.

"And stay away from the out lands" I tell her.

"Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous Outsiders" Zazu states as he lands on my shoulder.

"Zazu's right. You can't turn your back on them" Simba tells Kiara.

"Really? How come?" Kiara asks confused.

"Never mind, just run along now" Simba tells her.

"But dad I..." she tries to say.

"You'll understand some day" he assures her.

"Dad" Kiara whines as he rubs a paw over her and nudges her towards pride lands. She giggles and runs off as we watch smiling. As Simba yells 'and stay on the path I've marked for you!'

"Simba. Who does she you of?" Nala asks him.

"What? Who?" he asks confused.

"She's just like you when you were young" Nala states rubbing against his side fondly.

"Exactly. Do you the dangers we put in?" Simba asks her. Nala pushes him to the ground and pins him down.

"You mean the dangers you put us in" she reminds him. They rub heads purring before locking eyes. "She'll be fine" she assures him and lets him up. We then leave him alone to go relax with some of the girls.

"So Mione, when will you settle down?" Anna asks me.

"When I find the right lion" I state. "Then we'll have two cubs and maybe start a pride of our own. Form an alliance with you and Simba" I say looking at Nala.

"That'd be great" Nala states. Just then Simba appears looking worried. "What's wrong?" Nala asks him.

"Kiara's gone, Zazu tracked her to the outsider border" he states.

"Lets go" Nala states and all us girls get up. We follow Simba towards the border. I pray my niece is ok and hasn't run into Zira. We find her and Simba roars. While Zira jumps out and roars snarling at him.

"Zira" Simba says hotly.

"Simba" she says before looking at Nala and I. "Nala, Mione" she says.

"Zira" we say giving her a disapproving look. Timon introduces himself and Pumba. Before telling her to get out of our pride lands. She growls loudly saying these lands belonged to my father. May he rest in peace.

"Simba is king, he banished you and your pride from the pride lands" I remind her.

"Exactly, now you and your cub, get out" Simba tells her.

"Oh haven't you meet my son Kovu?" Zira asks sweetly. "He was hand-chosen by Scar to in his paw prints and king" she states. Simba growls at the shaking young cub who looks at him eyes full of fear.

"After he rejected Nuka and I as his heirs" I remind her. "Now you know the penalties for returning her" I state.

"But the child does not" she announces. "However, if you need your pound of flesh. Here" she says pushing Kovu forward towards us.

"You're sick" I state looking at her disgusted.

"Take him and get out, we're finished here" Simba tells her. Before picking Kiara up by the scruff of her neck.

"Oh no Simba, we have barely even began" Zira states chuckling evilly. She then picks up Kovu and returns to the out lands. While Simba leads the rest of us back towards pride rock. As it comes into view he stops.

"Simba?" Nala and I say looking back at him. He hms lifting Kiara up and we smile at him. Before returning to pride rock leaving him to talk with Kiara. Nala wished me a good night while I wait for Simba to return. I watch Simba and Kiara run towards pride rock as he sings. I smile, it's been so long since he has sung. He licks her cheek good night before coming over to me while Kiara watches the sunset.

"Mione I need you to be on higher alert, I fear Zira is up to something" he states.

"So do I" I tell him. "Don't worry, I won't let her ruin this pride again" I assure him.

"I know I can always count on you cuz" he states. Before going into the den. I wait for Kiara and we enter together. She falls asleep beside me and I curl around her protectively.

(Out lands) Third Person POV

Zira has just finished her lullaby to put Kovu to sleep. "Mother, I have a question" Nuka says. "Kovu says you saw Mione, is that true?" he asks.

"I did see the traitorous brat, why?" Zira asks with a huff.

"Just curious, oh and Beauty-spot said she smelt two rogue males cross our territory. But they've crossed onto the pride lands" he states. Zira nods her head and Nuka wishes her good night before leaving.


Picture above of scared Kovu and picture on the external link of Zira. Video above of We are one and video in chapter of My Lullaby.

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